I'm back. Forgive me for being away for so long! Here is the new chapter 1 of Love Me Like I Want You To.

Voldemort was looking out of his window, gazing at the moon, his soft black ears twitching slightly. 'I wonder if he can fell me right now.' Voldemort thought, as he looked out. 'Can he scene the pain I'm in? Does he care?' Thoughts were going through his head.

Voldemort sighed sadly knowing his beloved wasn't thinking about him, wasn't near him, and didn't love him. He wanted to break down and cry, but he wasn't going to let his self be weak, he was Voldemort! The most feared Dark Wizard in the world! He would not succumb to such emotions.

Voldemort sunk to the ground. Covering his face with his hands. "How come he wont love me!" Voldemort yelled to the moon, tears streaming down his pale face.

Back when Voldemort was at Hawgorts, he came into an inheritance, when he turned 17. He didn't know how it cold happen, knowing nobody on his wizard side of the family had any sort of magical rare blood.

It caught his by surprise. Voldemort, or Tom as it was back then, was looking out the window in his dorm, like he was doing now. Thinking if he was every going to be happy. He never thought when the clock struck 12am, that his whole life would change.

Tom, all of the sudden felt a shooting pain going through his body, but mostly in his head and butt area. Tom fell to the ground holding his head screaming bloody murder. His roommates woke up the sound of him screaming.

"Tom? Tom what's wrong?" One of them asked. But they went silent when they say what was actually happening to him. Slowly, what looked like buds were coming out of Tom's head, and his butt area started growing out. After 15 minutes of pure screaming, it was done.

On Tom's head sat two black ears, all black. And on his butt, a tail that was black but had a white stripe going down it. Tom opened his eyes and looked around.

He was dizzy and his head was sore. He saw his roommates looking at him strangely. "W-what are guys looking at?" Tom asked. His voice oddly low, and mellow.

"Y-you have ears! And a bloody tail! What the hell are you!" One of them yelled in disgust. Tom, gasped. He got up shakily, and went over to mirror. He screamed at what he saw. "Oh my god! I have fucking ears!" He touched them gently, and yes he could feel them, and yes they were real, and yes he had fucking ears. Tom turned his back and looked down at his butt, he pulled down his pajama pants slightly, and yes he did have a tail.

Tom turned back to his roommates. "Get out freak. I knew you weird, but this a whole new level, get out." "Why? Just because I have a tail and fucking ears!" Tom yelled, all of the sudden he felt as though he was going to cry, and he didn't know why. "Just get out freak." They yelled. Tom, scared, ran out. He went to the only place that gave him peace. The library.

Tom, went into the library, looking a certain book. "Found it!" The book was called : Magical blood, What are you? ( I know crappy title) Tom took the book and sat down at a table. 'Ok, this has to tell me what I am.'

Tom flipped through the pages, after hours of finding nothing, and the sun was almost up, he found it, it read: When a male or female becomes of age, the rare blood will take effect. Usually the rare blood isn't in any pervious family member. It usually appears if a person is lonely, and there magic can feel it, or and in most cases if the male/female is a half blood. The person will have what are known as cat ears, and a tail.

Tom growled, he was not lonely!

Knowing of you're a dominate or a submissive.

If a cat human male is dominate then, there tale is all one color. If a cat human was submissive then there tail would have a white strip going down.

Tom was scared, his tail had a white stripe going down.

Usually Submissive become very emotional if there mate isn't around, or hasn't found he/she yet. The submissive will take on certain characteristics if not found there mate yet, and sometimes after.

Finding your mate

You will know when you found your mate when you see a blue glow around them. You will immediately want them, and have strong feelings for them. It make take years, months, weeks or days.

Tom closed the book and sighed. Thinking about having a mate made him feel happy, that he would finally be with somebody. But Tom's happiness went away when Dumbledore found out, and told him to hide it, that he would never find his mate, and to never tell anyone.

It went on till Tom graduated, and became Voldemort. Voldemort found his mate years later, after being alone, and believing Dumbledore words.

Voldemort was killing all the Order member. He was currently in the hose of Lily and James Potter.

Voldemort had already killed James, and was know moving on to Lily. He burst open the door and saw her protecting a child. Voldemort killed her with the killing curse. He went over the baby, and right as he was about to kill it. He saw a faint blue glow surrounding the baby.

Voldemort dropped his wand, and fell to his knees in front of the baby. "Y-you're my mate?" Voldemorts glamour dropped, and his ears and tail were shown. "My mate is Harry Potter." Voldemort smiled, but it disappeared when he heard the killing curse. He took one more look at baby Harry before disengaging.

And that all leads up to where Voldemort is now. Still alone, knowing his mate is out there. Voldemort looked up at the moon, as the moons shine made Voldemorts tears known. 'My mate? Do you hear my cries? Do you hear me calling to you?' Voldemort sighed sadly. He couldn't live any longer knowing his mate will never love him. He was going to end it. "The best why to die is by my mates hands." Voldemort looked up, and smiled at the moon.

Done! Damn. I hope you like it! Constructive criticism is welcomed, not flames, they will used to warm me at night.