"Still Thoughts"

New adventures always replace the old ones, but there is nothing present in his world that can replace his memory of Wendy. Peter never forgets about her because whenever he stares at the dimly-lit horizon of Neverland, he thinks about the "fairy-dance" they shared – just before she left and abandoned him.

He rests in front of the fire, on the rough ground, warming himself in the process. He shifts in his sleep, restless, dreaming about her. His dream always starts the same: beginning with the first time he saw her, sleeping soundly in her bed, her mind already filled with stories he wanted to know. Cinderella, Snow White, and more.

Her knowledge of such things is what entranced him in the first place. And her bravery too, for it is so rare to come across a girl with such trait.

It is sad to think that she has already gone on her own way and chose to grow up. That reflection always haunts him in his sleep. It creeps into the deepest depths of his mind; he can never go through a single night without having to scream. But, right now, it isn't like that exactly. He is merely dreaming and thinking deeply at the same time, which is unlikely of him, for he was always so cocky and careless.

She has already left behind all the adventures and fun. But perhaps, she has not forgotten about him. Perhaps she has not even stopped thinking about him either. That thought relaxes him as he changes his position and rests his head against the lump on the floor.

In his sleep, he sees the image of a girl, with caramel-coloured hair and startling icy-blue eyes, gleaming at him. And for once ever since she left, he doesn't scream…

A/N: Flash fiction. When boredom strikes, you gotta think of a way to overcome it. I wrote this 'cause I was super bored. The length of this piece is intended. This story will be a collection of pieces of either memories or what the character is thinking or doing after the Peter left. Oh, and I may also write memories that would never be. It's just part of the fun.

Edited by: The Whisper of Wings