





Dean and Castiel sat in a park on a sunny and clear day. The park they sat in was empty, why neither of them knew but it was and they found the empty playground nice. Dean smiled, it was peaceful and calm. His smile faded when he looked to Castiel, his angelic friend looked upset in a way, troubled by something. Dean also noted that he was twirling his thumbs, rubbing one over the other. He was also bouncing one knee, and Dean noted that all together Castiel was a jittery mess.

His beautiful brilliant blue eyes shown with confusion and fear, Dean let his heart go out to the angel. Lord only knew what was wrong with the poor guy now. Dean leaned back against the bench and slung an arm on top of the back. Castiel jumped at the movement, looking at Dean. The hunter let out a smile and soft laugh.

"Easy Cas, it's just me." Dean said his rough voice soft and calm.

"Sorry…" Castiel mumbled looking at his lap, his voice almost inaudible.

Dean's face grew worried. "Cas, what's wrong."

Castiel looked at Dean with some shock. "I-It's nothing." He mumbled.

Dean cocked a brow and leaned in close to Castiel. "Don't lie. It's a sin." He said, looking into Castiel's eyes.

The blue pools looked away from him, to the ground. "Dean, it's nothing. Really." Castiel said, twirling his thumbs again.

Dean reached out a hand and grabbed Castiel's earlobe. Castiel gave a yelp when Dean jerked on it hard.

"What was that for?" Castiel asked, rubbing his ear.

"I'll rip it off if you don't tell me what's wrong." Dean said. "Come on Cas, I know I'm your best friend, I think I'm the only one, but that's beside the point." Dean said, giving Castiel a wink.

Castiel stayed quiet for a moment, thinking over Dean's words. "I…what is it like to kiss someone?" He asked.

Dean gave a laugh. "That's what you're so worked up about?" He asked, Castiel gave him a sad look.

Dean felt his heart go soft. "Yes, it is." Castiel said.

Dean thought a moment. "It's nice, why do you wanna know?" He asked.

Castiel looked to the ground. "I, I just want to know."

"You've never kissed?" Dean asked, surprised.

Castiel should have at least gotten one kiss; ya he was a….well used to be a dick, but looks always made up for personality. It always did for Dean.

"No." Castiel said softly.

"Wow." Dean said more to himself than Cas.

Castiel gave him a hurt look and got ready to leave. Dean reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling the angel closer to him.

"Don't Cas, I didn't mean it like that." Dean said. "It's just I'm surprised you haven't been kissed. I mean, we both know you're not ugly." Dean said, giving a small laugh at the end.

"Thank you." Castiel mumbled, Dean watched as he blushed, it was cute.

Whoa! What the hell…..cute. Dean shook his head and looked back to Cas.

"So, why do you wanna know about kissing?" Dean asked. "Is there someone you like?"

Castiel nodded very slowly.

Dean smiled. "Well, who's the lucky little human?" Dean joked.

"Well….he's a friend of mine-" Castiel started.

Dean's mouth dropped open. "WHOA! Stop right there!" He said, scooting away from Castiel a little. "He?"

Castiel noted Dean's movements. "Yes, I think I should go. You seem very uncomfortable." Castiel said getting up.

"NO, sit your feathery little ass down…NOW." Dean hissed.

Castiel looked at him with wide eyes.

"You're gay….how long have you been gay?" He asked.

Castiel smiled sheepishly. "A while."

Dean cocked a brow. "When, how long is a while?" He asked.

Castiel thought a moment. "About one year, give or take a few months." He said his smile widening.

"Isn't gayness a sin?" Dean asked.

Castiel gave a giggle and nodded.

"Wow, you're head over heels for this fella aren't you?" Dean asked, shocked at Castiel bliss and lack of care over his sin.

The angel shook his head up and down softly. "Oh hell…'s not Sam is it?" Dean asked.

Castiel looked to him with wide, almost angry eyes. "No." He said bluntly.

Dean couldn't help the laugh. "Oookay…then who?" Dean asked.

Castiel looked to him with a small smile. "What's it like to kiss someone you really love Dean?"

Dean looked at the angel confused. "Cas, you're not gonna tell me?"

"No. What's it like to be kissed Dean?" The angel asked, softer now, almost sad.

Dean huffed out a sigh. "It's nice, really nice. I like it." He said.

Castiel was watching him with interest now. "Nice how?" He asked.

"It's just nice; it feels nice, taste nice….depending on who you're kissing." He said.

Castiel rolled the new information around in his head. "Mmmm, how do you kiss someone?" He asked.

Dean smiled. "You're just flat out after this guy aren't you?" He said.

Castiel gave a small chuckle. "Yes and no." He said.

Dean cocked a brow high. "What do you mean?"

Castiel's smile was wasteful. "I am, as you put it, head over heels in love with that man. However, I know I cannot love him. I know he does not love me back in such a way." He said, his voice riddled with the most horrible sadness Dean had ever heard.

"Cas, who is it?" He said. "Maybe I could talk to thim for you."

Suddenly Dean felt warm lips apon his forehead. They were comforting and gentle, warm and cozy. They were soft and lush. Dean looked up as the owner of said lips backed away and Dean looked into Castiel's teary eyes. His felt his mouth drop open a little when he saw the angel's wings slumping against his sides. They were huge and black and downright beautiful. A single tear fell down Castiel's cheek and his smile was pure heart breaking.

"You." He whispered softly, then with a swoosh of wind and wings the angel was gone.

Dean sat on the bench for a while, thinking about what had just happened and slowly he got to his feet. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed.