Chapter 5 ~ "Love Came Down at Christmas"

When she pulled back, he followed her, unconsciously dropping to the floor as well and firmly framed her face with his palms before capturing her mouth once more. This time his full, plump lip nudged hers open and his dextrous tongue stole inside. He felt breathless even though, he suddenly realised, he wasn't even breathing and her moist heat burnt him with tantalising electricity that seemed to spark off throughout his body.

He felt the moment that her hesitance broke and she committed to the kiss, stroking along his tongue and sucking it into her mouth eagerly. Her lips were so soft, so pliable under his as he lead them in an ancient dance. His hands now caressed her neck and the small of her back, pushing her ever closer. Their tongues slide together like lovers and he couldn't help the moan that rumbled from his throat at the images this thought conveyed.

He wanted her. He knew he wanted her. Had known that he wanted her and not for just one night, not just for Christmas like some magical fairy that disappears with the dawn. His physical desire for this beautiful, sexual woman was an amalgamation of moments that had strengthened and cemented his deep love for her. His Rose, so compassionate, so brave, so giving and funny and even a little bit crazy. That love had washed over into their travels as he found himself needing to bring her pleasure and happiness but even that wasn't enough anymore, that enchanting full smile of hers as she discovered the universe with him just made him want to capture that smile with his lips, crawl underneath her skin and experience that smile from within.

Things had been building in intensity for so long and he'd already boiled over accidentally once or twice, acting ruthlessly to purge his need with Reinette, prove that it was just some physical dalliance and inviting Mickey along to distract his lower functions with higher pursuits. But now every previous reason was just an excuse and his previous conviction was just tarted up cowardice.

As the kiss broke he was certain, making it up as he went along and quietly terrified as ever but completely certain that he loved and wanted Rose Tyler and it didn't matter if she felt nothing in return, how could she, old burnt out soldier that his was? He simply wanted to give her pleasure and asked for nothing in return, making her happy was more than enough reward.

And so, with renewed determination he quickly divested her of her clothes and swooped her up, plumping her on his bed. Dressing gown and pyjamas followed suit and immediate he was astride her, gasping at her soft warmth and shocked at his own expedience and nerve.

She was looking at him with an equally shocked and unsure expression. He could almost hear her confused surprise, 'What? What? WHAT?'

He reeled in a little control and slowly leant over her, "Rose Tyler, I want you. Let me give you this?"

Finding her voice, though it still shook, "Doctor? You've given me so much. Made me believe in life again and goodness and shown me the universe, always giving a hand to hold and the strength to really see and experience such impossible, wonderful things." She placed her hand on his chest between his hearts and both of them shivered slightly at the contact, "But…"

"No buts please. I hate 'buts' they're always so negative."

She smiled but continued, "BUT you don't have to do this. I know I'm human and you think I need this, that I'm missing out or something but it's ok."

"No, Rose. It's not. And not because your human but because your brilliant and deserve to be lo…given such pleasure and I want to, really. I mean I'd never force you but I would really like to share this with you. To know that I'm making you feel good because you have given so much to me. You really don't realise, behind the leather jacket and the pinstriped layers, you've really touched me and saved me in so many ways…" he stuttered beautiful but his voice was soft and full of honesty.

"I don't want to do this if it's just some reward or obligation…" she blanched at the thought but smiled to ensure this very alien man that she appreciated his…concern?


"I love you, Doctor. I'm in love with you," Rose blushed profusely and looked guilty away. The words had come out so quickly and without fashioned thought. She hurried to cover their gravity and explain their very human relevance to her, "And I can't just turn off those feelings and make this just a physical act, no matter how much I may want to and believe me I do."

"Oh," he swallowed rather audibly.

"Oh," she repeated feeling rather silly a self-conscious lying on a bed completely naked with a completely naked Doctor over her who she wasn't sure if she was even allowed to look at properly. Feeling completely retched, rejected and stupid for not just keeping her big mouth shut and making everything so serious.

"HA! That's great," he suddenly shouted and dove to her neck, nipped and kissing while he rubbed and stroked her sensitive skin in tickly circles and waves.

She moaned, perturbed but equally aroused and ringing from every pore. He was a heavy, determined weight but she had to shift him which was more and more difficult as she took in the lean yet toned and muscular chest with soft spatterings of dark hair and the way hard muscles moved in curves under the smooth, biteable skin of his shoulders and the contours of his athletic legs, dusted with manly hairy hair.

"What? Wait!" she finally ground out, forcing some leverage and mentally preparing to have to humiliate herself again by explaining once again. Sometimes this genius could be infuriatingly dense when it came to digging emotional graves.

"You love me and I love you, isn't it brilliant?" he beamed and laughed at the absurdity of all the tense and frustrating moments that had plagued him since one Rose Tyler had come aboard.

"You what?" she choked.

"Love you? Oh sorry wasn't that clear?" he ruffled his hair in thought.

Rose's face broke out into the biggest, brightest smile as she tugged him down for a fierce kiss. Her soft, delicate hands finally gaining permission to seek out every patch of new skin blindly as her senses exploded in pleasure. One hand meandered down his back, feeling the bones and taut tension beneath the skin and massaged his ass, so pert and strong from years of running. She gripped him hard and pulled him against her eliciting a combined groan that broke the kiss. She saw stars as his hardness twitched and strained caught between their bodies and internally screamed, 'This is REAL. This is the Doctor! MY Doctor and it's me that's making him so hard and desperate. Oh my G…'

She used the brief breather and realisation as opportunity to kiss down the column of his gorgeous neck, commonly the only skin revealed to her and hence skin that she had long fantasised about, how would he taste just there? The heady, warm scent of him, the feeling of his muscles shuddering beneath her lips, made her giddy and light headed. Rose licked a circle around his prominent Adam's apple and cupped it in the sweet suction of her mouth, feeling the vibrations of his wanton groan resonate down into her own throat.

She raked her fingers through his hair, scratching slightly and he actually growled and when she pulled back still touching, still teasing and now circling and pinching at his pebbled nipples, he looked so utterly lost to lust and need that she felt her muscles contract sharply at the sight of him. Lips bruised and swollen, eyes, half lidded and heavy and muscles straining and rippling, trying to shake off their leaden pleasure and pounce.

It had been centuries since the Doctor had been touched like this, or at all. Every graze of a finger was so powerful against his sensitive skin. He was so acutely aware of every movement, every contact and what was worse was that Rose was so responsive to his slightest touch, whimpering and mewling in pleasure. He could feel her heart pumping desperately to fuel her body, could sense the increase in temperature evaporating from her skin and smell the scent of her arousal, tormenting and beckoning to him as their bodies became slick with sweat and passion.

Desperate to regain some control and just desperate in general, he arched up off her a little, the cool air rushing into take his place and tingling his skin where they had been so intimately joined that it was like tugging off a plaster his flesh still ineffectively holding position, sucking to mould with hers. With a wicked grin, that made Rose laugh and shudder with desire in equal measure, he trailed a lone finger agonisingly slowly down her writhing body and into the wet evidence of her sex, brushing soft strokes down one lip and up the other before massaging them between his fingers and delving between with deliberate intensity in his gaze. She bucked and panted helpless under him at his exquisite and unbelievable torture, the sublime stimulation leaving her mind screaming again at the impossibility and pleasure of this moment

"Doctor, please…" Rose begged and didn't spare a second thought to dignity or smug Time Lord egos.

He chuckled evilly and grazed that tense bundle of nerves as she yelped, arching off the bed and gripping the sheets for purchase. Now he began in earnest drawing circles, flicking and rubbing and increasing the pressure until she was convulsing and whimpering with need, unable to bare to stay still for a second as every nerve ending became focused on that numb, blissful burning between her thighs that felt engorged and out of proportion.

"Oh God, Doctor…please…I can't…it's too much…you're killing me here…" she shook.

He watched with breathy awe, disbelief and gratuitous groans as he deftly thrust two fingers into her heat and that glorious goddess scattered into a million pieces before him in waves of destruction and salvation as every atom was rebuild into the perfect whole. He had never seen anything more beautiful than his Rose lost to all but sensation and completely at the mercy of his hands and her body's reactions.

He crawled back up her body and fluttered kisses over her face, stroking her softy to awareness. A few silent tears trickled down the slopes of her cheeks into her hair that framed her features like solar flares of the sun and with surprise he found his own eyes equally as moist and effected. A look of sheer love and devotion passed between them as he entreated reverently, "May I?"

"Please," escaped her on a choked sob and she laughed at her melodramatic state.

Slowly he inched inside her, so wet and tight and burning like molten lava and so soft and so, so right. When he was fully sheathed they both sighed and smiled the soft smile of the wordless.

Rose felt languid and sated and he tried to remind himself that there was no urgency here even as his muscles jumped and tensed, constricting in feeling and the pleasure that pulsed through him like a revving engine speeding up to kiss the open road, tyres flaming with fire, flying along to freedom. He growled desperately in frustration as he moved slowly, rocking their bodies in unison.

"Let go," Rose whispered in earnest and he blessed the heavens as he broke, thrusting into her fast and hard and deep and never wanting that pressure to end and loving every cry wrenched from her throat as her head squashed into the rumpled pillow that drove the headboard smacking against the wall over and over.

"Oh God harder, please…"

With almost manic insanity he slammed into her roughly, knowing that she would ache in the morning, knowing she would bruise where his fingers dug into her hips but feeling, really feeling and feeling something that was so foreign and denied to him that he couldn't care, not now, not when he was buried inside her and she was screaming his name as an affirmation to the very universe.

He came suddenly and vocally, a pained shout torn from his throat as he pulsed inside her and shuddered bodily in release. He collapsed on top of her in a sweating heap of limbs and love and felt that surely the world must be ending somewhere, somewhen because you can't experience something that powerful without repercussions.

Spent and blissfully sore he eventually rolled off her and pulled her possessively to him, Rose automatically curling around his body as if the action was well practiced and natural.

"Sorry," he grimaced. "Are you ok?"

"Wow, just wow!" she laughed and he laughed and sleep would claim her soon and he would watch over her and hold her and love her and never let her go.

Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed and a Happy New Year to you all.