you had the uncanny amber eyes
of a hungry wolf with a
coat the shade trapped between
black and brown
and without a thought
i fell into them for no reason at all
other than to feel the adrenaline
brought by dangerous things
you brushed your lips against mine
and it was a shock that
raced along my spine and flooded
my short-circuited brain
in a matter of seconds that fluttered
through the cracks between my fingers
before the spaces disappeared
in my clenched hands
maybe i should have realized
that none of it was real
that you were only after one thing
to sate your wolf-appetite
and i must have missed
the blood-fire in your eyes
and i must have forgotten
that you were a killer
lust turned to greed
i can't remember when
you devoured my lips and bit them
and your hands, forever your hands
on my body, and it
sought places you had no right
to touch, no right to
violate, and you tainted me
with your darkness
and your eyes shone amber
and i was lost
i had lost
when i tried to fight
you claimed my lips again
draining them of innocence
you tangled my hair,
still grasping for satisfaction
and i could not break free
of your spell and your manacles
and when i looked up to find
i could not breathe anymore
it was clamped between your jaws
blood soaking your muzzle
and you turned into a wolf before my very eyes -
the corners of your human mask
began to peel off and
was replaced with the mangy fur
of a lupine breed
the blood still dripped down
and your sharp teeth sank into
my heart, still beating
my heart, still gasping
for a life that was pooling into emptiness
all over the floor
and when i looked down
nothing remained of my left chest;
everything was gone
there was only a gaping hole
echoing with something that it
had wanted to protect
the few bits of flesh left
wavered in your hot breaths and
my rib was clearly broken through
the bone splintered -
you grinned and my heart
tried to jump out of its predatory cage
but your tongue flicked out
and swallowed it in one swift move
you ate my heart alive –
you ate me alive
because you were a wolf
and i was your prey
and I did not see you for what
you truly were
now i lie here, broken and cold
feeling your paws pad over me
knowing that you are human, and
you were too beautiful
for me to ever resist
i lie here, broken and cold
and the hallucinations fade away
you explore me without much modesty
and take what you can get
your skin that i imagine i can tear through
and break in its nakedness
as your lips drown me into mindlessness
and I can't help but think
that i gave myself
to an inescapable monster
you were a wolf and
i was your prey
and you stole the core of my
being that i used
to keep close
and treasure
because you wanted my body
too much
Written in Alt-Lit/queer. style. This particular literary form is characterized by lack of capitalization and sparse punctuation.
Please don't think too badly of me.