A/N: Here's the end. Can't think of thing to say so I'm just going to let you read
Disclaimer, anyhting you reconize fromt he book, I don't own.

Tim made his way to the Duke's manor and knocked on the door, bending over as he panted for breath. A maid opened it and he stood up asking "It the Duke home?"

"Yes, he's in his office right now, but he's not taking visitors. May I take a message?"

"No, It's about his daughter. I must see him." He pushed his way past her. "Where's his study?"

"I'm afraid I can't answer that Sir."

"I need to speak to the Duke. If I don't his daughter could very well die."

"Gwen. What about Gwen?" The Duke was standing at the top of the stairs. He had obviously wondered what all the commotion was about and had come to check it out.

"Sir she's in grave danger." Tim then broke into his whole story. Recounting everything that had happened from when he had first met Gwen till the bar and where she was now. He was so concentrated on the Duke he didn't notice he had picked up an audience as he talked. Footmen and maids and cooks and other household servants all came to hear the tall tale a tired boy was telling the Duke.

When he was done he looked at the Duck expectantly.

"You wake me up late at night to tell me such preposterous tales and then you expect me to believe them. Though now I recognize you, you're the boy who caused such trouble the night before the ball where my …" He didn't finish. "Get him out of my sight."

Two men came forward to grab him and throw him out but he called out to the Duke's retreating back. "Wait, she told me to tell you amor corda leni enim. I don't know what it means but she said that it would make you belive me."

The duke paused and it wa sthen Tim noticed how he held himself, like the weight of the world resed on his shoulders. "Amor corda leni enim." He repeted quietly. "Love is for gentle hearts. It's what my wife used to say. You couldn't have known that." He turned back around and made his way down the stairs. "Where's my daughter?"

Gwen thrashed at the bonds that held her. It was no use. All she was doing was ripping her wrists open with her wrists. She sighed in defeat and looked over. Jess and Clint were snuggled up together taking comfort from each others proximity. She missed Tim.

The door opened. She should have guessed he was behind this. Raymond of Ruston. Terror swept through her body but she forced herself to hold her head high. That's what Tim would do.

"Raymond." She spit the name through her teeth.

"Why yes my dear, I hope you're being treated well. After all you are my guest."

She looked around. They were in a cold dark cellar tied to a wall sitting in mud. Yeah, treated well.

"Why have you captured us?" She fought to keep her voice cold and steady.

"Well I didn't mean to." He pulled a chair up to sit on. "But you just fell in to my hands and I made the most of the situation, you see my dear, if your stubborn father can't be made to betroth you to my imbecile of a son out of his own free will, then I will have to find an other way." He pulled a note from his pocket.

"You see this note. This piece of writing will be dropped off at your father's house tonight and you will be engaged to my family by nightfall. Here let me read it to you."

Duke Macklin,

I know where your daughter is and I will be able to get her out but I will need something promising in return. If you will be so kind as to have our children betrothed by tonight at midninght I will return your daughter. If not I Will return her with her innocence smashed and her harmed both mentally and physically beyond your repair. It's your choice. Send my copies of the marriage forms to the parish. I will sign them there.

Raymond of Ruston.

"…Raymond of Ruston." Finished Tim. The letter had arrived on the door step by a small boy. They had caught the boy and read the letter and now Tim was ready to seriously torchure someone for threatening Gwen.

"We go get her right." Tim looked at the Duke.

"It's not that simple, we don't know where she is." The Duke sighed in defeat.

"Yes we do." Tim said. "He knows." He pointed to the boy who was being held in the corner by a footman. "Let me talk to him."

He walked slowly over to where the boy sat, garded in the corner. The boy looked up at him and began to shake in fear.

The sun was peeking through the tiny window in the corner of their cell when Gwen opened her eyes.

The door creaked open. Looking up she saw someone enter the cell. He was big and beefy, his hair a matted dark brown, nothing like Tim's chocolat color and Gwen found herself missing him even more. Raymond followed the man in and she instantly didn't trust him.

"See her." Raymond said. "She's going to be your wife."

"Her?" The boy pointed at her. Even his voice sounded uneducated dispite the rich clothes he wore.

"Yes her. Now you have fun." Raymond left the room. It was only then that she realized she was in a separate cell. Clint and Jess were gone. They must have moved her in the night.

Big and Beefy walked towards her licking his lips.

Tim burst into the room to see Gwen cowering in a cornier of the cellar and a big guy standing over her. A few of the duke's men were behind them but he gave no orders. He just leapt for the guy and tackled him. The boy beneath fell and tried to flip them over to pin him but Tim was smaller and more agile. He wiggled and kicked and fought and even bit but his opponent was bigger and even though Tim landed punch after puntch he still found himself loseing his adventage.

Hit with a stroke of brilliance he lept out of the other's range and pretended to clutch at his leg, planning to fake the other guy out. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Gwen. She was still lyeing on the ground with the Duke's men crowded around her while a couple other tried to come in to break up the fight. 'Oh no, was he too late? Did they hurt her?'

They didn't get the chance as the boy tackled him while he was distracted and pined him to the ground efectivly cutting off ony escape and adventage he previously had. He thrashed as he took hit after hit. The duke's men tried to pull the man off Tim but he just shrugged him off. Then out of the corner of his eye Tim saw something flash in the dim light. He, out to instinct, moved is shoulder up and was met with a shoot of pain up his arm. The last thing he heard was Gwen calling out his name before he sank into black.

Tim shook him self out of his haze. Blinking he opened his eyes to find himself in the same hospital the whole thing had started in. He ached all over. It hurt worse then when he'd fallen down the flight of stairs. If he'd been run over by a steam engine then, he'd been run over by on now, then tossed down a cliff, then attacked by with a hammer and then trampled over by a herd of hoses and cows and deer for good measure, and then …

"Tim? Tim you're okay. Thank god." Gwen tackled him and hugged him so tight he could feel his side protesting. He didn't complain.

"Yeah, I hurt all over so I must be alive."

"Oh, I'm sorry." She got off him and went back to sitting on the chair at the side of the bed.

"What happened?" Tim asked all he remembered was tackling the guy and then the pain.

"Well while you were wrestling with the guy he somehow pulled out a knife which he sunk deep into your shoulder and ripped through muscle and most likely scraped the bone. Daddy's men managed to pull him off you before he could do any real permanent damage though." She said it like it was no big deal but Tim could see the worry in her eyes.

"I'm okay." He said. "And the others?"

"Oh everyone else is fine. It turns out Raymond was having major financial troubles and he wanted to use my inheritance and closeness to the throne to get himself out of it. The poison was actually meant for Daddy because Mother was easier to manipulate. But it was a freak accident that Mother ate Dad's caviar."

"But you're okay?" That's what Tim was really worried about.

"Now that you are, I am." She said.

Jess and Clint found them there together on the bed fast asleep. Tim made a full recovery and spent an extra week being pampered by his mother. The Duke accepted that Tim was now going to around a lot and forgave him for the plates he broke. HE eventually took a likeing to him and took him on as his apprentice and later a son. Jess and Clint got married and became incharge of the Duke's house hold, and it was the best run household in the country. Raymond, well Raymond went to the capital to deal with the King's justice. And our story ends here with a happily ever after, or until the next generation comes along and have their own adventures, for there is always another story.

A/N: *Sniff* I love the ending. My favourite parts are always the ending. I hope I did it justice and If you have any editing suggestions and maybe an idea for a sequel, just send me them, I'll be happy to look at them. :)