this is chapter 1 of my amazing New Years supposed-to-be-one-shot-but-got-split-into-separate-chapters story :) hehe enjoy mallets, sexy girls, and forced singing dares ;)

"I can't believe you made us come here!" May Maple snapped at Drew Hayden and he and his two friends smirked at their dates. May's brunette hair, which splayed across her back in curls, bounced as she stomped her foot. She was clad in a short black strapless mini dress that reached mid-thigh with black ankle boots, silver hoops, and jingly bracelets. Her eyes were smoked out and the shimmer of her lip gloss could be seen.

"Yea, like seriously? You of all people, Mark, should know that I hate clubs and especially parties at clubs!" Misty Waterflower glared at her date. Her one sleeved pale cerulean shirt, the one sleeve's wispy material extending down her arm, and exposed her belly, with jean bootie shorts and knee-high boots complimented her teardrop earrings and charm bracelet. Her eyes were slightly smoked out and her sheer pink lips were placed in a frown at the moment, her emerald eyes livid, and her vibrant red hair in a bun with her bangs in her face.

"Ugh! And you knew I didn't even look good Paul!" Dawn Hall whined. She was wearing a purple crush velvet jumpsuit, which unfortunately (fortunate for boys), left a lot of cleavage. The sleeves extended down to her wrists where one part went down to her pointer fingers. She wore black peep-toe heels, dangly earrings, red lipstick, and neutral eyes. Her blue hair was pulled into a high ponytail, her traditional bangs left out to get in her face.

"Geez, don't be such bitches about it," Paul tried to reason with Dawn but in turn, she just got angrier.

"Urgh! Act like bitches? Well what do you expect?" Dawn childishly stomped her foot and turned away. Paul rolled his eyes and did his best to apologize. Meanwhile, Misty and Gary were busy with their heated stare down match where the loser lost his/her pride and would get his/her ego hurt. May whined and pouted and Drew, who closed his eyes and turned away, trying not to imagine the adorable face of the brunette. With his eyes closed, he smirked.

"But babe, we didn't even tell you the best guys are singing!" It was worth mentioning that Drew and May were the only ones together. So when Drew revealed this information, it was not surprising that Misty let out an enraged screech and brought out the wrath of her mallet on the guys, but mainly Mark and hit him mercilessly. May bitch slapped Drew and Dawn kept stomping on Paul's foot with her heel. Despite the pain, the guys were still smirking and trying not to laugh and the girls' reaction. Dawn was close to tears, mainly because of her outfit. May was livid and her hand was twitching as she tried to not slap Drew across the face again, although she did crush his foot with her heel. Drew sharply sucked in his breath but a little whimper escaped his lips and he heard May's maniacal laughter. Misty was still yelling censored insults at Gary and pounding him. May calmed Misty and Dawn down and the three of them walked in together.

"No, wait! We can't be seen without dates!" Drew called as he and the other guys raced into the club.

The minute Dawn, Misty, and May walked into the club, the people seemed to stop and stare at the three beauties and throngs of single men began to surround them. May just seemed to bask in the spotlight and brushed off all the suggestive comments. Dawn openly flirted with all the guys as well as Misty, but the redhead was just playing and politely declined the guys. Drew just glared at the herd of men and glanced to his left and right to see Mark looking at all the girls in interest and Paul with an extremely deep frown on his face as he leaned against the wall and watched Dawn. Drew was starting to become aggravated and walked over to May just to hear her say:

"Now, now, go on you guys. I'm sure your dates are wondering where you are. But hey, nice talking to you," she giggled and Drew crossed his arms and sulked a little as May came over. "Hiya Drew!" She sighed but remained smiling at her grass-headed boyfriend's reaction. "Aw, is little Drewsy jealous?" she cooed, pinching his cheek. May pouted as he continued to ignore her. "Ugh, fine, I guess I'll just go and dance with the other guys," she slyly smiled and silently laughed as Drew grabbed her arm.

"No can do May. You're not going anywhere," he smirked as she kissed him and then pulled away, only to drag him to the dance floor. "God, you're going to death of me," he sighed.

"Hi there sexy," a random blonde placed herself on Mark's lap. Misty, who was seated next to Mark, tried not to let her jealousy get the best of her and "accidently" spill her drink on her, or "accidently" push her off of Mark's lap. She watched Mark flirt the girl up and rolled her eyes and turned to the bartender.

"One martini, and make it a little strong," she smiled sweetly at the bartender, who she could have sworn looked familiar, and he nonchalantly made the drink. She winked at the man, who was probably a year older than her as he placed the drink in front of her. Turning around in her seat and laying her back against the counter rim, she took a sip of her martini. "Damn, last time I try to let my friends set me up," she groaned and took a bigger sip. The bartender laughed.

"Well, on his part, he is not as good looking as me," he boasted and Misty finally smiled, realizing who he was. The hair, the eyes, the body?

"Well I see you haven't changed a bit, have you Gary?" she laughed and turned back to the bartender once more.

"How do you remember my name again?" he asked, genuinely confused. Misty rolled her eyes as he took in her appearance, mainly her hair, and his mouth took the form of an 'o'. "Long time no see Red. You sure grew since the last time I saw you here with Ashy-boy," he smirked but looked surprised as she placed the empty martini glass on the table. "Damn sure can drink," he commented and she rolled her eyes.

"Yea, yea, Oak, now come on and give me a shot glass. I don't want to throw up martinis in the morning," she groaned and Gary raised his eyebrows.

"Got boyfriend troubles?" he laughed but sobered as Misty glared at him. He continued searching for the perfect drink for her.

" got date troubles. I mean, am I that horrible to spend time with?" she grumbled and Gary looked at her again. Her puny, scraggly body had changed over the years. Misty had become a beautiful Sensational Sister and to him, she was the best looking sober chick around this place.

"Aw, come on Misty. Who's this dude who's giving you trouble?" he asked and through narrow lids, she jabbed her thumb in the direction next to her where a coffee hair colored boy was taking a blonde girl out on the dance floor. He took in a breath as Misty groaned again and drowned her shot glass. "Yikes, that's harsh," he commented and she looked up at him as she took another shot.

"Shut the fuck up Oak. Eh, ditch that job and come join me," she offered and Gary raised his eyebrow. Was she seriously still sober? That was one heavy drinker! "Besides, how'd you even land a job as a bartender? Not that I'm complaining, these drinks are amazing!" she laughed. Gary chuckled.

"I've been tight with Jimmy and his girlfriend Marina for a while. I guess I just pulled a few strings and ba da bing, here I am," he smiled as he jumped over the counter. Misty laughed.

"Now that's what I call over the counter medicine. You're my own brand of personal heroine," she laughed to herself on her lame pickup line. Gary rolled his eyes. Suddenly, May came over to her and told her it was time and walked away.

"One: horrible pickup line. And two: what's it time for again?" Gary asked as Misty giggled and whacked him.

"One: shut up. And two: I'm forced to sing karaoke," she sobered and glared at Gary as her burst out laughing. "Oh shut up. The only funny part is that May and Dawn have to sing it too," Gary wiped an imaginary tear from his eye.

"Damn, I feel for ya Red. So do you know what you're singing?" he asked and Misty closed her eyes and smiled. She opened them and looked like Gary.

"Eh, I have an idea..." she trailed off mysteriously. Gary chuckled and Misty stood up and stretched. Gary blinked his eyes a few times as he took in her outfit. Misty laughed and blushed a little as she noticed Gary. "Like what you see, Oak?" she winked as Gary flushed. "Now come on. My date ditched me, so at least come back to my table with me," she pouted with a face that Gary couldn't say no to.

"All right, all right, I know I'm that-" Misty stopped him and dragged him over to the table.

"Don't start with me Oak. Think of it as a privilege to be sitting with me," she giggled and finally found her way to the table. May and Dawn jumped up.

"Well there you are Mist! We've been looking all over for you!" Dawn cried and Misty laughed.

"Did you think of checking the bar like where I always go to when I'm at a party?" Misty replied smartly and Dawn's face fell. May shook her head and glared at Drew.

"Hey, where's Mark?" she finally asked, looking around. Misty sighed dejectedly.

"You should probably check the back of the club. That's where he's probably laying her right now as we speak. Damn May, I told you to stop setting me up with guys!" Misty complained and May huffed.

"Well excuse me for actually picking out a cute guy! I mean, seriously! Didn't you see how cute he was?" she squealed as Drew cleared his throat. Gary managed to suppress his laughter as she patted Drew on the head and took a seat on his lap. He leaned close to Misty.

"They always like this Red?" he asked and Misty jumped out of her seat.

"Jesus you scared me!" she gasped and May and Dawn looked at each other.

"So Misty, you gonna introduce us to your friend?" Dawn squealed as she realized who it was and May put her hand on Dawn's shoulder. "But May, it's-"

"Gary Oak, we know!" May and Misty yelled at the same time and laughed at Dawn's crestfallen face.

"Seriously Dawn, calm down!" Misty rolled her eyes. "Gary and I have known each other since we were what?" Misty pondered as Gary did the same.

"10?" May guessed but Misty shook her head.

"11?" Dawn tried but to no avail. Misty snapped her fingers and remembered.

"Ha-ha since we were five years old!" she giggled and Gary groaned, sensing the story coming up. "Aw, I won't tell the story if you don't want me to," she laughed and May and Dawn looked confused, as well as Drew and Paul.

"But I thought you guys met when you were traveling with Ash?" Drew asked and Misty laughed.

"Well, sort of. We knew each other when we were younger cause Gary couldn't find his sister in the Cerulean Mall and he started crying," Misty began and Gary rolled his eyes. "And then I came up to him and asked him why he was crying and he told me and then I laughed at him for being such a baby," she laughed as Gary glared. May was cooing.

"Aw, Gary! Ha-ha Ash never told us this!" she giggled and Drew rolled his eyes as well as Paul when Dawn nodded her head.

"I met Ash a few months later after I moved from Cerulean. My sister and I had lost our parents so we were to move to Pallet Town to be with Gramps," he replied and Misty sighed, knowing they had reached a touchy topic.

"Well...who's going first for our little singing escapade?" she smirked and May and Dawn resumed glaring and Drew and Paul. "Ok on the count of"

"NOT IT!" Misty and May cried.

"Not it...damn it! I lose every time!" Dawn pouted and got up and stretched out her body.

"Ha-ha, do you know what you're singing?" May asked and Dawn shook her head until Misty came up with an idea.

"Let's make this interesting. The two people who aren't singing get to pick what song that person is singing," Misty suggested and the girls smirked at each other. Gary leaned towards the guys.

"Why do I have the feeling this is a time for payback?" he whispered as the other guys nodded their heads as they noticed the girls' evil looks at each other.

"Since Dawn is going first..." Misty trailed off, smirking, and whispered something to May. "So...? What do you think?" Misty seemed very proud of herself and May was trying not to burst into laughter as Dawn's eyes widened in shock at the song she was to sing.

"D-do I really have to sing it?" she whispered, her face already becoming red. Paul raised his eyebrow at the girl. Whatever song they chose, it must be mortifying for Dawn to blush like that. Misty nodded enthusiastically.

"Think of it as an opportunity, to make up for what you did to Ritchie in 7th grade," she cackled evilly and Dawn whimpered.

"I said I was sorry for dropping my lunch on you," she whispered, trying to pout her way out of the situation. Misty shook her head.

"Nope! And especially not when a whole package of dressing falls on my hair! Anyway, you have to sing the song and say the intro I made for you," Misty smirked as Dawn's face fell even further.

"Oh all right! I'm so getting you back for this you know!" Dawn cried as she strutted up to the DJ and whispered the song choice to him. Drew, Gary, and Paul looked expectantly at Misty.

"Oh god, what song did you chose?" they asked and Misty smiled, shaking her head.

"You'll see!" she giggled in a sing-song voice and May silently laughed along. The DJ killed the music and got everyone's attention.

"All right! This little lady here wants to take a chance to wow you all, so here's...Dawn Hall!" the DJ announced as the crowd clapped unenthusiastically.

"Hey guys, well...this is a song that I'm singing for a certain someone, and honey, I hope you get the message. I wanna wrap you in my love," she winked at the crowd and Misty laughed, knowing that her revenge was going to sound extremely sweet.

Dawn: Stephen
The crowd was amazed at how well she could hold out the note. Her voice was sweet and innocent but people pretty much knew what was coming next. Dawn sneakily glanced at her table where Paul was watching and when he looked her way she looked away.
Why won't you call me?
Stephen, why won't you call me
"You picked Steven?" Drew laughed as Dawn pouted cutely to the crowd and they laughed. Misty nodded.
"I figured it described her current situation," she winked at May who burst out laughing. Gary just shook his head as Paul just stared, looking weirded out.
I saw you
In your tight-ass rocker pants

Dawn put her hand on her butt and slapped it and the crowd laughed again.
You saw me too
I laughed, cause I was completely trashed
And I watched your ugly girlfriend
Sneer across the room
As if I really care
That she's here with you
All I know is
You're my object of affection
My drug of choice, my sick obsession

Dawn strutted over to a random table and pointed to a random guy who laughed along with the bluenette.
Why won't you call me?
I'm sitting here waiting
Dawn plopped down on the table and put her cheek on the palm of her hand as she continued singing.
Why won't you call me?
I'm feeling pathetic
I can't take rejection
Why won't you call me?

Dawn danced over to the line of guys waiting for their drinks from the new bartender and she tapped on each of their shoulders as she walked past them.
I've got guys
Waiting in the line
For me to play
My evil girl
The games with all their minds
Just watch me
I've got it down to a simple art
Just bat my eyes like this

She reached a guy and batted her eyelashes then pushed him down into the bar chair. It was kind of funny to see the guy looking at her in a dazed fashion.
And there's a broken heart
But somehow
You've turned the tables
What the hell?

Dawn frowned and shrugged her shoulders.
I can charm the pants off anyone else
But you
Why won't you call me?
I'm sitting here waiting
Why won't you call me?
I'm feeling pathetic
I can't take rejection

At that moment, Dawn took a huge chance and looked at Paula as she sang the last part of the chorus. She skipped up to the stage as people began to cheer her on. Dawn just ignored them and kept looking at Paul.
Why won't you call me?
Dawn took a seat on the steps to the stage as people began to laugh at her next words.
I'm thinking that maybe
You might think I'm crazy

Dawn brought her pointer finger up to her forehead and spun it then pouted and pretended to think.
Is that why you won't call me?
Don't you think I'm pretty?

Dawn twirled her hair a bit then hung her head down and looked back up putting her hands to her heart.
Do you not love me?
Is that why you won't call me?
Cause you're my object of affection
My drug of choice, my sick obsession
I want to keep you as my pet to play with
And hide under my bed

Dawn giggled weirdly and Misty and May laughed, knowing that Dawn's least favorite part had passed and she was directing this song to Paul. Gary smirked as he looked at Paul. The guy was looking at Dawn extremely weirdly as if she was from another planet.
"Aw, she dedicated this song to you Paul!" May laughed as she saw splotches of red on his cheeks. Misty high-fived May and continued to pay attention to Dawn.
Why won't you call me?
I'm sitting here waiting
Why won't you call me?
I'm feeling pathetic
I can't take rejection
Why won't you call me?
I'll knit you a sweater
I wanna wrap you up in my love

Dawn hugged herself and shimmied and twisted down to the floor.
I'll never let you go, Stephen

Dawn wildly shook her head as she continued to hug herself.
I'll never let go
Why won't you call me?
I'm sitting here waiting
Why won't you call me?
I'm feeling pathetic
I can't take rejection
Why won't you call me?

As the song faded away, people started clapping and Dawn giggled and took a dramatic bow. She bounded over to the table and as soon as she came, everyone except Paul started laughing and telling her how good she was. Dawn flipped her hair.

"Well, all that work for my hair was for nothing! Humph, you're getting total payback for this Misty!" she snapped and Misty saw how upset Dawn really was about the song choice. Misty groaned and put her head back.

"Ok, ok, lay it on me," she grumbled and Gary came close to her.

"I think you're asking the wrong person," he whispered and she screamed again, jumping out of her chair.

"Jesus, you have got to stop doing that!" she gasped as Gary chuckled and pat her head. Dawn smiled as she thought of the perfect song for Misty.

"Hey do you feel about singing some Katy Perry?"