Chapter 1: She can't know.

Uchiha, Sasuke regretted this, he regretted this so much. He was about to ruin this girl's life. What was he thinking? Wait a second he was drunk, no, he was almost drunk, he was only tripped up on three cups of foreign drink. Now he was nineteen, he had been missing from his team for almost nine months, now, he only came to one conclusion, he would have to lie and keep this whole thing a secret, especially since he had taken her into hiding, so as not to ruin her life. He was not going to, he loved her too much. The screaming had ended. He was worried. "Akemi," he called.

A girl with shiny black hair stepped out of the room where all the screaming was and simply said, "Fraternal twins."

"What?" Sasuke asked a hit of shock in his forever emotionless voice.

"Don't worry, the mother's fine, but you are now the father of two little Uchihas."

Sasuke stared into her gentle, yet piercing gold eyes with shock. "She can't know about any of this," he said simply.

"Sasuke-sama, after all of that?" The girl said.

"Akemi, she's only 19," he replied.

"I know," Akemi replied looking down. "But still Hinata-chan and Naruto-kun had twins too and Hinata-chan was only nineteen-,"

"And how did the village, Neji, and her father take it? How did you and Ino, take it when she told you?" Sasuke questioned anger and irritation filling the coldness of his voice.

"U-um, the Hyuuga-sama and Neji-san were close to murdering Naruto-kun," She mumbled shivering at the freaky memory.

"And?' Sasuke pressed.

"Ino-chan was taken by shock and also felt like killing Naruto-kun, me, I-I-I-I," Akemi looked like she was ready to throw up.


"I ran away into the woods and starting destroying so many trees I formed a clearing," she said.

"Hah! See? Now imagine yourself going into Konoha after being gone for 7 months with two babies and no man next to you, or a criminal next to you, what would everyone think about you?" Sasuke questioned coldly.

Tears spilled out of the corners of Akemi's eyes, "They would think I was a shameless girl, not a respectable young woman."

"There you now, I need you to perform that jitsu on her," Sasuke said in a much softer voice.

"But it is a forbidden jitsu!"

"So what?" Sasuke snapped at her. "You are the only one who can perform it, it's a bloodline limit jitsu, you know that! Plus you do it all the time!"

"Yes I know!" She yelled back. "You, you must really care about her, then I'll do it, but on one condition."


"You have to promise me, you'll leave your criminal team and be the best father you can-," she started.

"I promise, now-," Sasuke was interrupted by, "and you must answer the following question."


"Will you marry any female other than her?" Akemi asked.

"No, you being my cousin should know that I don't love girls, unless it was her," he replied gesturing to the room, Akemi had just walked out of.

"Auntie-Akemi Kizuma will be checking in monthly, alright?" Akemi said a big smile tugging her lips.

"Alright, now go do it."

"Baaakaa! I have to get her to the hospital and make her think she was in a 9 month coma, um excuse me 10 month coma, and don't you want to fill out the birth certificates?" Akemi taunted.

'Typical Akemi, she can only be serious for a short period of time before she turns back into her hyper, crazy, smart-aleck self.' Sasuke thought.

"Yes I do want to fill out those certificates, so go get them," Sasuke commanded.

"What do we say?" Akemi said in a baby voice.

"Fine, please go fetch" Sasuke said with a groan.

"Okay!" Akemi chirped.

When Akemi got back, she dragged Sasuke into the room and told showed him his two children, he couldn't help but give a genuine smile, they were both beautiful babies after all. Sasuke left the room and went to filling out what ever Akemi had left Sasuke on the birth certificates, since she had somehow managed to measure and weigh, and whatever else doctors did to the beautiful twins. The girl's name was to be Emi, Uchiha of course, which meant blessed with beauty. The boy's name was to be Sora, which meant sky, his last name is Uchiha, no duh. He would fill out the eye color and hair color later on. "Akemi, let's get Sakura to the hospital, so that you can do your jitsu and pretend she was in a coma for ten months," Sasuke commanded.

"No," Akemi answered.

"Why not?"

"Did you have her said letters to Tsunade-sama?

"Yes, she sent one 7 months ago saying that she wont be back in Konoha for a while," Sasuke answered suspiciously, "why?"

"Ok, she has been in a coma for 7 months, that saves us a great deal of trouble, but wouldn't she have been dead by now?" Akemi asked.

"No, they could have been giving her all she needs to live through tubes, right?" Sasuke asked smirking.

"Yes, I considered that, but 7 months? Ok, yeah that makes sense," Akemi said trying to assure herself.

"Well now get to work," Sasuke commanded.

"Hai Sasuke-sama!"

Akemi marched back into the room she had just exited and got to work on making the girl's stomach shrink back to before she was pregnant. So she had to perform a number of jitsus she was forced to master in one week's time. It took her a lot of time, and she had used up a lot of chakra, but she still had to do so much work, it was only 4 in the afternoon, she had been at work here from 1 hour before 6:06:26 AM, the exact time of birth of the twins Emi and Sora Uchiha, till now, and she was sore from arriving from her journey to get to work, and now, because she is the female here, she has to go shopping for Sasuke.

"I'll be right back, there's something you forgot to consider," Akemi said leaving the house.

Akemi noticed that Sasuke had forgot to considerthe fact that babies need tons of things that he hadn't gotten, like diapers, bibs, another crib, medicine, et cetera. So Akemi decided to do some shopping for dear Sasuke-sama. While shopping she dropped by a book shop.

When she got back to the house she plopped in front of the door in exhaustion, hoping she would never have to do that much shopping ever again. "Tch, you are weak," Sasuke said opening the door and taking the stuff inside. What Sasuke didn't know was that Akemi has a "back-up" supply of energy that comes in just-in-case, even though this wasn't one of those just-in-case situations, she switched to it, dying to beat his butt down.

"Oh so that's the thanks I get huh?" She whisper yelled, getting up.

"No, the thanks is being allowed to be a resident here for a month and help me take care of the twins," Sasuke replied coolly.

"Urgh, you're unbelievable, you're gonna have to lose that ego in order to be a good father, ya know," Akemi stated matter-of-factly.

"Don't worry," he said, "I know they will have manners since their Auntie-Akemi will be coming in and out every month teaching me how to raise them, and giving them all of her annoyingly good manners and qualities."

"Awww Sasuke-sama!" Akemi purred with delight.

'Her oddest weakness, she loves to get praised by me, I guess it is because I hold the last name Uchiha, she must feel lower than me due to her heritage. Anyway with this complement she will do everything I tell her to for the next two days with no complain,' Sasuke thought deviously, smirking at his success. Akemi surprised the Uchiha when he saw that she was very actively putting together a crib. 'I swear sometimes I wonder where she get's all of that stamina,' Sasuke wondered.

About an hour later, Sasuke knew exactly what he had to do to feed the twins, change them, and bathe them, all with the help of one of the 28 parenting books Akemi had bought and with the help ,of the now sleeping, Akemi herself. He rested his head on one of the pillows on the couch opposite of the arm chair Akemi had fallen asleep on, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

He was the first to wake up the next morning, it was 6 AM, so he decided to check up on the beauty that was in the room opposite of him. There she was awake, breast feeding Emi, she looked like the perfect mother. He just smiled at the sight of her holding their child.

"Sasuke-kun?" She asked snapping him back to the dark and dull reality.

"Yes?" he answered smiling at her. To him she was the most beautiful woman on the planet.

"I'm sorry, this wasn't supposed to happen," Sasuke started to apologize.

"What's to be sorry about? We have two of the most beautiful babies!" She scolded him.

He looked at her, "I have ruined your life, you're only 19, it's just-it's just … wrong, I'm sorry."

"Sasuke-kun, I love you, don't say such things," she told him loudly.

"Lower your voice, Akemi's sleeping outside, she's a big pain when she wakes up." Sasuke said in a hushed and rushed voice. The girl started to yawn and placed the sleeping baby beside her, as she started to slide back down into bed.

Sasuke walked up to her and gave her a small peck on her lips. "I love you, and anything I do is only to protect you, don't you forget that," he whispered as they broke apart.

"I love you too Sasuke-kun," she said caressing his cheek with the back of her hand, before she lowered it and fell asleep.

When Sasuke left the room he found Akemi awake and doing her silly morning exercises. She had taken her fuzzy sweater off and was in a deep purple blue sleeveless top, "So did you say your goodbye?" She asked.

"Yeah," he replied, "let's get this done with."

Sasuke went in and picked up the beauty on his bride bridal style after Akemi had injected a sleeping drug into her. Together they headed off to get the job done. Most of Akemi's jitsus include playing tricks on people's minds, or manipulating them, thing was that it depended on how strong one's mentality was, and she had an extremely strong mentality, so yeah, getting the person at the counter to do what ever they wanted was a fluke. As soon as they had a room they attached a bunch of wires and Akemi got busy and told Sasuke to stay by the kids at home, she would call him to have one more look at her before she sealed of that huge amount of memory. Akemi's eyes turned purple as she started with the mind manipulation techniques again. Akemi used inception and memory lock, only two of four mind jitsus. In English what she did was a bunch of weird blood line jitsus, let's review them step by step.

1) Akemi locked away the memory of her pregnancy, Sasuke and the bar, and those 7 months she spent with Sasuke, memory lock.

2) Akemi made her implanted a memory of her being ambushed injured and falling into a deep coma, inception.

Akemi called Sasuke and said that she was done. Sasuke came to the hospital and Akemi left to go to his house to look after the kids, he knew he only had one hour with her, he spent them looking at her and knowing how much he would miss her, before finally returning home and taking over feeding Sora from Akemi, who left to wake his mother up.