Disclaimer: I do not own Ash Ketchum from Pokemon nor do I own characters from Square Enix, Disney, Biohazard, or any other company.

Fandom: Pokemon/Kingdom Hearts

Title: Where They Wait For Him! The New Journey Begins: Kijuju, Africa!

Character (s): Ash (18), Chris Redfield (38), Sheva Alomar (In her twenties), Josh Stone (37), Albert Wesker (Currently unknown), Jill Valentine (37), and Excella Gionne (Currently unknown)

Genre (s): Adventure/Friendship/Slight Humor/Suspense/Supernatural/Horror

Rated: T

Word Count: 5,789

Pairing (s): Ash/Aqua, Ash/Cynthia, One-sided Ash/Harem, and One-sided Other Pairings

Summary: Ash's world has fallen to the darkness due to the Heartless and now fate has taken him onto an adventure where he must save many worlds from the forces of evil. But at some point, fate will lead Ash to the one he first loved, Aqua. He will encounter new friends, new foes, and new worlds! Can Ash handle it? We will have to wait and see if he is capable of doing so!

Where They Wait For Him! The New Journey Begins: Kijuju, Africa!


Kijuju, Africa

1st Visit (Part II-III)

"Hey, what is that over there?"

Slightly, Ash turned his head to face his former rival while relaxing in his position. "What's what, Gary?" He asked confusedly.

Slowly, the spiky-haired young researcher moved himself up to a sitting position before pointing a finger towards the direction of Ash's home. Swirling above the small home was a cloud, but not just any ordinal cloud. This cloud was pure purple. And by the looks of it, its appearance alone was giving off some bad mojo. Gary can sense a negative vibe coming from it. He had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. "That." He said seriously.

As soon as Gary pointed out what he was looking at, Ash quickly sat up before turning his gaze towards the strange cloud that was hovering above his home. Immediately, the young Aura Master's expression quickly shifted. He can sense a flow of negative energy leaking out from the abnormal cloud. This wasn't a good sign at all.

Suddenly, a black blanket covered the once sunny clear sky. As soon as the sky was enveloped by a black mass, Ash and Gary both knew that trouble was brewing. "I don't know what's going on, Ashy-boy, but-…"

The young researcher quickly got up to his feet. "…I have a strong feeling that this is our cue to move out as soon as possible." Ash nodded in agreement.

"You're not alone on this one, Gary." Quickly, Ash got up to his feet without removing his gaze from the dark cloud before him. "I too think we should head back now. That weird cloud is giving me a bad vibe, a REALLY bad vibe." Gary couldn't agree anymore.

"All right. Let's-…" Unfortunately, the young researcher couldn't finish his sentence in time when dozens of shadow-like creatures spawning beneath the ground. Both trainers were taken aback by the sudden appearances of the Shadows. The two trainers were completely surrounded from all sides by these strange creatures. "What the hell…? What in the world are these guys?" Gary asked, eying the black creatures before him. "Pokemon?"

"I don't think so, Gary." Ash stated sternly. The young teen was definitely on his guard. He had a strange feeling he shouldn't take these things likely. Their presence alone was giving off a dark aroma, similar to the one he felt from the weird cloud. "These things are far from being any Pokemon I come across."

"Really?" Gary sounded quite surprised. When did his former rival got so sharp, all of the sudden? "How do you know, Ash?"

"I just know." Ash simply said, not letting his guard down for one second. His gaze never left its sight off the Heartless for one second either. "And besides, when is the last time you saw Pokemon like them popping out from the ground, all of the sudden?" That question was a no brainier. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure the answer to that.

"Point taken." The young researcher admitted, quickly dismissing the subject. "So… I'm guessing these little guys are-… WHOA!"

Unexpectedly, the Heartless lunged forward, which totally caught Ash and Gary off guard. Their sudden action didn't give the young teens enough time to react. 'Crap!'

As the Shadows were inching closer and closer to Ash and Gary, something unexpected happens. Something that was going turn the tide of the outcome.

In a strange phenomenon, a mysterious bright light suddenly engulfed Ash's entire being, completely blinding everything in sight. And in the process, the Shadows were completely pushed by the mysterious light. Whatever the light was, it was clearly giving Ash a huge advantage.

As the light dims and fades away, Ash and Gary slowly opens their eyes. Once they did, they were completely taken aback when something unexpected came to their view.

Within Ash's right grasp was key-like blade known as the Two Become One. It was a surprising development. No one was more surprised than Ash. He didn't have a clue what was going on. And by the looks of Gary, he didn't have a single clue either. Both trainers were awestruck by this blade's sudden appearance. It wasn't Ash's Aura Blade. If it wasn't the Aura Blade, then what the hell was it? It was unlike anything Ash or Gary has ever seen before.

"What the heck are you holding, Ash?" The young researcher asked in awe, clearly looking astonished with the new weapon his former rival was wielding.

"I… really don't know, Gary." The former prince told his friend. He too was clearly stumped with his new weapon.

It's a Keyblade, Ash…

Ash was completely startled when the familiar female voice came back to him. The young teen glanced back and forth wildly before turning to Gary. He wonders if his former rival heard the female voice like he did.

"Hey, Gary? Did you just hear a voice just now?" The spiky-haired teen blinked confusedly.

"Huh? A voice? What voice? I didn't hear anything."

"Really?" Gary nodded his head. Gary wasn't the type of person who would be lying to his friends. He was definitely telling Ash the truth. "Weird…" Was Ash starting to lose his sanity? Was he the only one who was hearing this strange female voice within his mind? Maybe so. Apparently, Gary couldn't. So, why not? "I thought you did."

"I told you I didn't. Are you feeling all right, Ash?" That was a good question. Was he feeling all right? Why was he the only one who was hearing this strange, but yet familiar voice? Whatever the reason it might be, it was starting to make Gary feel worried.

"I-I… really… don't know…" Ash admitted with a truthful answer. Even he didn't know if he was feeling all right. How can he?

Don't worry, Ash. You wield the mightiest weapon of all. The familiar voice came back to him. Ash clutched his head with his left hand. What is up with the female voice within his mind? And why does it sound so familiar to him? Unfortunately, he didn't have time to ponder over those thoughts.

Hey, kid! An unfamiliar male voice came to him.

Young man, wake up. Soon another unfamiliar male voice with a strange African accent came to him.

Ash didn't have a clue why he was hearing more voices within his head. More importantly, why were they calling out to him? Things didn't make any sense to him at all.



Apparently, the two male voices were getting louder and louder by the second. The young champion of Sinnoh needed to find out where these voices were coming from. However, before Ash could get a chance to do so, he quickly took notice that the Shadows were lunging forward at him and Gary, from all sides. The young trainer completely forgot about them, thanks to those strange voices he keeps hearing.

As Ash and Gary were preparing to defend themselves against their incoming foes, another strange came to the former prince. But unlike the other two male voices he heard, this one was feminine with a slight accent, similar to the one he heard a second ago.

Please, wake up. I'm sorry for hitting you over your head with a flowerpot. Just please open your eyes.

Before Ash could even make out what was going on with him and these voices, a bright white light occurred.

Everything, including Gary and the black creatures completely vanished, out of thin air. His surroundings suddenly blanked out and before long, the bright light suddenly got brighter and brighter until it completely engulfed his entire being into nothingness and pulled him right back into reality.

(~ Dream segment ends - Back into reality ~)

"Ah…" The young teen let out a soft moan. Ash was starting to regain consciousness, slowly of course. His brownish-golden were slowly opening up. Once they were, the young teen got the surprise of his life.

Kneeling right in front of him, to his level was a dark-skinned man who was giving him a warm assuring smile. The man appears to be somewhat African. Aside from that, the mysterious man appears to be in some kind of military uniform, packed with so many gears and weaponry strapped to his body. Whoever the man was, it seems like he was part of a military group or something. Either way, he seems like a nice man if he was glad to see Ash awake. His name is Captain Josh Stone, a member of Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance in the Western Division of Africa.

"Glad to see you awake, my young friend." Josh said to Ash with his native accent.

"AH!" Ash was completely startled by Josh's presence. A loud noise echoed within the air when Ash's back slammed against the wall, he was leaning on.

"Take it easy, kid." Quickly, the former prince removed his gaze from Josh and moved it onto another man who was standing right across from him. "We are not here to hurt you… not yet, of course."

Ash raised an eyebrow in suspicion. What did he mean by that? As Ash and the unknown man continued to exchange suspicious glances at one another, Ash took notice that the man was very built and muscular like a gladiator. Not only that, this unknown man was wearing a similar uniform like his friend. He too was also equipped with gears and weaponry. Ash might not know this by now, but this man goes by the name of Chris Redfield.

Any who… before the young teen could ask who were these guys, a sharp pain came to him. It was really excruciating. It felt like he was having a migraine, a very bad one. The back of his head was pounding like it was no tomorrow. "O…w…"

"It seems your headache hasn't gone away yet. But don't worry, it will. You're just lucky Sheva held back when she smashed your head with Chris's flowerpot or else you would have been in a coma for a week." Josh said to the baffled teen with a chuckle.


"JOSH!" Quickly, Ash turned his head to the left to see a lovely African woman who was blushing madly, due to her former mentor's teasing. She was in her RE5 standard uniform, which was exposing some of her cleavage. The young woman goes by the name of Sheva Alomar.

"I'm just telling the truth, Sheva." The African man said in his heartwarming tone, which causes his dear friend to glare at him angrily.

Before the young African woman could shot back a response, Chris cut her off. "And just to lay down the law for you, Josh. That wasn't my flowerpot; it was Jill's, JILL'S!" The former S.T.A.R.S. member argued with a shout, causing everyone in the hideout to sweat drop at his outburst.

Okay… that was really awkward. Maybe they should move on before things get really weird.

Snapping out of his dumbfounded state, Ash turned his attention to Josh. "Who are you guys?" The young teen asked cautiously.

"Oh… right! Where are our manners? You must be wondering who we are, right?" Uh… yeah. Ash just asks that, lamebrain. "My name is Captain Josh Stone and these two here is Chris Redfield…" He motioned Ash to face Chris who gave the young teen a slow nod, not leaving his gaze off the teen. "…And Sheva Alomar…" Once again, Josh motioned Ash's attention over to Sheva who gave the young teen a quick apology for hitting him over the head with Jill's flowerpot. Ash simply waved it off and telling her that it was okay. It was just a misunderstanding. The young woman smiled at the young teen for being so forgiving. Ash smiled back.

"Anyway, to make things simply, we are the members of Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance or BSAA for short." Chris informed.

"The what…?" Ash said confusedly. Clearly, the young teen didn't have a single clue what were they talking about since he was new to this world and its laws.

Chris, Josh, and Sheva gave the young teen a round of suspicious glances, which started to make Ash feel uncomfortable. He was starting to sweat bullets. "You don't know about the BSAA?" Sheva said in disbelief while hardening her gaze on the sweating teen.

"Uh… well…"

"Not that you mention it…" Josh interrupted as he eyed at the young stranger before him closely. "I don't believe I have seen you around here before, young man. Who are you? It's pretty rare to see a Japanese boy like you in Africa." Josh stated.

"Africa…?" Ash mumbled softly, so no one can hear him. So that's where he is at, somewhere in Africa. Whatever that was. It must be this world's name. It probably makes sense if you look at it.

"Not only that…" The young teen quickly snapped his attention right onto Sheva who was apparently staring at his usual scar, which was still on his face. "I have never seen a scar like that before on someone's face."

"Um…" Ash had a feeling what she was referring to. She must be talking about his Aura Scar. The young teen didn't know what to say about it. How can he? Anything he tells to them will cause more suspicion. Therefore, he needs to watch carefully on what he says around them. As long as he doesn't say anything stupid, then everything will be fine. "Uh…"

"All right, kid. We need some answers." Chris demanded with a glare. "Who are you really?"

Oh, boy. The young teen was trapped like a rat. There was no way out of this. He could try lying, but all of the times he did, it didn't turn out too well for him. To make things simply, Ash sucked at lying. The only thing Ash can do now is be honest with them and tell them the truth. But the question is… can they handle the truth?

"Come on, kid. We don't have all day." It appears the former member of S.T.A.R.S. was getting a little impatient and restless with Ash's stalling. "Just fess up already. Who are you? And you better be honest with us." His glare hardened. "If we find out that you were lying to us and working with Irving, then I won't…"

Suddenly, Chris pulled out his handgun pistol and pointed it at the baffled teen who was completely confused on who was this Irving guy Chris was talking about. "…hesitate to point my gun at you and shoot."

"CHRIS!" Sheva scolded her partner, clearly not pleased with him and his behavior, especially of him pointing his gun at an innocent bystander.

"Stand down, Chris!" Josh ordered in a sternly tone. "Can't you see this boy is just a mere innocent bystander? Put your gun down now, Chris. I am not going to tell you twice!"

"What makes you think that kid over there is an innocent bystander?" The former S.T.A.R.S. member argued as he refuses to stand down.

"Chris, be reasonable h-…"

It didn't matter what the dark-skinned woman had to say. Chris was a hothead and he wasn't going to listen to anything what his fellow comrades has to say until he has all the facts that it was all right to trust Ash. "Don't be blind, Sheva. This kid could be working with Irving. For all we know, this kid here is probably pretending to act innocent, in order to draw us off his trail." The angry man debated.

"My friend, you're being par-…"

Before long, the confused key bearer glances back and forth to see the three newcomers arguing among with each other. Ash had no clue what was going on here. Aren't they on the same side? If so, why were arguing against each other? They were friends, right? Sometimes, adults like them can be very difficult to understand.

Anyway, before Ash could get a chance to step in and break up the argument so he can explain himself, Ash suddenly sensed a strong, but familiar presence nearby. It was close, really close like it heading straight towards their direction.

Suddenly, realization came to the young teen. He knows this presence. The presence he was sensing, it belonged to that…

With no time to waste, the young key bearer quickly turned his attention to the arguing trio. He needed to warn his new, but yet strange company fast. Evil was on the move. "EVERYONE, SOM-…"


The group was completely startled when they heard loud a noise, at the far right end of the house. Immediately, the group turned their heads to see a massive hole. The wall that used to be there was completely destroyed and crumbled. All of its remains were either gone or laying on the floor in chunks. Who could have done this?

There was no time to think about that. Ash and the BSAA members were on their guard when they saw a mass of natives storming in, one by one, like a bunch of maniacs. But that was the least of the group's worries. Slowly coming into their view was the axe-wielding fiend, the Executioner.

"SHIT!" That was all Chris can say before he and his fellow BSSA members unleashed hell by opening fire against the crazed natives.

One by one, each male and female Majin dropped to the ground, death. Unfortunately, more continued to file inside. This looks troublesome. To make matters worst, the Heartless decided to make their presence known. Oh, great. More trouble. This wasn't their day at all.

"SHIT!" Chris cursed again.

The sight of the Heartless causes Ash to step up and lend his allies a hand. After all, it was his duty as a Keyblade wielder to deal with the Heartless.

As Ash got up to his feet and was about to join on the frenzy, Chris suddenly stopped him in his tracks by placing an arm out to prevent the young teen to advance forward. When it comes to protecting the innocent from danger, it was Chris's number one priority, even if the innocent is a boy who he still doesn't trust. The number one priority always comes first before anything.

"Stand back…" The former S.T.A.R.S. member ordered in a sternly tone, avoiding eye contact from the young teen.

"But I can help!" Ash argued, glaring at the stubborn man.

"No. It's too dangerous. The best thing you can do for us now is-…"

"But you don't know what you are up against when it comes to the Heartless." The former prince growled.

"Heartless?" Chris said confusedly. "What are you talking about, kid? You mean those shadowy-looking things?"

"What else? Not those-…"

Before Ash could finish his sentence, the Heartless made their move. They lunged forward at Chris, Sheva, and Josh's blind spot. This looks trouble. The BSAA members didn't have enough time to react against the Heartless's sneak attack.

With no time to waste, the young key bearer quickly summons out his key-like weapon before running in front of the trio. And before long, he swung his blade at the lunging Heartless.


The BSAA members gasped in surprise with dumbfounded look on their faces. What in the heck was Ash holding? Or better yet, where did it come from? There were so many questions with so many little answers. However, this wasn't the time to think about that.

The Shadows who were lunging at Chris and Co.'s blind spot were instantly hurled back from Ash's attack before dissolving into millions of black tiny particles. Soon the young keyblade warrior would turn his attention to remaining Shadows. Once the Heartless were taken care of, Ash quickly turned his attention to the crazed mob who was rushing towards his direction.

In an instant, the former prince unloaded a barrage of aura spheres at them. His attacks collided and sent the screaming natives hurling back from different directions like it was no tomorrow. Chris and his friends were pretty impressed with Ash and his fighting skills. He wasn't half-bad. However, this wasn't the time to be impressed. They needed to support the keyblade wielder as best as they can. They weren't going to let him outshine them.

With Chris, Sheva, and Josh backing him by shooting at the Majinis who were getting in his way, Ash quickly dashes forward at the axe-wielding mastodon. The Executioner swung his intimidating awe at the dashing Aura Master.

Swiftly, Ash sidestepped to the left, dodging out of the striking range. Quickly, the young teen formed an aura sphere within his free hand and slammed it against the Executioner's blind spot. The giant fiend roared in pain. Ash and his opponent soon flew out of Chris and his friends' sights and crashed against another building. The impact causes the building to collapse on top of them.

"Kid!" Chris yelled over the gunfire as a cloud of dust engulfed the spot where Ash and the Executioner crashed. The former S.T.A.R.S. member quickly shoots several bullets at the zombies before running forward with Sheva and Josh trailing right behind him.

However, before they could even inch a little closer to Ash's direction, more Maijins got in their way and blocked their path. "Damn it." Chris cursed angrily. Before long, Chris and his comrades quickly reloaded their pistols before opening fire at the crazy natives once again.

Bursting out of the cloud of dust was Ash. Slowly trailing right behind him was a very, very angry Maijin. The masked fiend was swinging his massive axe like a berserk lunatic, back and forth. Unfortunately, every swing he makes, only meets nothing, but air as Ash was able to dodge each attempt with ease. However, that didn't last too long.

In a sheer pure of rage, the masked fiend swung his massive weapon with so much force that it causes a strong gust of wind to pick up.

In an instant, Ash was hurled back by the sheer force of the wind. As the gust was pushing him back, Ash quickly fired an aura blast from his left hand towards his foe's direction.


Ash landed on his feet, a few yards away from where the explosion occurred. His attention quickly turned to the spot where he last saw the Executioner, which was replaced by the cloud of smoke. The young teen knows that the monster is still alive. His last attack wasn't strong enough to kill it; all it provided was a distraction and it worked. Now Ash can use this moment to refresh his aura before he can get things started.

Quickly, the Keyblade Master-in-training pulled out the small capsule that was given to him by Merlin. He needed to be cautious when he takes these new Aura Pills. From what Merlin just told him, they are still in the testing stage. The side effects are clearly unknown, but he will take that chance.

As easy as pie, Ash quickly uncorked the cap and took out a blue pill from the capsule before swallowing it. As soon as he did, he quickly pocketed away his pills before standing still for a few seconds, in hopes the pill will kick in once he swallowed it.


Maybe the pill will work if he eases his mind and body, so he did. Ash quickly shut his eyes and relaxes his body.

Still nothing. Or was it?

Suddenly, a surge of energy burst within his soul. The young teen's head and back shot backwards for a brief second before they returned to their regular composures. Immediately, a small blue-looking flame appeared on Ash's head. Not only that, his Aura Scar was now lighting up. The question is… why? That's simple. Not only does Merlin's Aura Pills help restore some of Ash's aura, they can also help him enter into his first Aura Mode stage easier without concentrating on his aura to do so. Sweet.

Quickly, Ash opened his eyes, revealing a pair of light blue eyes. His pupils were now a pair of white flames, flaming up like burning torches. Ash can tell right away what form he was in. He was in his Hyper Aura Mode form. 'Cool! Now I have an easier way to go into my Hyper Aura Mode without wasting any time. Thanks, Merlin!' Ash looks really pleased with the results. However, this wasn't time to be happy. Didn't he forget that about the Executioner?

On cue, the masked fiend blows away the smoke with a single swing from his massive axe. Once the smoke was cleared, the Executioner growled at Ash before taking a battle stance. Ash did the same.

The battle was on now.

~ Mid-Boss Battle ~

The Executioner

Ash quickly dashes forward at his opponent. The Executioner takes notice of this and tries to swing his massive at him, horizontal to the right. In a response to that, the young teen easily dodge the shot by vanishing and reappearing behind the axe wielder.

Quickly, the young teen dishes out several blows and combination attacks. Each hit causes the massive zombie to scream in pain. But at the same time, Ash's assaults were getting on the Executioner's nerves. The mastodon endures the blows before swing his massive axe around, in hopes to kill Ash.

Lucky for Ash, he was able to avoid the full force of the Executioner's swing by leaping backwards. Unfortunately, Ash nailed by the strong gust of the aftermath, in the process.

Ash flew back a few yards before recovering from the hit. The young key bearer quickly shook off the cobwebs before dashing forward once again.

As Ash was inching closer, the masked fiend swung his massive weapon over his head and downward at the charging boy. Quickly, the young key bearer seized into a quick halt before slamming his left hand to the ground. Just in the neck of time, a blue aura-like bubble shielded Ash from the deadly blow.


Sparks fly as the massive axe collided against the bubble shield. The impact causes Ash to grind his teeth together. The mastodon was pressing down more against his shield. The young teen didn't know how long his shield can keep up.

Crack sounds could be heard as the bubble shield was slowly breaking apart. Ash needed to do something and that's what he did. Quickly, Ash poured his will into his shield, in hopes he can reflect the attack right back at the wielder, somehow it did.

Suddenly, the Executioner was thrown off balance when his axe bounced off forcefully against Ash's aura shield. The beastly awe wielder stumbled back a few feet, giving Ash the opportunity to strike.

Quickly, Ash launches forward and dishes out a great deal of hits to the masked fiend, followed by a combination attack.

As the Executioner slowly stumbles back a few inches even further, Ash then fires an aura sphere at him. The aura sphere forces the large opponent to slide back even further before it exploded.


Suddenly, something new tapped inside Ash's soul. Or better yet, something new tapped within his keyblade. And frankly, something did.

His Two Become One keyblade was glowing in a bright light. Ash didn't know what was going on, but it seems the bright light was flowing into Ash's soul, like he just awakened a new ability or some kind of set of commands. And it appears the mysterious light was telling him to use one of his new commands now, so he can finish off his opponent before his opponent enters into his Berserk Mode. Now's the time to do it before it's too late.

Quickly, Ash concentrate on his focus into his key-like blade and before long, his keyblade split into two separate shorter keyblades. This was awesome. Ash has just awakened one of his four Command Styles, The Trickster.

Without wasting anymore of his time, Ash quickly launches forward at his weaken foe. In his new style, the Executioner didn't stand a chance. His speed was twice as fast as before. But at a cost of giving up his strength for speed, which didn't bother Ash one bit.

With no time to waste, the young teen quickly engages with his weaken foe. The battle was clearly one-sided now. No matter how hard the Executioner tries, his attempts were simply no good. Each time he swings his axe, it would just simply faze right through Ash's body. Or better yet, Ash would easily slip around the attempt before taunting the angry axe wielder.

After grueling moments of moving around and dishing out a barrage of nonstop combination attacks with his keyblades, the battle was coming to a close.

Quickly, Ash leaped into the air after avoiding an attack. And soon he would slash down at the axe wielder in an X-formation, signaling the end of the battle.

~ Victory! ~

Slowly, the Executioner stumbled backwards a few feet before dropping his weapon and crashing down on his back, death. Ash sighed in relief as his Trickster ability wears off. The young teen would soon dropped down to a knee, slightly exhausted from his battle.


The worn out key bearer simply glances over his shoulders to see Chris, Sheva, and Josh running towards him.

Off from the distance, Wesker stood on his location with a sinister smirk on his face. It seems the power-hungry lunatic looks slightly amused with the young key bearer's results. This boy might be more interesting that I thought.

A/N: PHEW! Finally done with this chapter! Sorry for the long delay. It was pretty hard to come up with ideas for this chapter. Other than that, I hope you like it. By looking at the poll so far, Sheva will NOT be part of the harem, that's for sure. The same goes with Jill. But don't worry, there will be some brief moments between her and Ash, but not in a romantic way if you were wondering. Too bad. Maybe next time. Anyway, please R & R! Thank you! Until next time, peace out! ^_^

P.S. - Thank Final Heir for beta reading this and thank Tendou Souji for suggesting Ash's Command Styles. I really appreciate their help! ^_^
