The Frog Princess
A Fiction by Scribbling Doodles
"The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart."
I do not and will never own Gakuen Alice
When the Princess kissed the frog, he turned into a prince; when the most popular boy in school kissed the frog, she turned into a princess, but not because of true love. Curious? Go ahead, take a look at the magical world of Mikan 'The Frog' Sakura
First Leap: The Zoo and The Populars
High school. The big turning point in life where you'll experience most of your firsts. First love, first fight, first kiss and first time (If you know what I mean). But luckily, (for some people it's dreadful) I have never experienced any of those firsts yet, and I plan to keep it at that.
I am a senior at Alice Academy and in my 3 years here, I have been called Mikan 'The Frog' Sakura.
I don't have warts, nor do I have a big lump in my throat, especially not green skin! I'm just an average girl, or maybe less than that with insanely long brown hair and fringes that cover half of my face, extremely pale lips and equally pale complexion and bad fashion sense. Well, that's what they say.
I like baggy pants, oversized tee-shirts and just about anything that's too big for me yet comfortable. Our school uniform composes of a knee-length plaid skirt, white blouse and a blue overcoat with the insignia of 'Alice Academy' at the left breast pocket.
Most girls - slutty girls at that - cut their skirts short so that it only covers most of their butts and guys, being perverted freaks, love it. Seriously, if they want to get laid that much why won't they just strip naked and start pole dancing? Not that I'm encouraging them to do so, but, yeah you get my point.
Now, you must be wondering why the heck I'm called Mikan 'The frog' Sakura. Well, it's quite a long story but why not share it with you guys, huh?
It started on my first year here. I was late and it was raining. I didn't have a car nor did anyone drive me to school on that day so I was running in the rain. The school gates would close at exactly 8 AM and because it was already past 8, I had to jump my way inside the school. It wasn't really that high, just a few feet tall but some witnesses who just despise ugly creatures like me decided to call me frog, and that's about it.
Most of the students that aren't included in the 'Popular' category had their own nicknames. There was this guy that they called 'dog', because he always drools. Another one that was later on called 'Owl' because his eyes were so damn big. Heck! There's even this girl that was called 'Giraffe' because of her really long neck, and you know what I think? This ain't a school anymore. It's more of a zoo to me.
Alice Academy, as most of the outsiders would describe, is a prestigious school with world class facilities and high quality education, but you wanna know what I think? Bull. Everything's bull. Sure, it does have world class facilities and whatnot but high quality education? Puh-lease.
Where have you seen a class that plays poker while having Geometry? Or two sick and disgusting teenagers making out during Biology? High quality education my butt. Screw this school and its rabid students.
"Hey, Le Frog! Get out of there! That's our table!"
I snapped my head at the screechy voice. It was them. The populars. I'm not describing them, no, of course not! If I were to describe them, I'd call them the stuck-up snobs and bitches. The Populars is actually their name. I know, creative right?
I left their table quietly. I may talk big in my mind, but I still keep a low profile. Why? Easy, as I said before, I have never experienced any of my firsts yet and that includes fighting.
I headed off to the sit near the trash bins. The table for the losers. All my friends are there. Well, we're not really friends but since we do fall in the same category, the Zoo category, I started to call them friends.
"Mikan! There you are! Why didn't you sit with us in the first place?" That was Makona, the giraffe. She had silver hair that falls to her shoulders, amber eyes, full lips and of course a long neck. Ever heard of Candace from Phineas and Ferb? Well, her neck is longer than that. Way longer.
I mumbled a sorry to them and sat next to Inu, the dog. Inu had green hair and a similar shade of green for eyes. He's actually good looking but his drooling is quite a turn off but his personality is great! As long as you don't kiss him or anything he's a great friend.
"So, how's your day Mikan-chan?" This time it was Iruka, the owl that asked me. I smiled at him and told him "Fine."
Same as Inu, he could've been good looking if you don't focus on his eyes too much but since his eyes do occupy most of his face, it's kind of hard to miss. He has sandy blonde hair and crimson eyes.
As of now, there are only two people in this school that have such rare crimson eyes.
Iruka and Natsume Hyuuga.
Natsume Hyuuga is one of them, the populars but he was rather the silent type. He rarely talked but when he did, everybody and I mean everybody listens. He gained a lot of respect from the entire student body and I don't even know why. Maybe it's his intimidating stare that would always make you freeze on the spot but I guess I'll never know because I never was intimidated by him.
Since I did introduce one of the Populars already, why not introduce them all, right?
Let's start with the guys.
Next to Natsume was Ruka Nogi, his best friend. He has blond hair and cerulean blue eyes and he always carries his rabbit with him - obviously an animal lover. Next up is Tsubasa Andou, the tall guy with a star tattoo on his eye. He seems really playful and happy-go-lucky and so far, he's the only guy from the populars that talked to me. Not tease, just talk. Well, if you consider him asking if I had an extra pen as talking...
Last but not the least would be the twins. Well, they're not really twins but they do look like twins. Kokoro and Kitsuneme both have sandy blond hair and almost have the same features. Only difference is Koko always has that big goofy grin while Kitsuneme has slanted eyes. Asides that, their exactly the same.
Next up are the bitch- oops I mean the ladies.
Their leader would be Luna, the person that told me to scram awhile ago and the exact definition of a blond bimbo. Big fake boobs, check. Big ass, check. Bitchy attitude, check. A brain that's as small as a pea, check.
She's the biggest slut and bitch in the school. Snaking boyfriends? One-night-stands? Name it and she's surely done it. I guarantee you that she's had all her first. Well, all except for first love.
Why am I sure?
She snakes boyfriends for Pete's sake!
-cough- Moving on.
Next would be Sumire Shouda.
Unlike Luna, she's a little less bitchy. Sure she's got one hell of a tongue but unlike their leader, she's on a steady relationship with Kokoro. She has curly green hair and I call her Permy on my mind because, well, it just suits her!
The rest of the girls are not that much important. They're just a bunch of girly girls that flaunt their skirts and wear thick make-up to get noticed and besides, I don't remember their names.
I continued eating my sandwich, trying to tune off the sounds of loud laughter from the tables of the populars. They don't sit together by the way - the guys and the girls. They don't even talk. They're just classified as one but really, they're not close.
Makona, Inu, and Iruka started chatting about stuff while I just stayed quiet but before long, they all stopped their talking and kept on looking at my back. It was as if there was something or someone behind me that would send them cowering under the tables.
Getting really curious, I turned back, and how I wish I didn't because when I looked back, I have lost one of my firsts.
My first kiss.
First Leap Ends
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Edited: 12/21/15