A very TARDIS Christmas
'Doctor!' exclaimed Amy
'What is all this? Christmas isn't for months!'
'This. 'The Doctor gestured, coming out from underneath the TARDIS console 'Would be the decorations. It can be Christmas whenever we want, wherever we want!'
'But... blue Holly?' Amy examined the delicate ocean-blue leaves, 'What planet is this from?'
'Pluto, in the year 3016.' Muttered the Doctor. 'I don't know, but I'm missing something big. Something very Christmassy, and smelling like Earth. '
'Woah.' Came a new voice from the top of the stairs. 'Did the season to be jolly explode in here or what?'
Amy looked up. Her fiancé Rory came over to her.
'Run on the count of three?' he whispered jokingly in her ear. She laughed and dragged Rory over to the Doctor.
'You two. Go and get a Christmas tree. Two doors down the hall, turn left, left again and right.'
Amy and Rory followed the doctor's confusing instructions (stopping to look at the many snow drifts, dangling baubles, and, erm...mistletoe) to a large greenhouse-type room. There was several trees of all sizes, big and small, lopsided and pink. Rory lopped down a nice bottle green one, staying well away from the ones that seemed to move on their own. They found a sled and dragged it back to the control room, where it was gently snowing.
The Doctor looked around from a fireplace. He was wearing a large Santa hat and a multicoloured striped scarf.
'I wear a Santa hat now. Santa hats are cool!'