This is the first fic I've ever written, so go easy on me please. This is more or less an experiment. I thought there were already enough retellings of the Rosario+Vampire first season (Beat up Saizou, meet each member of the Harem, etc) so I thought I'd try something more original, even if it would be more challenging. I thought I'd start with a familiar scene with an alternate ending, making it lead to a different story.

YES, I know Akuha and Akasha have similar looking names and it creates confusion, but I'm not the one who thought of their names =/

EDIT: I never expected this to catch on the way it did, so I actually wasn't taking this seriously until about halfway through. I've also already started a separate story as a sequel to this one, which is much better written, so bear with me please.

Prologue – The Shuzen Household

Moka was being sent away, for reasons her mother Akasha would not say. Everyone took it hard, especially Kokoa who cried like a baby. They had just celebrated her 10th birthday party just a short while ago, and now they had to say goodbye to her… they probably wouldn't see her again for a very long time.

Akasha watched from a large window as Moka departed.

"You sure you don't want to say goodbye?" A voice said behind her.

Akasha spun around and saw the eldest daughter of the family, Akuha. "If I saw her face, I'd regret my decision." Akasha said, "Isn't that the same for you too?"

Akuha knew what she really meant by 'regretting a decision', and figured it was time she dropped the act entirely. "So I guess you already know what I came here for? Father also left for work early, perhaps you were trying to lure me out?"

Akasha said nothing, and just continued looking out the window again.

"Akasha, are you sure you're not regretting it?" Akuha stepped forward and continued, "Chasing Moka out of the mansion like that. I'm guessing that you sent her away because you discovered my intentions."

Akasha tore her view from the window to Akuha, "Yes, I have".

"To be honest, I'm quite surprised. I thought the two of you would never fall apart, no matter what happened. The two of you had a connection deeper than anyone else in this family. I was even jealous of you two."

"Jealous?" Sounding curious.

"I like Moka a lot too, and always had a warm feeling when around her."

"She was especially attached to you." Akasha said, sound much more cheerful.

"Yeah, we were totally different, making us a better match." Akuha said, but then changed expression, "Thinking about her always made me hesitate whenever I intended to take action. Before I knew it, an entire year had passed. She would be very sad if you died right?" They were interrupted as they heard someone else entering the room.

Both Akuha and Akasha were rather surprised to see Moka run in, but also relieved that they hadn't started fighting when she came. "Why did you come back?" asked Akasha, "I told you to stay away from here."

"I'm sorry Mother! I forgot the Rosary." Moka shouted as she ran in.

Akuha watched as Moka ran to her mother, they hugged each other. After seeing them both again right now, Akuha just couldn't stand the thought of taking Moka's mother away from her. "I'll go retrieve the seal," she started, "this is hard enough on the two of you as it is."

Akuha left the room and thought to herself. She had set out to kill Akasha from the start, but adored Moka more than she would have wanted to. Which did she care about more? Power? Her sisters? Akuha came back with the seal and finally made up her mind.

"Thanks Nee-sama," Moka said, taking the seal with her "and goodbye."

Akuha couldn't bring herself to say anything in return. She wanted to tell her to stay strong, she wanted to tell her that she was going to miss her, she wanted to say how much the last year meant to her. Instead, nothing came out, and Moka just sadly left the room. Akuha felt disgusted with herself. To think she was planning on doing something so horrible to her.

Akuha and Akasha just stood there in the room silently until Akasha finally broke the silence. "Well? Aren't you going to attack me? No one will get in your way now. We can get this over with."

"I came to this mansion to take your Shinso power, but after that, I'm not sure what I would do. I thought power and taking revenge on humans, whom brought me so much pain, is what would please me. But this past year has been one of the only happy times in my entire life." Akuha turned to leave the room as well, "Someone that I could care about, a sister like Moka, that was all I ever wanted." She laughed at how pathetic that sounded, but walked away nonetheless.

She chose not to kill Akasha, for Moka's sake.


7 Years Later – Somewhere in China

Akuha jumped off a roof with a flip, landing in the middle of her current prey. Four men surrounded her, two of them holding swords, ready for a fight.

The Chao family, most of them were already pushing up daises now, and all that was left of them were their main fighters. Akuha didn't pay much attention when told about her targets, she pieced together that they did something to piss Fairy Tale off, but Akuha didn't care, as they would soon be killed all the same. Akuha didn't normally tune out when given info on her targets, but the last few weeks had just been so boring.

For a long time now, every hit Akuha was sent on was always so easy, that she would purposely hold back let the fight last longer, but still not be satisfied. To keep things from ending too quickly she usually refrained from using the Hogetsu Jigen-Tou technique, a blade that can cut through anything by delaying existence.

Akuha felt each of the four men charge at her from all sides. They were so sluggish compared to her that in her eyes they moved in slow-mo. The Hogetsu Jigen-Tou technique was just too good for these guys, and so in hopes that they would amuse her, she decided to go easy on them.

She grabbed on of them by the necktie and lightly kicked him away, ripping the tie off of him. While holding the tie, she caught the next man's hand with it while he tried to punch her, wrapping it around his wrist like a handcuff. She then swung the guy around by his wrist like a flail weapon, whacking the other three men. She then pulled the tie tighter, causing it to release the man like a slingshot at his comrades. The four men got up, fear in their face, but not looking like they would give up. They seemed more angry than afraid.

"If you hate me... hate yourselves for making an enemy out of me." Akuha simply said as they tried to attack again.

She caught the arm of one of the men and used him as a human shield, letting one of his comrades stab his sword into him. She then pulled a knife out of his pocket as another man came from behind with an enormous sword. She easily blocked the large blade with the small knife, not that it would harm her anyways. She then flipped away throwing the knife right between the eyes of another man. With two combatants left now, Akuha felt even more disappointed than usual.

One man charged at her again with a large sword raised. In the middle of his vertical slash, Akuha just swatted the sword aside, sending it flying out of his hands. She let the man run to retrieve his weapon, as the other man let out a flurry of attacks, which she dodged easily. She considered dancing around with her eyes closed while hearing out his attacks to dodge them, but decided they had bored her for long enough.

Both men tried to cut Akuha up from both sides. They both tried to stab her, but she jumped straight up and landed her hand on both their blades, grounding them. While upside-down on her hand, she did the splits and kicked both of the fighters simultaneously. She hit them a little harder than she would have liked though, as both of them had their faces smashed beyond recognition. Akuha got up and sighed to herself, as the two men were dead before they even finished falling to the ground.

These men weren't just weak, they hardly knew how to fight. But she had to admit they were persistent.


Much later, Akuha returned to Fairy Tale for her next assignment. She walked into a dark, faintly lit room and took a seat at a wooden table, above it was just one flickering light. Across the table from Akuha, sat a dark figure, giving her information about her next target.

"His name is Tsukune Aono, he's one of many students that go to Yōkai Academy", said the dark figure as he held up a school photo of him.

"You want me to kill this guy?" Said Akuha as she grabbed the photo as it was handed over, "It's one thing to say he doesn't look tough, but this guy looks really weak. What's the catch?"

"'The catch' is that you are not to kill him, not yet anyways." The dark figure laughed to himself for a bit, "You are to first find out everything about this boy."

"And how would you have me do this?" Akuha asked the man cloaked in the shadows.

The only response he gave was simply, "Do it…"

Akuha wondered why she was given an assignment other than just killing someone, but knew not to question orders, "Ah, you don't care as long as I get the job done then."

The dark figure only nodded, and handed forward a piece of paper, data on the target. It didn't seem to have anything important on it besides Tsukune's location of residence.

"You really don't have any more info on this guy?" Akuha asked.

"No, nothing at all. That's for you to find out."

"What's so important about him?"

He didn't answer, he only stared back with an empty look

It didn't take a genius to notice that there was a lot more to this. Still, this wasn't the first time he would give her an assignment and leave her in the dark. It annoyed her. "Look, just tell me everything you know about the target so I can do my job."

"A skilled assassin such as yourself would require no more that what I have already given you, now go." He ordered.

Akuha rolled her eyes and stood up, leaving the room.

A minute went by after she left until Miyabi Fujusaki, another member of Fairy Tale, entered the room.

"We know a lot more about the target than you told her, why did you withhold information from her?" Miyabi asked.

The dark figure didn't even look in his direction, "While I admit I am a little curious what monster Tsukune is, I could care less about him entirely."

"Then what's the whole point of sending our best assassin after someone as insignificant as this boy? It seems like a waste of good talent."

"Because the one I'm interested in is Akuha." the figure said, "Something else I didn't tell her is that the target is a close friend of Moka, Akuha's little sister."

"Ah, this is some sort of test then?"

"Not exactly, 7 years ago Akuha failed to bring herself to kill one of her targets," the dark figure then smiled, "we can't have our best assassin held back by such childish weaknesses, not when considering our plans involve Moka's Shinso power."


Summer TimeTsukune's Home Town

Akuha stood on a sidewalk wearing blue contact lenses on her eyes and a black sundress. She watched her target at the other side of the street. He was eating a snack alone at one of the outside tables at a fast food restaurant, probably because it was a nice day out.

"Why did they pick me for this job?" She thought to herself, "Investigations and spying isn't my area of expertise."

Akuha sighed to herself, not knowing how to approach this 'Tsukune Aono' boy. Maybe she could pretend to have an interest in him and befriend him? Talking to boys has never been something she was any good at though. In the past she just walked right in and killed everyone, provided she wasn't told otherwise. She never masqueraded as someone else or snuck around to get to her targets. She never had to as she had the strength of a vampire.

It then clicked in her head the memory of being in the Shuzen Household. Indeed she was acting at that time, and she was good at it, but she didn't make up a false identity or anything. She really was blood related to Moka and her other sisters, having the same Father but different Mothers.

"Moka…" Akuha started to drift off into space before finally dismissing it. It was all in the past.

She crossed the street and focused back on her target, looking at him closely. Seeing anyone in the flesh always told more than a photo, like the holy lock she could see on his wrist, probably to keep his human form.

Tsukune wasn't the most handsome guy around, but something about him did look slightly appealing. Tasty perhaps? Humans looking that way to her came with being a vampire.

"Wait a moment… Human? This boy goes to Yōkai Academy." Just by looking at him, her vampire instincts told her she was looking at a human. Then again, different monsters have had different ways of disguising themselves. Some would use illusions, some would shift-shape, some would seal off their power, and some would literally transform into a human. The last case is rare but not unheard of.

She hated humans, and didn't know if she could keep herself from killing one, even when vital to the assignment. She set the thought aside for later, maybe talking to him would help straighten things out. He was wearing a magical seal after all, meaning he couldn't be human. Why else would he have it?


Because it was summer break, Tsukune was back in his hometown for a while. He was daydreaming again, thinking about Moka, thinking about her last letter to him, and thinking about what he would write back. It interfered with his summer part-time job he had during the week, but thankfully today was Sunday.

While still thinking about Moka, he finished his short lunch, and got up. He started towards the garbage can to throw away any trash he had. When he was just about to reach it, he bumped into someone, apparently also trying to throw something away.

Akuha had purposely bumped into his side in front of the garbage can, trying to make it look like an accident. She thought it would look much less awkward than a stranger walking up to him and asking him strange questions.

"Sorry, my head was in the clouds." Tsukune said as he turned to see whom he bumped into.

"Oh, its alright." Akuha responded, faking a friendly smile.

Tsukune looked at her for a moment, she looked very pretty. The smooth skin she had, her legs, the curves from her hips to her thighs. Her breasts were only average sized though.

"What?" Akuha put her hands on her hips, "See something you like?"

Tsukune laughed a bit tried to fight down a blush. He was mainly attracted to Moka, maybe Kokoa a bit when they first met due to her resembling her sister. This other girl in front of him now also seemed to remind him of Moka just a bit at first glance.

"My name is Akuha, what's yours?" She asked.

To be continued in next chapter

This only took 15 minutes to think up, and a bit longer to type. I may or may not continue this based on people's reaction. Am I any good? Does it need work? I didn't have any beta readers for this chapter.