I've had this idea for a while now and I thought I would just drabble it out.

The suit's heavier than I thought. How am I supposed to move? I look like a fucking moron. Okay, I move like a fucking moron. But I look pretty cool.

I better not meet a bad guy with a magnet because… bad…

Helmet don't fit right. Need to get a smaller one. This one keeps wobbling around. Makes me look like a bobble head doll.

Real hot inside. Gotta wear it for hours at a time. Put it on for ten minutes and dripped sweat. Gotta find a way to keep it clean. Don't want to smell myself the whole time I'm inside.

Color matches the bike real well. Good. Don't want to paint it again. The metal ass of the suit keeps sliding off the seat. Bad. Can see it now. I rescue a pretty girl and just when I'm about to ride off into the sunset I fly off the back of the bike and land on the ground on my green ass. Can't have that. Well, what would she care? She should be grateful that I saved her. Stupid girls wandering around dark alleys at night. Maybe I should stop rescuing them. Let natural selection run its course.

Maybe I could spray Pam non-stick spray on the suit ass. Maybe not. Might look greasy and weird.

Bike's loud. Can't really ninja vanish on a motorcycle. That's the risk though. Trade off. Tired of walking. Leo would hate the bike. Bet he's sleeping in a hole in a tree, eating bark and worms. The big pussy. Wish I could send him a picture of the bike. Don't know where he is though. Also would ruin secrecy.

What to call myself? The Metal Turtle. Ha. I don't know. Something about the night. Night Ninja. Nah. Don't look like a ninja in this thing. Night Stalker. Makes me sound like a pedophile. Think of something later.

Wonder if metal suit will scare criminals. Might just make them stare.

Helmet not only is too big. Too heavy and soundproof. I just need to stand there going, "HUH? WHAT? WHAT'D YA SAY?" The wiring in the helmet is all shot to hell. The little lights on the sides don't work. Radio don't get police scanner. Playing Faith Hill and air traffic control on clear nights. Big fucking problem. New helmet ASAP.

Better vents. Smells like ass in here.

Not waterproof. How is a big metal suit not water proof?

Keep catching this same guy who keeps talking about law school. Should put the fucker out of his misery. Do us both a favor. Caught him three times in two weeks. How do the cops keeping letting him out? Like he don't have a gun on him every time I turn him in.

Visuals real bad. Chick hugged me out of gratitude and I screamed like a girl. Peripheral vision is nothing. Couldn't see her coming at me. And the window gets all fogged when I breathe. Need to learn to stop breathing. Also glare problem. Can't see in certain bright light.

Where do I park the bike?

Keep getting that ball bearing caught in the sleeve.

Need to stop cupping myself in front of people. Not used to binding clothes. This thing is sure binding. Too tight in the crotch. Don't account for certain physical endowments. Wonder if the last owner was a really butch girl. Can't get the crotch flap open. Nearly pissed myself last night. If I get sprung, there's so limited space, it'll just rip a seam or something.

Need to think of a name.