I do not own Naruto in anyway.
Chapter 1: Loss of hope
I imagined the sun on my face. The smells of the village in the air. The feel of her hair. The look in her eyes. I imagined the sounds of the streets as I walked. Laughter. Joy. Peace. Everything was perfect. Until I opened my eyes. How I wished that feeling would last. It warmed me. Filled me with hope. My new surroundings. Cold. Damp. Depressing.
I closed my eyes again. That world, my safe haven from this hell, returned. I sighed with relief. She looked up at me and smiled. One smile, filled me to the brim with... with... It was too hard to explain. A breeze tousled her hair, and her scent filled my nose. Warming me.
"Open your eyes."
The world disappeared. The cold prison, in which I returned, shot down my hopes of being dead.
"Good day Saskue-chan." I said. My own voice startled me. Rough. Empty.
The raven-haired man glared daggers at me, but I felt nothing. Numb and empty. No longer what I use to be. I think that's because I wanted to be dead and I had given up.
I had pissed him off. 'Good.' I thought my thoughts were interrupted by a slap. I turned my head to look at him. 'Bastard.'
His cold eyes and sneer. I wish I had enough strength to wipe it from his face.
"Why don't you just kill me?" I asked. "Just get it over with. It's getting boring."
"While it may be 'boring' to you, it brings me joy. Plus I love listening to you scream." The Uchiha said.
"Aw. Now I feel loved." I said.
He was then in my face.
"Why do you do this to yourself?" he asked pulling out a kunai. "Every time I come, you know what's coming. Yet. You. Egg. Me. On." Saskue hissed.
I felt the cold metal touch my skin while he talked. He pushed it down sharply in my forearm and ripped the skin off. I bit my tongue trying to hold in the scream that threatened to erupt.
He pulled at his collar nervously as he knocked at the door. It opened and he thought he could die on the spot. In front of him must have been an angel.
The young woman in front of him smiled then giggled. Her father came into view.
"Pick your jaw up off the floor boy." he said.
"Daddy." the girl started.
"B-But your my little princess Ino."
"Daddy I can still be your little princess," Ino said. "But you have to let me go sometime."
Inoichi grumbled and walked back into the house.
"You look beautiful."
She smiled brightly. "Thank you Naruto-kun."
The blond man smiled.
"So," Ino started. "What have you planned?"
Naruto chuckled and then gave her a grin. "It's a surprise." he said leading her down the streets.
"Naruto..." Ino grumbled. "Are we almost there. I would like to open my eyes."
Naruto laughed. Before answering yes.
"Okay Ino."
He pulled his hands back and she opened her eyes slowly. He heard her gasp and smirked. They were in his spot. A small clearing in the forest. There were wild flowers growing everywhere. It was very romantic. Ino smiled and sighed. She turned to Naruto smiling, and hugged him.
"Naruto... this is... Beautiful!" she said.
That night, Naruto felt as if he were in heaven.
((End Flashback))
'Ino...' I thought sadly. 'I miss you'
A tear slid down my face and I hissed when Sasuke squeezed the wound on my arm. He poked it continuously until he got bored. He took the kunai and started making other 'smaller' cuts. He stuck with the smaller cut. When he was satisfied with how many there were he started to pull back the skin. I twitched every time.
Ino smiled reassuringly at him. "It's okay." she said. "They will love you just like I do."
That hadn't calmed his nerves much. What if they wouldn't let Ino see or talk to him anymore because of what he was? What if... What if...Anxiety and his nerves were getting to him. Inoichi and his wife
Inzumi sat down at the dinner table. Inzumi smiled brightly at him.
"Naruto..." Inoichi said making the blond jump a bit. "Come with me. We need to talk."
Naruto got up. He hoped they didn't see him shaking. He followed Inoichi into another room. Naruto sat on the couch across from the older man.
"Yes sir?" he asked.
"Naruto... Don't hurt Ino." Inoichi said stunning Naruto. "She needs someone like you in her life. Protect her, and make her happy."
"Y-Yes sir." Naruto said.
Inoichi smiled. They both stood and Inoich clapped him on the back. "Come on. Inzumi is a good cook, and she made pot roast tonight."
Naruto walked back in the room, his nerves calm, as he smiled at her.
"Do I hear bells in the future... and baby cries?" Ino's mother asked waiting for the others to have something in their mouths. Inoichi spit his drink out and fell from his chair. Naruto inhaled his food and was comically hitting his chest and coughing to get it to go down the right way.
"Damn I think I saw Shinigami." Ino heard Naruto mumble.
He too fell out of his chair.
"Mom!" Ino said. She looked over at her father and boyfriend. "Great. Now they're unconscious." Ino whined.
((end flashback))
Naruto felt his throat close. 'Kill me.' he thought. 'Kill me now.'
"You're not fun anymore Naruto." Sasuke said. "You look so cold." he finished in mock concern. "Let me warm you up."
'Great.' I thought as he went threw the seals. A small flame sparked to life in his hand. He held it to my pant leg. I smelt smoke. Then warmth.
Ino had her hands wrapped around Naruto's waist. It was the anniversary of their first date. Four years.
"So where are we going? Ino asked.
Naruto looked down at her and grinned. "It's a surprise." he said. He was going to take her back to where they had their first date. He twisted a box in his pocket absentmindedly.
"Can I open my eyes yet?" Ino whined. Naruto laughed.
"In a second hime." came Naruto's answer. Ino huffed and crossed her arms.
"Alright Ino." Naruto said. Ino opened her eyes.
"Ino..." Naruto started. "I think I fell in love."
He looked down at her and was shocked. She was glaring up at him. "Oh I see then." she said. "Well I'll leave then so you can spend the day with her."
"Ino." Naruto said. "I am with her."
"Oh..." Ino said blushing.
He chuckled. "Your such a spazz Ino." he said playfully and she swatted at him smiling.
Naruto took her hands and got down on one knee. He pulled the box out of his pocket and opened it. Inside was a simple diamond ring. Simple but beautiful. Ino's blush deepened. "Ino.." he began. "I love you. Other words cannot describe how I feel about you. You are so many things and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Ino will you marry me?"
Tears pooled in Ino's eyes.
"Of course."
Naruto stood and put the ring on her finger. She jumped into his arms and kissed him.
((end flashback))
I felt the fire crawl up my leg. Sasuke soon bored again, put it out.
"What's wrong with you Naruto?" Sasuke questioned. "You've never been this quiet before."
"Your attacks bore me." I answered.
"My attacks bore you!" he hissed.
He zoomed threw hand seals. "Lightning Strike!" he called out. It was like sitting in an electric chair.
"Naruto. You ready?" Shikamaru, Naruto's best man asked.
"Yeah just about." Naruto answered as he pulled on his tuxedo jacket. He scribbled something in a leather bound book and shoved it in his pocket. In the bathroom mirror he checked to make sure he looked okay. Shikamaru had yelled that he was going to talk to Temari before the ceremony stated. When he heard the door shut, Naruto started to pace. A nervous habit he had developed. He got himself under control and walked over to the door. His hand stopped on the handle as he said a few words to his mother and father. Someones fist connected with the side of his head leaving him disoriented. Naruto's vision swirled. His attacker didn't show himself, didn't take anything, and didn't show mercy. When an evil chuckle was heard, Naruto pulled out the leather book and scribbled something at the bottom of the page. The book was slapped from his hands.
It was the last word Naruto heard before he blacked out.
((End flashback))
Sasuke ended his jutsu.
"What is wrong!" he roared.
"You lost your virginity to a man." I huffed and looked down.
"Look at me." he said.
I didn't budge. I knew what was coming. It's not that I was scared, but oh I dreaded it. How I hated that world. His sick twisted little world.
"Look at me!" Sasuke demanded.
I pulled my head up, and stared into his eyes. The Mangekyou Sharingan
I was still chained to a wall. I looked for Sasuke. He appeared in front of me with Ino next to him. He was holding her roughly by the hair. Sasuke threw her to the ground.
"Naruto help me!" she screamed.
I struggled against the chains. It was no use. Sasuke got on top of her and sneered as he pulled out a kunai.
"I think I'll have a little fun first. What do you think Naruto?" he asked in an insane tone of voice.
His hands reached under her shirt. He grabbed her breasts and she struggled to get away from him. He laughed maniacally as she screamed. He started to pull off her skirt. When he was successful and her skirt was around her ankles, he used the kunai to cut away the bandages she used to wrap herself with. She was crying, calling out for me to help but as much as I pulled against the chains I didn't budge. He pulled down his own pants and started to tease her more, until he thrust himself into her.
"Naruto! Naruto!" her screams rang in my ears.
She screamed and pounded on his chest, but that only made him go faster and harder. He stopped and sneered; He grabbed her face and turned it forcefully to look at Naruto.
"Why won't you help me?" Ino questioned. "You...You... Monster!" she screamed.
I froze. I looked up at her. Her face tear stained and red from crying. Her eyes red and puffy, had tears in them as she glared at me. Sauske Lifted the kunai again. He slit her throat. The blood poured from the open wound. I couldn't pull my eyes away from her. Then the prison was back I slumped still staring in front of me. Sasuke smirked and walked out. Finally he had gotten some fun out of the blond.
"Kit... Kit! Wake up!"
"What do you want? Can I not even have some peace in my own mind?" The blond man asked irritably.
"Don't be a little bitch kit. You can't lose hope. That will give him what he wants. I thought me and you... would go out with more of a bang."
Naruto snorted. "Well right now, I would prefer going in my sleep."
"That's a pussy's way to go." The fox said roughly.
Naruto rolled his eyes. "Well call me a pussy."
"Kit what is wrong with you? I have never seen you this way. Don't let that fucking bastard get to you. You are not weak..Kit! Listen to me, for once, KILL THE BROODING BASTARD AND LEAVE THIS PLACE! Let's go back to Blondie."
"How long have we been here fox?" Naruto asked.
"To long. Six years I believe... Why?" Kyubbi asked glancing down at his jailor.
Naruto looked down and chuckled. "Don't you think by now, Konoha would have called it quits on me? Ino was probably moved on. There isn't much left for me anymore."
"I give up kit. The bastard has gotten to you somehow. I believe one bowl cut ninja would have put it as 'Your flames of youth have died.'" Kyubbi said and shuttered.. "Man that boy scares me."
Naruto smiled fondly at the mention of his forest green clad friend. His thoughts wondered to all of his friends. He looked back up at the Kyubbi.
"Okay. I may be stronger then the shitstain, but I can't use chakra, I am currently bound and hanging on a wall pathetic as hell and have zero energy...What the hell do you expect me to do?" Naruto asked.
"Ride it out kit. Don't be hopeless. They will grow bored of you then leave you here for someone to clean up. Who might that be?"
"You put it in such nice terms too." Naruto said.
"Sleep kit. We might have a while left, and when the bastard comes back, it's off to hell again."
Kitsune: Warning!: Lots of Flashbacks up until... well until I saw so. And sorry at my very sad attempt at a rape scene. G over and curls into a ball.
Kyubbi: Uh… Kitsune-dono….. don't you think, you should maybe go work on the next chapter instead of sulking?
Kitsune: Right you are Kyubbi-kun. I'm off!
Kyubbi: Can you make me kill him?
Kitsune: Sweat drop