Soooo I have this super long "real" story that I'm working on, real being not a fanfic, but I decided to take a break! Most of the requests I got asked to extend this, so I will. I also got asked for the last chap in Alec's PoV, so to balance, this will be in Alec's PoV (:

Jace turned to Magnus devilishly and said, "Sparkly. Truth or Dare." Simon was putting his clothes back on; thank God. That was making me feel weird, awkward. Almost as awkward as the way I was splayed out against Magnus.

Though I had to admit, it felt really good. To not care that all my friends and family were around. To realize they didn't care.

"Dare." Magnus said with a laugh, ready to take whatever challenge Jace layed out.

"Wear nothing but a bra and briefs for the next three rounds." ordered Jace.

Magnus raised and eyebow while chuckling, saying, "Jealous of your brother, Jace? You want to see me naked too?" Which Jace replied to with,

"Of course, next round I'll make you take it all off."

But I went rigid. Ahhh shit... this was going to be awkward. Jace wasn't the one who was going to have to lay on his pretty much naked boyfriend in front of others...or shy away.

Magnus shrugged me off of him gently, thinking for a moment, then snapped his fingers. His clothes fell to the ground near the chair, and in their place was a lacy black bra and tight rainbow colored briefs. I but my lip, trying to make the strain at the zipper of my jeans go down. It wasn't the bra and that-girlishness wasn't attractive to me. It was that Magnus was pretty much naked.

I stood awkwardly at the edge of the loveseat, running my nails over the soft material covering it.

"Not going to lay back down, Alec?" Magnus teased, his voice husky and sarcastic.

"Um.." I heard Clary giggle and blushed, even hearder then I had been already.

He laughed and looked over to Jace, vindictively saying, "I'll get you for this, Herondale." but Jace only laughed, not daunted or afraid.

I took advantage of the moment Magnus was sitting up, not layed down, to squeeze in beside him so I was on his lap still, but not layed down with every bit of our bodies touching. He smirked, wrapping his arms around my torso so we were in the position we had been when we started the game.

"Some get Alec's clothes off." Magnus stage whispered and I shivered.

A good shiver.

"Jace. Truth or Dare."

"Dare." Jace growled immediately, and Clary groaned.

"Run out in the thunderstorm, doing a "rain dance" or whatever you want to call it." Jace jumped from his seat, Clary still in his arms, and disentangled himself from her, starting to walk out the library doors. Magnus added, "Naked." and he froze, spinning around to focus Magnus.

"Not that flashing the world would really bother me too much, but I think Maryse would be mad for us to draw attention to ourselves.."

"Glamour yourself. No one will see, but you'll know your stark naked in a New York street, and so will we."

"You're evil, Magnus Bane."

"Glad to be of service, Jace." he replied smugly, getting up with me in his arms, holding me like I weighed nothing, snug against his hip. I suspected magic was involved, but didn't care to protest as I was carried out of the library and down to the doors of the Institute like a baby. My arms were latched around Magnus's neck, and I pulled myself into Magnus, pressing my lip to his neck.

"Hmm. Is the idea of Jace naked making you kissy-kissy?"

I glared at him and mumbled, "The fact that your just barely not naked is making me kissy, Magnus."

He smiled widely, catching my face with his lips in a quick kiss as we walked out the Institute doors. Jace started stripping, throwing his clothes inside as he glamoured himself. Soon he was naked. I looked away, burrowing my face into Magnus, who was massaging my back with one hand and holding me with the other, making me want very badly to desert the others and crawl into my bed with my warlock...shit that sounded really nice riiiight now..

I could hear Jace howling with laughter, splashing around like a crazy person, but I didn't really care. I was pressed up against Magnus like a cat, and he was leaning back against the wall as we kissed deeply. Both his hands were around my torso, supporting me still against him, and I never wanted to let go. Rain blew into our faces, wind whipping coldly at skin, and I wondered if Magnus was cold. His arms had no goosebumps...

"Magnus! Alec! Stop making out." said Izzy, smacking my head softly. Jace stood a little behind her, soaked, muddy, tanned, handsome, naked...

Ah...I could barely help my skin from prickling. It was hard to see a naked body, even for the smallest of seconds and the shortest of glances, and not feel sexually attracted, at least a little. But then I was snapped back into remembrance that I had my own half-naked body, pressed up against mine, and very, very willing.

Sorry it's short, I'd write more but my mom and step-dad are fighting and now I'm not really in the mood...but here's a bit ^^ (: