Crap, was the only thought running through Lucy's mind as she stood there. She was upset, she couldn't believe that after all the hard work it had taken to keep her return a secret, and she had ruined it with a few misplaced gestures. I put up with that monk for a whole day! Jeez, if I had known this would happen I would have just walked through the front doors when everyone was here!

She smiled, a blush covering her face as she tried to come up with something to say, finally she just settled on, "Yes?"

Makarov coughed into his fist, awkwardly trying to call attention back to himself, "Well, as you can see Lucy is back…. So that's it. Continue as you were."

Lucy's lips twitched in annoyance. She very carefully considered the pros and cons of seriously injuring or maybe maiming the Master. Deciding that she would rather not get into a big fight when she had just returned, she sighed and shook her head to clear it of the thoughts.

She looked through the windows; it had somehow become dark though she didn't feel that much time had passed. She wondered briefly if she should leave before it got too late, she didn't have a place to stay yet so she would have to figure something out.

She weighed her options, she wanted to stay and talk to everyone but she would need to go soon if she wanted to find a reasonable place to stay for a few days. Sighing, she told Makarov that she had to go then walked quickly down the stairs and toward the front entrance.

All eyes on her, she made her way stiffly through the guild. Usually attention didn't bother her very much but this was different. These were the people that she had come to know and love as family. If they didn't accept her, she doubted that anyone else in the world could.

Maybe it was best that they had tonight to think about her return, in the morning she would see what her family thought of her now. No doubt they were surprised, it was written clearly on every single face there. She knew that some people would be angry, some sad, some quiet and some very up in her face. This didn't upset her as much as one would think though.

She had expected these things, and she welcomed them. At least they still felt something for her. This was all she wished for, that they feel something. She didn't need them to warm up to her right away, didn't need them to burst into tears of happiness. She didn't want them in pain, but pains better than emptiness. That she knew for sure.

Her troubled thoughts continued throughout the night, quieting only long enough for her to sleep for a couple of hours before they started again. She had found a reasonably priced place to stay; she would be comfortable here until she found another place to live.

She sighed to herself while washing her hair. She just couldn't stop thinking, and it was beginning to get on her nerves. C'mon Lucy! This isn't like you! Stop thinking and just LIVE! She scolded herself, wrapping a towel around herself as she stepped out of her hot shower.

She tied her hair up in a pony-tail, and pulled on a pair of shorts before picking out a dark blue t-shirt. Slipping on her running shoes, she decided to forgo the cloak today; she though it might be weird now that the guild knew she was back.

She went out for breakfast rather than going to the guild, she knew that she was just putting it off but she found comfort in doing it. She spent most of the day wandering around the town checking out the stores. It was dark out before she finally managed to convince herself to go.

She approached the door slowly, and when she stood in front of it; she rocked back on her heels slowly. Pursing her lips, she would reach her hand forward as if she was going to open the door; only to pull back as if she were shocked. This continued for a couple of minutes, and she shifted uncomfortably in her spot. Maybe I should come back later, she thought, I mean maybe there busy or… something.

Lucy sighed, and smacked herself in the head lightly; trying to knock some sense into her. She knew that she should be able to open the door. She stretched her hand out and placed her hand on the door, she closed her eyes and just listened to all the noise coming from inside.

Shaking the thoughts from her head, she pushed on the door open slowly. Footsteps on the gravel behind her made her pause and turn to see who it was. Her eyes widened in surprise, her mouth opened in shock but no sound came out.

"Why are you here?" She asked, after a minute of silence.

"What, I'm not allowed to visit?" Asked the stranger, his deep voice tinged with slight amusement.

"I-I'm not sure… what did you say were doing here again?" Lucy asked, confusion marring her face.

"I never said what I was doing here, so I'm incapable of reminding you." He replied, his smirk widening as he slipped his hands into his pockets.

Lucy huffed in annoyance and asked again, "What are you doing here?"

The stranger clicked his tongue in fake disappointment, "Now, now Lucy no need to get upset. I only came to check up on you. I was worried that your so-called 'family' wouldn't accept you back."

She stiffened, "I don't see how that's any of your business."

"Awe, c'mon Lucy don't be like that. You know as well as I do that feelings change." He seemed to enjoy the reaction that got out of her. Lucy had frozen, staring at him. She didn't know what to say, didn't know what to think.

"Just leave." She stated, as she turned around and walked inside hiding her face from the man, she didn't want him to see her cry.

Once inside, with the door firmly closed, she slid to the ground and buried her face in her hands.

"Lucy?" An unusually soft voice came from her side, confusion and worry clear from the tone of voice. Sniffling, she turned to the voice. She stared into questioning golden eyes for a few seconds before throwing her arms around the man and burying her face in his neck.

He seemed to stiffen for a second before he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. She cried for awhile, and the other guild members crowded around her asking her what had happened, if she was okay, and if they needed to beat anyone up for her.

Eventually the cries stopped, and the man leaned back a little to see her face only find that she had fallen asleep.

His eyes bugged out comically, and he shifted his eyes around before whispering, "What am I supposed to do! She fell asleep!"

The rest of the guild rolled there eyes and walked away; only one person stayed back and stared at Natsu incredulously.

"You really are an idiot." The man stated rolling his dark eyes before turning away.

"HEY! COME BACK HERE AND SAY THAT TO MY FACE!" The golden-eyed mage yelled at the man walking away, standing up and dropping Lucy, who he had been holding, onto the ground. He stared at her for a second, and then glanced up at the man he had been yelling at like it was his fault.

Lucy's eyes flew open when she hit the ground, her body smarting from the impact. Narrowing her eyes, at the mage in front of she yelled, "YOUR SO GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!"

The mage turned and fled in the opposite direction, Lucy screaming after him:


Okay thanks for waiting so looooong! I had exams _ lets just say math isnt my thing. Thank you for all of the awesome reviews! I hope you leave more!