AN: In all honesty, this could have been up long ago. But, I sorta forgot. Oops.

Chapter One: Do You Know What Stars Are?

Kairi sighed as she sat on a stool, watching Roxas as he welded two pieces of metal together. He was going on two days without sleep, and she was worried he would end up passing out and becoming one with his slabs of metal.

"Hand me that." She looked up to see him pointing towards another scrap of metal that was bigger than she was.




She heard him mutter a string of curses as he removed his headgear and slammed what he was holding down. He hopped down from the raised platform he was on and walked past her to get what he had asked for. He struggled to lift it, and practically dragged it back to where he was. He then began trying to lift it onto the platform.

"And you wanted me to do that?"

"You're useless."

"I'm just not going to come anymore."

"That's bullshit. You show up now, knowing I don't want you to."

Kairi frowned and turned away from him. She hated helping him. He was always an asshole about everything he said to her. But as much as she hated it, she wanted to. How could she not?

"Lunch sounds great." She quickly turned around to glare at him. "Now."

Kairi huffed as she stood and exited the small shack. He wanted lunch? She'd give him lunch. She continued onto the smaller shack on the other side of the island, where all the extra supplies they kept on the island was stashed, and plotting all of the hot sauces she could put onto his sandwich. Glancing over her shoulder she stuck her tongue out at the shack. She was sure this one would be a fail too. All the others had. They just weren't doing something right.

Roxas was in the middle of making an airplane of sorts. Only, the boy couldn't figure out how to keep it in the air for the life of him. And even when Kairi had a pretty good idea, he still didn't listen to her. And so, selfish as it may be, she hoped this one failed too.

She returned later with a two sandwiches. One for her that was completely safe. And the other filled with week-old mayo. And when she offered him the sandwich, he took the one she held in her other hand.

"I can smell it. I don't even like mayonnaise." Taking a bite out of the sandwich, he turned back to the metal slabs that sat in front of him. "I think it needs to be smoother. More curved maybe?"

Kairi didn't even bother answering. He didn't want her opinion. He was only talking to himself. But she wished he would just listen anyways. Or at least act like he was.

"You coming?" Kairi looked up from her position at his desk. He had pretty much cleaned up the place. Or in other words, given up for the night by pushing everything into a pile.

She stood. Stretched. And then followed him out of the shack. They two walked down the slight incline that lead towards the beach. Kairi couldn't help but keep her eyes locked on the sky. The contrasting dark blue and shining stars.

The two headed for the docks, Roxas holding his bag under his arm. He moved sluggishly. Fighting sleep. He hadn't left the island in three days. He kept saying he was nearing a breakthrough. That in a matter of days, he'd be able to fly. But she doubted it. It was the fourth breakthrough this month.

She stopped walking. Grabbing the back of his shirt. "Look!" He turned to hit her only to see her pointing upwards.

Following her line of vision, he saw what the redhead had attacked him over. A meteor shower. He scoffed and pulled his clothes free of her grasp. "Big deal, I can throw dirt in the sky."

Pouting she watched as he continued on towards the docks before looking back towards the sky. Clasping her hands together and closing her eyes, she silently wished.

"Wishing doesn't get you anywhere, dumb ass." Snapping her head around to glare at him, she saw he was already in the rowboat, preparing to push off. "Hurry up."

She slowly made her way to the boat where he waited, cursing her sluggish movements. Stepping into the small rowboat, she sat opposite of him with a smile.

"Do you even know what stars are?" He asked as he pushed off from the dock with his foot. Taking both of the oars in his hands, he began rowing towards the mainland. When she offered to help, he shook his head.

"Balls of fire." She muttered. Cause really, that's all they were, once they started moving anyway. She sometimes worried what would happen if the stars ever hit the earth. Exploding up the landscape. "You remember what Miss Lockhart said, how that it takes millions of years for light to reach us? Wouldn't the stars burn out?"

"You're an idiot."

"Thanks Roxas. Thanks."

It was nearing morning when the two reached the mainland. She was surprised he had even stayed awake long enough to get them there. Roxas half-mindedly tied the boat to the pier, grabbed his bag, and without a word to her, stumbled off towards his house. Kairi sighed; making sure the boat was tied with a sturdy knot, and then followed behind him.

She knew returning home at this hour would be a mistake, and she knew crashing on his couch, would be less troublesome. Roxas became aware of her shuffling behind him, and when they reached his house, left the door open behind him. It was a mutual thing. He knew, and didn't care.

As she curled into a ball on his couch, a throw blanket pulled over her small form, she counted the time before she heard the crash. Of him stumbling up the stairs, and then when she was able to hear his door close. And then she slept.

It's short. But they'll all be short. As will this story, by the way. Er. Does anyone know if there's any truth to the whole, stars burning out? I mean, wouldn't a star burn out eventually, and it takes a long time to get- Well. If you know, let me know. I'm too lazy to Google it. Review?