Wow, so i got ten reviews. I am so shocked and so happy. Than you all so much. It was amazing. I will do the same thing for this chapter, ten reviews and update with in five days. But hey you never know if i get more than ten i could update in a shorter amount of time.

Also, if anyone is getting frustrated with the lack of Quick in this story i am terribly sorry. But i do assure you that will change. I am just using other story lines to help move Quinn and Puck's along.

Well anyways enough of me boring you with me with my rant. I hope you enjoy!

I don't own glee.

"Ok so you know your friend Kurt?"

Quinn turned her head to see Gabby skipping up to her as she walked over to the nurse's station to put charts away. "Yes I am familiar with him." Quinn joked.

"Well I also have a gay friend and I think they will hit it off."

Quinn sighed as she put charts away. Kurt came to the hospital the day earlier to have lunch with her. It had been a few days since the cook out at Finn and Rachel's and she was spending all the time she could with Kurt before he had to leave in a week. Gabby met Kurt and told Quinn she was going to find someone for him.

"Gab I told you he is still getting over his high school sweetheart Blaine."

"Yeah but no one said he couldn't have fun in the process of getting over him."

"He wants to focus on his career." Quinn informed her as she typed something in the computer.

"How long has it been since him and this Blaine character broke up?"

"A few months and I remember the last time I saw them they were very happy so it is a shock to us all."

"Well maybe-"

"Gabby," Quinn cut her off, "I love you but you need to give it up." Quinn said then looked into Gabby's eyes as she said, "Kurt is not looking to have a relationship or a fling."

"Ok ok," Gabby said putting up her hands. "But don't come crying to me when Kurt is looking and this lovely guy is taken." She said then walked away. Quinn laughed and shook he head at her friend.

Quinn's shift was finally over and she was in the locker room getting ready to go home when she heard Gabby from the other side of the lockers. "Now are you sure Kurt wouldn't want to just meet this guy. It will just be a quick thing before he goes back to New York."

Quinn rolled her eyes at Gabby's persistence. "Yes I am sure. He wants to spend time with his family and friends before he has to leave anyways." Quinn said putting her stuff in her bag.

"Ok whatever, deprive your friend of a good time." Gabby said with a voice that Quinn thought was suppose to guilt her.

Quinn was getting sick of her friends nagging so she said to get her to stop, "I am having dinner with them tonight so if he seems interested in any one then I will say something. But only if he seems interested."

"Yes!" Gabby squealed getting up from the bench she was sitting on excitedly.

Quinn laughed and was surprised at the girls' excitement, "Who is this man anyways?"

Gabby's thrill faltered as she looked down to the ground as she mumbled a name Quinn couldn't make out. "Who?" Quinn asked again.

"Er-another intern I have the same resident as um- his name is ah-Steve." Gabby said looking away and scratching her head. "Oh look my pager just went off!" Gabby said then ran towards the door. But Quinn caught up to her and pulled her around.

"Your pager did not go off and I am not setting Kurt up with Steve. He will crush Kurt like a bug."

"Hey you don't know that."

"Yes I do! He is worse than any strait guy player I know. He is practically worse than you."

"Come on Quinn," Gabby said in defeat. "I have been listening to Steve complain for weeks that there are no more good gay guys in this city, and Kurt seems perfect for him."

"No Kurt is perfect for a hook up not a relationship," Quinn started. "Kurt may say he only wants a hook up, but then he gets attached."

"Steve can be an ass. There is no way Kurt will fall for him."

"You don't know that, you'd be surprised Kurt sees good in any one and he respects him self to much to just hook up with any guy that he doesn't like. And if he likes Steve and hooks up with him then he will have even more heart ache." Quinn explained. "I will not let him do that to himself again."

"Fine" Gabby said turning around towards the exit of the locker room, then she turned back around and said, "But, you do have Steve's number and I am pretty sure he is desperate, so don't be afraid to have Kurt use it." Then she turned around and walked out the door.

"Don't count on it!" Quinn called after her, but Gabby was already half way out the door.

When Quinn got home she was exhausted and just wanted to take a nap before she had to go out again. As she walked by her phone she noticed the red light blinking that told her she had a message. She figured it was her mom because she was the only one who uses Quinn's home phone. Probably because she is the one making Quinn have it for emergencies.

Quinn hit the button for the messages and what do you know it was her mom. "Hello Quinnie! I was calling to let you know that I booked your ticket for Seattle at the end of the month. It is August twenty-seventh to the second of September. It will be so much fun, it has been a while since you, your sister and me have all been together. But I will be going out the same day as you, but I will be staying a little longer because she may be having the baby after that and I would possibly like to be there. Well call me back when you get this, oh I am so excited!"

Quinn groaned and rolled her eyes, walking to her room. She loved her mom, she really did. After she abandoned Quinn she was always trying to make it up to her, and Quinn appreciated it. But she swore it was like talking to a brick wall sometimes. She had told her mom she couldn't take that much time off, and it isn't like she would want to anyways.

She loved her sister, but really only because she was her sister. They don't really get along very well. After Quinn's sophomore year Meghan started treating her differently. But it's not like they were ever really close.

She will just have to book a different flight home later because she wasn't going to spend six days in a place she never feels welcome, when she could use the vacation days on something more useful. Quinn pushed those thoughts aside as she slipped in to bed and went into a heavy sleep.

When she woke up she saw that it was three o' seven and then as she became more alert she realized her phone was ringing. She groaned and rolled out of bed, but by the time she reached her cell phone in the kitchen it was done ringing. She checked her missed calls and smiled when she saw Kurt called her. Every little thing that reminded her that she had her old friends back made her even happier than before.

She called him back and got him on the second ring. "Way to screen," She heard him say as she went over and sat on her sofa.

"I was asleep," Quinn informed him.

"Oh I am sorry," He said and Quinn raised her eyebrow, even though she knew he couldn't see her. It was habit.

"Are you really?" Quinn asked.

"Eh not really." He said and Quinn laughed at his bluntness. "But I was calling to tell you I need a ride to dinner tonight."

"Ok but I thought you were riding with Finn and Rachel."

"Well they have to meet with some person for something regarding something about finances." Quinn listened confused. "I don't really know I wasn't paying attention to Rachel's ramble of what it was. But all I know is that they have to go right to the restaurant after they meet with the guy and I need a ride."

"Yeah that's fine," Quinn said trying to keep in her excitement of getting to spend more time with Kurt. "Do you know who else is coming?"

"Yes Puck will be there," Kurt said right away. It's like he read her mind. Even though they always said she was easy to read when it came to Puck.

"Ok I will pick you up at five." Quinn said trying to change the subject.

"Alight see you then," Kurt said then Quinn heard the dial tone and also hung up.

Quinn pulled in to Finn and Rachel's apartment parking lot five after five and sent Kurt a quick text. Ten minutes later with no sign of Kurt she called him and he picked up at the third ring. "Yeah?"

"Did you get my text?" Quinn asked.


"Well are you going to come out?" Quinn asked, getting annoyed.

"Um yeah I am almost ready, just give me five minutes."

Quinn sighed and rolled her eyes, "Five minutes and if you still aren't out here then I am going to leave with out you."

"Oh Quinn," Kurt chuckled. "You wouldn't do that."

"Wanna bet?"

"Sure," Kurt said doubtfully with another small laugh.

Quinn started the ignition, making sure Kurt heard. "I am putting the car in reverse." Quinn said not really putting the car in reverse but wanting to prove Kurt wrong.

"Ok! Ok," She heard him yell from the other end of the conversation, "whoa turbo, cool your jets. I will be out in a sec."

"You better," Quinn said hanging up the phone and put in a 'Radiohead' CD when there was nothing on the radio.

Two minutes later she saw Kurt walking out of the building and towards her car. She unlocked her doors when he approached her car. "Ugh Radiohead Quinn, really?"

"What?" Quinn asked defensively. "Radiohead is one of the best bands to ever walk the planet and one of the only bands to actually make good music in the twenty-first century."

"You still hold a grudge against new music?"

"I don't have a grudge against it," Quinn said backing out of the parking lot. "Most of it just sucks."

Kurt rolled his eyes, "You know I never really got your out put on music. But we still have some of the favorites so I still love you."

"Thanks Kurt that means a lot," Quinn said a bit sarcastically.

"Fine, don't say it back."

"I love you too Kurt," Quinn looked over at him and gave him a big smile and playfully hit his arm.

"Well then can we at least switch the CD?"

"Yeah" Quinn said pulling out another random CD and put it in, not really paying attention to which one it was.

Kurt took the case and squealed, "Oh my god! This the CD Rachel made us all for Christmas like three years ago."

Quinn looked over to the CD case and laughed. "I guess it is."

Quinn and Kurt both started laughing when 'Come On Eileen' stated playing. They started belting out to it, screaming at the top of their lungs. They got through five more songs before they got to the restaurant.

"Wait," Kurt said as they got out of the car. "Is this Baxter's?" Looking up to the restaurant shocked.

"It was Baxter's, but now it is the Cincinnati Rhode House," Quinn said pointing up to the sign and wrapping an arm around Kurt's shoulder and he returned the gesture.

"Wow it looks so different," Kurt said stunned.

"I know," Quinn said. "I miss Baxter's though." Quinn said referring to the old casual restaurant that had the best view of a river and the best food. The new one still had an amazing view and ok food, but was fancier.

"Yeah, we use to have so much fun there." Kurt said and then on second thought he added, "Well here." Then they got to the front door and walked in and up to the podium where the hostess was. She then walked them over to where Finn and Rachel were.

"Hey guys," Quinn said smiling when she and Kurt reached the table. Finn and Rachel got up and everyone exchanged hellos and hugs.

"Where are Puck and Molly?" Kurt asked sitting down.

"They will be here any minute," Rachel said.

"Actually, I forgot to tell you," Finn said cutting in and informing Rachel and rest of the table, "Puck called me when you were coming out to the car, Molly won't make it because the sitter backed out and Connor is getting sick anyways. She insisted he came though so he will be here any minute."

"Oh all right," Rachel said. "Is Connor ok though?"

"Yeah, but Molly just wanted to stay with him jut incase."

"I am surprised she got Puck to come." Rachel said.

"I know me too, but she is pretty insistent." Finn said then turned to Kurt. "So Kurt how was your day?"

"It was good, I went shopping and the first few stores were alright, nothing great. But then I found this little boutique on the corner I forget what it's called." Then he pointed to Rachel and Quinn, "I will give you two the business cards I took and you guys have to check it out if you don't know it already. It is to die for."

"Well if you approve then it must be great," Quinn said.

Kurt opened his mouth to speak again but was interrupted when Puck came in. "Hey guys sorry I am late." He said taking the open seat next to Quinn. Quinn looked to him and smiled, and he smiled back. She tried to ignore the butterflies she got in her stomach when he gave her that genuine smile he use to always give her.

"Is Connor alright?" Rachel asked a bit concerned.

"Yeah just running a fever. We called the doctor and they said he will be fine but if it doesn't go down then to bring him in." Puck said a little anxious and Quinn could tell she was nervous.

"I'm sure he will be fine man," Finn said with a reassuring nod to Puck.

"Yeah I am just going to keep my phone on vibrate though just incase," Puck said looking down at his phone. Then he looked back up to the table, "I hope you guys don't mind, I don't want to be rude."

"Oh no defiantly not, I am just glad you are here," Rachel said with a smile and everyone agreed. Then the conversation drifted to Finn and Rachel and their wedding plans.

Kurt was in the middle of lecturing them about a location when Quinn noticed Puck kept checking his phone and wasn't really into the conversation (not that he would want to be considering Finn wasn't enjoying it either, but he probably would have made a few sarcastic comments or jokes about it.) So she reached her hand over to his arm and he looked up to her. "He is ok," Quinn whispered and smiled at him to reassure him of what she said.

"Thanks," He whispered and put his phone away and returned to the conversation.

Their food came about ten minutes later and they all started talking about how the old restaurant was better and how much they missed it. Every once in a while Quinn and Puck would share a look. Either it was an amused look, a happy look, a disgusted or confused look, but every time Quinn's stomach started dancing.

Quinn was really enjoying her self; it felt like old times again.

"His fever went down," Puck said happily after he checked his phone when it went off as they were finishing their meals.

"Thank god," Rachel said.

"Now you can stop shaking your leg," Quinn joked and Puck laughed a little. They stayed smiling at each other for a moment, not really caring if any one noticed. But Kurt cut off their moment.

"Hey guys what do you think of that guy over there by the bar?" Kurt asked pointing to a man at the bar.

"In the blue button up?" Rachel asked.


"He's cute," Quinn said observing him. "Well at least from behind." She added as a second thought.

"Yeah you should go for him," Rachel said. Puck and Finn exchanged confused faces.

"How do you know he is gay?" Puck asked.

"Oh I just know this stuff," Kurt said waving him off.

"Go for it bro," Finn said.

"Ok I might as well, I mean what are the chances of me seeing him again," Kurt laughed and stood up.

But just as he was about to walk up to the man, another man went up to that man and kissed his cheek and gave him a drink. "Oh crap," Kurt said sitting down. "Well that sucks." He exclaimed.

"You want a relationship?" Rachel asked him just as confused as Quinn felt.

"Oh god no," Kurt said. "I just want a one night stand, something."

"Well," Quinn said speaking up, about to take a leap of faith. "I know someone who you might be able to hook up with while you are here."

"What-" Kurt started excited.

"But," Quinn said cutting him off, and informed him before he got too excited. "Do not get attached to this guy, he is not into serious relationships by any means."

"That's perfect, do you have his number?"

"Yeah I can call him tomorrow and-"

"Do you think he is available tonight?" Kurt asked with hope and anxiousness in his eyes.

"Probably," Quinn said slowly, shocked at how right Gabby was.

"Well are you going to call him?" Kurt asked.

"Now?" Rachel asked shocked. "You are that desperate?"

"God yeah" Kurt said with no shame.

"Wow Kurt I never realized you were such a slut," Puck joked.

Kurt ignored Puck's comment and said to Quinn, "You know what, give me his number and I will call him."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am sure, now give it."

Quinn pulled out her phone and found Steve's contact and showed Kurt. "Wow his name is Steve, he actually sounds kind of hot." Kurt said putting the number in his phone.

"Just be carful," Quinn said.

"Don't worry Mom, I will be," Kurt said getting up and walking outside of the restaurant.

Kurt came back a few minutes later with a big grin on his face. "He said to meet him at Buds and I am going to need to borrow your car." He said to Quinn.

"Then how am I going to get home?"

"Finn and Rachel," Kurt proposed.

"They live on the opposite side of town from here than I do."

"I'll drive you," Puck said. Quinn looked over to him, confused as to what just happened.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah it is no problem," Puck waved off.

"Well there you have your ride," Kurt said. "I love you all but I need some ass, so I am going to go. See you later. Quinn I will call you with the details." And with that he left.

"And then there was four," Finn said.

For the next half an hour they all talked and it was just like it use to be. It was effortless. No one was trying; it was easy to be them selves around each other. Quinn was so glad had that part of her life back again.

"Well I think we should get going," Rachel said after everyone paid their share of the check.

"Yeah we probably all should," Quinn said, looking over to Puck and he nodded.

They all got up and headed outside to the parking lot. After they exchanged goodbyes the two pairs headed in opposite direction to their respective cars.

The walk to the car was silent between Puck and Quinn, but it wasn't uncomfortable. "New truck?" Quinn asked when she saw the car Puck was walking to is different than his old one.

"Yeah," Puck said unlocking the truck and hopping in, Quinn did the same. "I got it a few months ago before Connor was born. Figured I should probably get a more kid friendly car that didn't have a bumper that would fall off every other day." Puck said smiling.

Quinn laughed and Puck pulled out of the parking lot. Quinn wasn't sure how this ride was going to go, but she just hoped that nothing too unconventional happened, like something always did.

Cliffhanger? Thanks for reading!