Warm, salty tears were streaming down her cheeks. She told her mother a million and seven times that she loved him, but their love was still forbidden. The faster she ran, the more her dress would whip against her legs.

Prince Katio was her only love. He would be her only love and she would marry him someday. They were meant to be together. So why wouldn't their families get over their differences so that their children could be in love?

Suddenly, the young girl crashed into somebody, knocking them both to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She apologized as she wiped her tears.

"N-no, it's my fault, Princess." The boy in front of her replied. "And please don't cry!" He begged.

If anybody in the country made the Pincess unhappy, they would be scentenced to insant death. It was the price due to the fact the lady was so fragile and kind.

"It's not your fault." She reassured.

"Then why, Princess, do you cry?" He asked.

Tears ran down her cheeks like a waterfall. "I want to be with the one I love, but my parents won't let me."


She nodded. "My mother would rather have me marry anybody other than Kaito." The teal haired princess wept.

An idea popped into the blonde peasant's head. "Why don't you just pretend to be in love with me?"

The fair Princess of Pure looked up. "What?"

"Your mother would rather have you be in love with anybody else, right? If you pretend to go out with me, the poorest of the poor, then she'll beg you to go back to that Prince of True." He pitched his idea sounding very proud.

She sniffed a smile. "Y…You would do that for me? I don't even know your name."

Taking her hand, he smiled at her. "It would be an honor to help the Princess, Miku Hatsune."

Her cheeks flushed a natural pink.

"But I will need to payment." The peasant added. "I am the poorest Len Kagamine, you know."

Princess Miku giggled. "You have a deal if you promise this will get me back with my dear Kaito."

"I assure you 100%." Len bowed.