Summary: So I just read Thirteen Reasons Why and I thought it would be cool to do a Degrassi version of it. Please tell me if I should continue. The whole story is in Eli's POV.

Chapter 1: An Unforgettable Voice

I looked out the window from my seat in The Dot. My eyes then stared at my cup of coffee. Just a day ago I was sitting right here, but that time I was horrified. I sipped my drink slowly. As I watched the people go by I saw a mailman go by. He probably had my package- scratch that- Clare's package. I imagined the face the person would have when they first got the package. They might grin as they see a package labeled to themselves. Is it a gift from Grandma or is it a box of chocolate from a secret admirer? The thought that the package could be a bunch of tapes made by a dead girl never crossed their mind, but indeed that is what it was. I took one last sip of coffee put a dollar on the table for a tip and

24 hours earlier

I walked out of my house to see a small cream colored package slightly leaning against the door. I picked it up to see my name written neatly in the middle. The writing looked like Ms. Dawes. I wondered why Ms. Dawes would be giving me a package. I went to the kitchen to get the pair of scissors. I glided the sharp edge through the package. Inside was 7 tapes wrapped in bubble wrap. I looked at the tapes. All of them were numbered. The numbers looked like they were written in Clare's handwriting. I stared at the numbers. I hadn't seen Clare for a year. We went to the same school, but after we broke up I tried to stay away from her. The sight of her brought up remorse and regret. And in that year she died. I could feel my tears burning my eyes. I had always felt guilty for her death, and in my pain and guilt I didn't have the strength to go to her funeral. Me, her last boyfriend didn't go to her damn funeral. I was a coward and everyone knew it. No one said it to my face, but the whispers at school quickly traveled to me. I held up the tape etched with the number one. I went to my room which was back to the mess it was before Clare cleaned it up. I scavenged for my ancient tape player. I found it next to the headphones I lent to Clare. I didn't know if I should have put them on, but I didn't have another pair. I plugged the headphones into the cassette player and put in the tape. My hands hesitated as I reached for the play button. I had no clue what was on this tape, but I had to figure out.


Hello, Clare here. You might be wondering why and how I am acknowledging you while I am dead. Well I will explain. As you all know I killed myself two or three weeks ago. Depending on when you get these tapes. Most everyone who takes their own life have a reason for it, right? Well in this case, I had thirteen reasons and thirteen people to blame. Not all of you had as much impact, but you did. If you received this little package you are one of those people. Congratulations! You must have meant a great deal to me, or on the contrary, you must have done a great deal to me.


My heart was racing.

Great, now I have to listen to her talk about how bad a person I was. I really didn't want to listen to her voice. Her sweet but melancholy voice brought up memories I really didn't want to remember. But I needed to listen because if I didn't I would feel guilty for not doing what she has told me to do.


Now don't run away and throw these tapes away. They will go public if you do, and I don't want that to happen. So just hang on tight while I tell my story. It's not as pretty as some may think.

The tape stopped.