Marriage Law

An Avatar:The Last Airbender fan fic

Author's note: I do not own the characters in this story, just the situations involved. All characters are the property of Nickelodeon.

It had been a year. A year since Firelord Ozai had tried to crown himself the Phoenix King. It was a slow climb, but the world was recovering from the hundred years of destruction that the Fire Nation had brought to the world. It had been decided among the four nations that it could no longer come to just the Avatar to keep peace. Avatar Aang had been grateful for this. He was still a kid. Being responsible for the entire world was too much. He himself had helped pioneer the new system. The world as a whole was now governed by a special council.

Representatives of each nation sat on the council. For private matters, nations were still free to handle their own business. The council served to handle things that affected the entire world. Their muscle in this area was the Avatar. It made Aang's job much easier. It also gave him free time to be the kid he was. He still associated with his friends from the war. Sokka moved to Kyoshi Island to live with Suki. The two were set to marry later in the year. Toph had returned to the Earth Kingdom. She opened a most successful Earth Bending school in Omashu.

Aang himself lived in the Southern Water Tribe with the love of his life, Katara. They had decided to take it slow, so marriage was a while off for them. Katara had considered taking a page out of Toph's book. She was considering starting a Waterbending school in the Southern Water Tribe. As the only one from the Southern Tribe who could still bend, she was treated with much respect. Add to that she had become a master bender, and the fact that she was a home town veteran of the war, and she was considered one of the most important people in the Southern Tribe.

She was considering traveling to the Northern Water Tribe to discuss it with her old master, Pakku. He had come a long way in her eyes from the arrogant jerk he was when she first met him. The last time she'd seen him was at a great banquet in celebration of Ozai's defeat. He could not believe how far his former student had come. "I am so proud of you," he had said warmly. She felt tears roll as he continued, "I take back anything I ever said to you about girls being inferior benders." Katara remembered embracing him in a hug.

Aang sat in disbelief at what had just been proposed. "Council members, you can't be serious!" he yelled in protest. One representing the Earth Kingdom smiled. "This is perfect. It solves all the problems people have about choosing a partner," he said. Aang tried to be civil about this. The council was about to pass a law that said all unmarried girls would have suitors chosen for them. "It is not your job to question," one from the Fire Nation said sternly. "It is just your job to enforce." Aang shook his head. "I won't enforce this law," he said angrily.

"You have no choice, young Avatar." One of the representatives from the Water Tribe said. "If it will make you feel better, we will randomly pick four girls to test this on." Aang didn't feel better by any means, but as the sole remaining airbender, he was outvoted. His presence was required not just as the Avatar, but as the last remaining Air Nomad as well. He left the council angrily. As soon as he was gone, one of the council members said "I think I know just the four."

Aang noticed messenger hawks as he took off on Appa. He would do his utmost to make sure that whatever four girls were chosen would not marry against their will. Unfortunately, his hands were all but tied. A multitude of emotions ran through his head as he made his way to the Southern Water Tribe. This was not his intention when this council was created. He couldn't stop thinking about not just how this could affect everyone, but certain specific people.

"Aang!" Katara was surprised to see him back so soon. He waved as Appa landed. "Hi, Katara," he greeted. She hugged him as soon as he was off the sky bison. "Why are you home so early? You said you'd be gone for a week," Katara said. Aang smiled. "The meeting ended early," he said uneasily. He knew Katara's thoughts. She'd never been one to bend to the will of men. That much was evident when she challenged Master Pakku in the Northern Water Tribe.

They slept easily that night. Aang had adjusted nicely to the colder climate of the South Pole. He awoke to find Katara gone. Experience from the war had not dampened his senses. He immediately thought Katara had been taken. As he ran out of his tent to start looking, he noticed her sitting at the edge of the water by herself. He couldn't help but notice she was reading a scroll.

"What are you reading?" he asked. His presence startled her. "Oh, it's you Aang," she responded nervously. Aang smiled. "I'm sorry for scaring you. What's up?" She smiled. "It's fine, Aang. I've just recieved a summons from the council," she explained nervously. Aang felt his stomach drop. They wouldn't.