Hi!... If you guys are reading my first Evangelion fanfic, I'm sorry to say that I'm in a writer's block on that one... I'll try to update it asap (I know too early for one but I want to make it good... so I'm getting some of my friends to help me out)... but till then I decided to write this one... This is a what if: What if it was Shinji piloting eva Unit 03 instead of Touji or Asuka this is going to mix with some parts from Evangelion 2.0... and the pairing that I'm trying to accomplish are the following: Shinji x Asuka, Touji x Hikari (If that's possible for me to put in), Rei x Tabris (If that's possible for me to put in)... If you guys don't like how I write my stories then please do tell me on how I can improve it... Or you guys can take my idea and write your own what if based on this...
Disclaimer: I do not own Evangelion series and the movies.
Gendo sat in his office in his 'usual' position with Fuyutsuki in front of his desk. "Gendo, I persist that you reconsider your choice!" said the sub-commander
"My choice is final, the Second Child is to pilot Unit 03," said Gendo.
"But you know what the scroll says, Eva Unit 03 is to go on a rampage!" said Fuyutsuki
"Why do you care so much? It's only one pilot, she can be replaced."
"Because I made a promise to Kyoto before she tried to sync with Eva Unit 02!"
"Oh? So she made contact with you?"
"Yes... she told me to keep Asuka safe..."
"That won't still chance my mind... and if I were to change my mind, who would be the next candidate?" asked Gendo.
"Touji is to be the next candidate but he is in no condition to pilot since he had no training and is in near depression state with his sister is in... But what would you do if it was Rei to pilot Eva Unit 03?"
"I would send Shinji to pilot it instead." said Gendo
"But why?" yelled Fuyutsuki
"Because he will survive..."
"But Rei could be replaced! Look, if you think that he'll survive… then send him! He faced worse didn't he?" asked Fuyutsuki
"But is he willing to?" asked Gendo.
Outside, Shinji was listening to the entire conversation; he was just happened to pass by when he heard Fuyutsuki yelling then started to hear the entire conversation. "What should I do?" he thought. "I can't let Asuka pilot it! HE KNOWS THAT IT'LL GO WRONG! HE SHOULD DO SOMETHING TO STOP IT!..." then he started to clench his hand and unclench it repeatedly. "I won't runaway, I won't runaway, I WON'T RUNAWAY!" Then he pushed the door open. Gendo and Fuyutuski saw him.
The sub-commander was surprised to see Shinji. If anyone could see Gendo through his glasses, they could tell that he was also surprised. "I'll pilot it!" yelled Shinji.
"How long were you standing there SHINJI?" asked Gendo
"The entire conversation," said Shinji
"S-Shinji are you sure that you want to pilot it?" asked Fuyutsuki staying at his position.
"Y-Yes!" yelled Shinji
"And why should I let you pilot?" asked Gendo
"B-Because..." Shinji then started to clench and unclench his hand again. Then finally clenched it and stopped opening his fist. "Because if I DON'T survive then I won't be able to tell anyone what I heard... about you guys knowing that Eva Unit 03 will go on a rampage."
"Oh?" said Gendo not expecting his son to finally show some back bone.
Fuyutsuki was about to try to convince Shinji to reconsider since he also made a promise to Yui. But he heard a voice that sounded like Yui saying, 'Let him pilot it, he'll be fine...'
"Alright Yui, if it IS you who said that, I'll support his decision..." thought Fuyutsuki. "If Shinji volunteered, then we got our replacement have we not?" asked the sub-commander. "And don't you think that we should start working on our OWN record now?"
"I see... since we're not going to get another volunteer, very well, Shinji... you'll pilot it... but remember… you've sealed your own fate" said Gendo.
"Thank you father... B-But I would like to ask another favor..." said Shinji.
"Oh?" went both Gendo and Kozo Fuyutsuki.
"C-could you keep that I'm going to pilot to Ayanami and Asuka?" asked Shinji
"Alright... since there's no point in telling them this," said Gendo
"Thank you..." said the Third Child as he walked out of the office.
"Why did you say yes? I thought that Yui told you to take care of Shinji," asked Kozo.
"Because, I can't stop from what he wants to do... and you're right... we SHOULD start working on our own record..."
"BAKA!" yelled Asuka as Shinji walked into the apartment. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" yelled Asuka.
"Sorry... I was just taking a walk..." replied the pilot of Unit 01
"You took a walk? For this long? Do you know what time it is?"
"Uhh... 6:30?"
"NO! IT'S 7:45! I had to starve for about an hour and 15 minutes!"
"Stop apologizing!"
"Ugh! Just start making dinner already!" yelled Asuka as she went into her room.
When Shinji went into the kitchen to make a late dinner, he realized that Misato is not going to be home for about 3 more hours... "I just hope that she'll have some dinner there..." said Shinji to himself as he started to make dinner for him and the pilot of Unit 02.
Misato was working on a large pile of papers that were on her desk. "Ugh! They should really hire more people for this!" yelled Misato
"Oh but they won't be good as you..." said Kaji as he came inside the room.
"WHY are you doing here?"
"I'm here to give you a report on who's going to pilot the new Eva Unit..." said Kaji as he leaned on Misato's desk.
"Tell me already so that I can get this over with!"
"Alright, alright... the pilot of Unit 03 is Shinji Ikari..." said Kaji
Misato's pen then broke, letting ink roll down her hand. "WHAT?" yelled Misato. Then he got up and grabbed Kaji by his collars staining his left part of the collar with ink.
"Calm down... I was also surprised by it too..." said Kaji.
"Ugh! Why couldn't they choose Touji for it like they planned to..." asked Misato.
"Because his in a near depression state for the state that his sister is in, and they were about to choose Asuka too..." said Kaji
"WHAT?" yelled Misato tightening her grip.
"Calm down!" said Kaji
"Sorry..." said Misato as she let Kaji go. "But why would they choose Shinji though? Asuka will be a better candidate with her high sync rate."
"So you're saying that you'll feel better that Asuka was to pilot Eva unit 03?"
"Then why would you say that?"
"Because... that'll make sense..."
"That it would have... until Shinji volunteered for it..." said Kaji.
"I was surprised at that too... and he specifically told us not to tell Asuka or Rei..."
"Right... since that'll worry them... especially Asuka..."
"Alright then... Oh are you free tomorrow Misato?" asked Kaji
"No," said Misato right after Kaji asked the question.
"Pity... I'll see you later then my dear Misato~" said Kaji as he got out of the room.
"Damn it Shinji... Got damn it..." said Misato as she sat back down.
When Shinji and Asuka started to eat; they did not exchange any words... "Hey baka, when are we supposed to go for Rei's place for her 'home cooked' meal?" said Asuka finally breaking the silence
"Two days from now..." said Shinji
"And when is Eva Unit 03's activation?" asked Asuka
"A-about 2 days..." said Shinji. "Damn it! I should've thought this through! Now I can't go to Rei's house... guess I have to cancel it..."
"Hmm... Do you have any idea who the pilot is then?"
"No..." said Shinji. "L-listen Asuka, I might not be able to go to Rei's place on Thursday..."
"What? Do you have a date or something?" asked Asuka hoping that it wasn't true
"W-what? N-no! I-I just have to do something..." said Shinji
"Oh? Then what do you have to do?"
"I... the commander said that I-I had to be at Nerv during that day..."
"For what exactly?" asked Asuka.
"I don't know he just said that I needed to be there..." said Shinji.
"Hmph! You better NOT be the next pilot!" yelled Asuka
"I-I'm not! And besides if they were to choose the next pilot between you, Ayanami, and me, you would be the most likely candidate with your high scores..."
"Hmm that true... why would they choose a wimp like you anyways?" said Asuka as she placed down her chop sticks. "I'm done... I hope that you're going to be cleaning the dishes..." then she went into her room.
"Yea..." said Shinji as he also placed down his chop sticks.
At school, the next day, Shinji told Ayanami that he couldn't make it the following day because he has to take care of some stuff at Nerv... Rei was some what disappointed that Shinji and Gendo will not be able to make it... but she was some what glad that Shinji and his dad will be doing something together... She invited the class rep, Asuka, Misato, Touji, Kensuke, Gendo, and Shinji to her house on Thursday. But Gendo and Shinji are now taken off the list.
Thursday came... the destined day... Asuka and Rei did not find out who the pilot for Eva Unit 03 was... Misato respected Shinji's decision for piloting Unit 03.
Rei then heard a knock on her door. It was 3:00... an hour has passed since school ended. "Hey Rei!" yelled Misato as Ayanami opened the door. In front of the door was Asuka, Misato, Hikari, Touji, and Kensuke. It looked like Misato drove all of them here. "Hello Major... come in..." said Rei as she moved out of the way so that the guests can come in.
"Wow! Something smells GOOD!" yelled Kensuke
"Foods almost done so can you guys wait a while?" asked Rei.
"Sure..." said Touji
"Wow... you actually live here Rei?" asked Misato as she looked around at a broken downed apartment.
"Yes," came a direct replay from the First Child.
"Did you TRY to live in a different place… First?" asked Asuka
"Why?" came a reply from her guests.
"Because I was ordered to be stationed here..." said Rei still working on her food.
"You really DO act like a doll!" yelled Asuka
"I only do what the commander tells me to do... And I have my own will unlike 'dolls'" said Rei as she placed the food in 6 different dishes. "Foods' done."
"Alright!" yelled Kensuke and Touji
Rei took out a small table to sent on the floor. Touji and Kensuke sat on one side, Asuka and Hikari sat opposite side of them, and Misato and Rei sat opposite from each other. Touji was about to eat the food placed in front of him but Hikari smacked Touji's hand and said, "Suzahara! Where are your manners?"
"Geez, sorry class rep... Thank you for the food!" yelled Touji
"THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!" yelled Ayanami's guests as they started to eat their food.
Rei was smiling a little... this was her first time inviting someone or people over to her place to have food with her... it looked so peaceful... she only wished that Shinji and the Commander was here.
"Wow! THIS IS GOOD REI!" yelled Misato
"YEA THIS IS GOOD!" yelled Hikari, Touji, and Kensuke
"Thank you..." said Rei
"This is okay... compared to Baka's cooking..." said Asuka
"Aww! You do love him!" teased Touji
Asuka's face turned pink but was really light that barely anyone could see it. "W-what no! Why would I love an idiot like that?"
"What is this love?" asked Rei.
Then everyone looked at Rei. "Uhh... well..." said Hikari...
"It's... uh when you have a feeling for someone..." said Kensuke
"Feeling?" asked Rei
"It's when you feel some sort of attraction to a person Rei..." said Misato.
"Like Touji and Hikari to each other? And like to you and Mr. Kaji?" asked Rei.
Misato's, Touji's, and Hikari's face turned red. "WHAT?" yelled all three of them
Asuka and Kensuke just started to laugh. "Yo, 4 eyes! You better record this!" yelled Asuka
"You don't have to tell me Red Demon!" said Kensuke as he took out his video camera.
"Three minutes till activation," said a voice
"Alright..." said Ritsuko. "How are you feeling Shinji?"
Shinji Ikari was wearing a black and purple version of his plug suit. "Fine... just a bit nervous..."
"Don't worry... Everything will be fine" said Ritsuko.
"Okay..." "You don't know the half of it..."
Ritsuko drove Shinji to the testing center of Eva Unit 03...
"Alright... start the sync with Unit 03!" yelled Ritsuko
While everyone was saying stuff with the sync, Shinji was in his own land of thoughts. "I really do hope that my dad was wrong... I'm sorry Rei that I couldn't make it... I'm such an idiot..."
Then everything around him became red and he saw a bright light coming towards him with children's laughter. "What?" said Shinji.
Then an alarm sounded with in the testing place. "WHAT'S GOING ON?" yelled Ritsuko.
"Brain waves are going over the border line! And the pilot's heart is racing!" yelled a scientist.
Then the entrance to the entry plug opened to reveal blue organic spider webs surrounding the plug. "AN ANGEL?" yelled Ritsuko.
Unit 03 then activated and released a roar, and it made a bright explosion.
"It has begun," said Gendo.
"Yes it has..." replied Fuyutuski. "Is the activation of Eva Unit 03 really necessary? Couldn't we just destroy it before hand?... No this had to be done because it would look suspicious and we already have gotten enough trouble with SEELE..."
Everyone was having fun at Rei's place. Then a knock came at the front door. Rei opened the door and asked, "Yes?" in front of her stood 2 black suited men.
"We're from Section 2," said the person on Rei's left.
"An angel has appeared," said the other.
Both spoke loud enough so that Rei's guests were able to hear as well.
"And did you guys tell Baka Shinji?" asked Asuka as she came near the Section 2 agents.
"We could not find him."
"UGH! When there's an angel Baka's no where to be found! Guess it's just you and me Rei!" said Asuka
"Alright..." said Ayanami.
The 2 pilots came out in a mountain area. "Alright the angel should be coming into your view in about 30 seconds..." said Maya.
"Alright! Lets show that we don't need Baka Shinji to win against the Angel!" yelled Asuka.
"Understood," said Rei.
Then they saw a dark figure approaching them. It was a black Eva. "An Eva? I guess the pilot took care of the angel already..." said Asuka.
"No... that IS the angel Pilot Soryu," said Gendo.
"What?" yelled both Asuka and Misato.
"Th-Then..." said Misato not being able to say anything...
Fuyutsuki came next to Misato and whispered, "Don't say anything about Shinji... that'll only hinder their movement..."
"But don't you care about what happens to him?" whispered back Misato.
"Yes we do... Shinji knew the risks... You are not to tell anything to Asuka and Rei about Shinji until it is dealt with... it'll only bother them... and there's a chance that Shinji's plug got ejected..." whispered back Fuyutsuki.
"Alright..." said Misato.
"What? There's still a entry plug in the Eva!" yelled Asuka.
Fuyutsuki smacked his head. "This doesn't change anything... Major, this is showing mercy to the pilot... understand that..." whispered Fuyutsuki.
"U-Understood..." said Misato trying not to visualize on what might happen to Shinji after this was over.
"Irrelevant," said Gendo. "You orders are to kill the angel, one life won't matter..."
"How can you be so cruel? Even to your own son!" thought both Misato and Fuyutsuki.
"Understood," said Rei.
"B-But... understood..." said Asuka who tried to argue but she didn't want to lose her place as the Second child.
Eva Unit 03 passes through Rei's Eva. Ayanami was holding a large sniper and had an aim towards the Angel. Just when she was about to fire the Angel jumped back and grabbed Rei pushing her into the ground, and started to drool into Rei's left arm. "AHHH!" yelled Rei in pain.
"Eva Unit 00's left arm is being contaminated!" yelled Aoba.
"Sever the arm..." said Gendo.
"What?" yelled Misato and Aoba.
"Cut the arm, it'll save her..." said the commander.
"U-Understood!" said Aoba as he pressed a botton.
Then Unit 00's left arm exploded pushing Unit 03 back. Rei yelled again at the pain.
"Pilot Soryu," said Gendo.
"Y-Yes?" asked Asuka
"Rei has become impossible to handle the Eva... you're on your own..." said Gendo.
"Yes... Understood," said Asuka getting ready with her ax at Unit 02's hand.
Eva Unit 03 then showed up in front of her. "TAKE THIS!" yelled Askua as she swung her ax towards the Angel. But the angel jumped back. Then the Second Child took the advantage and lunged towards the Angel to swing her ax again. It the hit the Angel's left rib, and got pushed towards its right. "Got him!" yelled Asuka with pride.
"Finish it Pilot Soryu," said Gendo.
"Yes sir!" yelled Asuka
Asuka then slowly got towards the fallen Angel and swung her ax and hit the Angel's head. The head was chopped off. Misato almost shed tear. Maya almost threw up at the sight of an Eva being beheaded. "Done!" said Asuka.
Then both arms of the beheaded Eva came up and started to choke the Eva Unit 02. "What the?" yelled Askua trying to break free. "DAMN IT!" yelled Asuka as she cut the Angel's right arm. She would have been successful if the Eva didn't push her towards the ground making Unit 02 to let go of the ax. "This thing should be dead!" yelled Asuka.
"Looks like you have to destroy the entry plug..." said Maya.
"Then that means..." said Misato.
"The pilot has to die..." said Gendo.
"Gendo! That's a bit too much!" yelled Fuyutsuki.
"Irrelevant. Pilot Soryu can you do it?" asked Gendo
Misato was about to tell Asuka the truth but then Gendo said, "That is irrelevant... since you are refusing to destroy the entry plug, Maya activate the dummy plug system within Eva Unit 02..." said Gendo.
"B-But sir! Dr. Akagi didn't aprove the activation! It's not ready!" yelled Maya.
"It'll be better than what Pilot Soryu can do..." said Gendo.
"Y-yes sir..." said Maya
"GOD DAMMNIT!" said Asuka trying to break free. Then she couldn't feel being chocked anymore for the Eva has shut down. Then a machine with 2 skeletal like arms came out and started to pilot the Eva Unit 02. "What the hell?" said Asuka.
Eva Unit 02 then opened it's mouth revealing sharp teeth, and bit the left hand of the Angel off. The Angel then let go of the red Eva and moved back. "C-Commander! What's going on?" asked Asuka as she started to see on what's happening. She got no answer.
The red Eva then lunged towards the angel and started to rip the black Eva from limb to limb. "STOP IT!" yelled Asuka.
Misato and other co-workers were shocked at the event. Gendo had a smirk on his face. Fuyutsuki had a disgust look on his face.
After the Unit got the entry plug, it started to crush it with it's left hand. "No..." said Asuka. Then the entry plug broke apart. "NO!" yelled Asuka.
"T-Target... has become silenced," said Maya.
"Now shut down the dummy plug," said Gendo.
"Understood..." said Maya.
When the rescue team has arrived and started to savage the parts of the Eva, the Eva Unit 02 stood there. "Misato..." mumbled Asuka through a channel, loud enough so that Misato could hear.
"Yes?" asked Misato.
"Who was the pilot?" asked Asuka.
"Listen Asuka... I'm sorry for not telling you this earlier but..." just as Misato was about to finish, Asuka saw the rescue team pulling out unconsciously Shinji out of the remains of the entry plug with blood covering his body. "It's Shinji..."
"W-what? B-But he was supposed to be… No…. NOO!" yelled Asuka.
Well I hope you guys enjoyed reading this... if you didn't then I'm sorry, I'll try to improve... and if you guys loved it then GREAT! And if you guys found some grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes, please understand that I'm not good at those. I'll try to improve... PLEASE REVIEW!
Have a nice day~! Well if you guys can…