A/N: Hello People! This is an important note, so please read the whole thing! I wrote this in the sixth grade, quite a while ago, and I apologize for any grammatical errors. The story takes place some time during the first half of the anime where Hakudoshi exists in his form as a child but none of the incarnations that succeed him exist. I am also going to take this time to tell you that though I am attempting to edit some of the more noticeable mistakes, this is a part of my museum and I plan on leaving most of the content as if. Though the story has no definitive end, I don't think it leaves a bad cliffhanger so you may as well go ahead and read the whole thing. As a few warnings, I'd like to say that this story contains de-aging, the shameless pants-ing of Hakudoshi, a child's attempt at using Japanese and a strange plotline. I ask that you read and review, but please keep in mind that this in not my present writing style, and if-for any absurd reason-you want to read my present fanfictions, please PM me and I will gladly send you a link. I don't know how often I'll be updating, but because everything is written out and I'm only doing a spelling and grammar sweep the gaps shouldn't be too long. Please check my profile for additional information and PM me with any questions you may have.
Thank you and enjoy!
The spirit grinned. A Dog-eared half demon was sitting on a tree branch. Not just any tree branch, but a tree branch positioned directly over the lake of lost childhood. She could tell that this demon's childhood had diffidently been cut short by a few hundred years. She did the only reasonable choice she thought she had. She pushed him in. The second a splash was heard the spirit turned around, and disappeared. The last part of her ghostly body that was visible was her ghoulish grin, showing two fangs, each the length of a thumb.
When Inuyasha's head popped out of the water, he was no longer a full-grown demon, but a fairly young pup of no more than 3 (in demon proportions). He dragged his sodden body out of the pond and shook himself dry. When he was finally as dry as he could get himself, he did what any lost child would do. He cried.