Edd's P.O.V.
I slid out of the passenger side of the moving truck, checking out my surroundings. I sighed.
'Still looks exactly the same', I thought, smiling lightly.'I wouldn't want it any other way.'
The mover people started unloading my things while i went inside my new house. It was horribly bland, with its starch white walls and dull hardwood floors.
'That will soon change though,' I thought, picking the colors out in my head. I thought a deep purple-ish red might look nice for the livingroom, or a nice midnight blue. The blue would go with my furniture...
Blue it is.
'I'll have to go buy some paint...', I thought. I don't like going places, even if I have to. In fact, I don't like socializing, period. I've lived alone for the past three years, and i got too used to being by myself.
I walked back outside and realized I was getting alot of strange looks from anyone who walked by. I simply glared back at them.
~~~ Eddy's P.O.V.
I'm looking out my window, watching people unload a moving truck. 'Like we need more people here, it's already crowded', I thought.
I see a boy who looks my age go back into the house. 'any minute, now my mom will scream-'
"Eddy, let's go meet our new neighbors!"
'Faster then I thought...'
I sighed and stood up, stretching. On my way down, I glanced in the mirror that hung on the wall. 'Ugh, my hair's a mess...oh-well, mom wont care'
My mom and I walked to the once-empty house next door. She knocked on the door and it practically flew open, revealing a quite emo looking teen.
"Hello, may I speak to your parents?" my mom asked.
"They're still in Japan, will be for the rest of their lives", Answered the boy.
"So, you live by yourself? Aren't you a little young to live alone?"
"Apparently not." He looked at me, "name's Eddward, what's yours?"He asked.
"Eddy", I answered.
I looked up at him. It looked like he was checking me out, and it kinda freaked me out.
He smirked,"You're cute. Even with your messy hair."
I could tell my mom was going to go nuts and freak out on this kid.
"What did you just say to my son?" She asked with a surprisingly calm voice.
"I said he was cute, what of it?"
I could also tell she was mad...
"What kind of cute?"
"Depends, which one will get me in his pants?" He said, tilting his head to the side so it looked like he was thinking.
I could feel the heat in my cheeks.
"You're cuter when you blush~"
I looked up and my face got at least three shades darker.
If you where inches away from kissing an emo kid that you just met, not to mention who your mom hates, you would blush too!
I was suddenly pulled back by the collar of my shirt.
"Stay. Away. From. My. Son!"
"I don't think I will."
'Wait, did my mom just growl?'
"C'mon, Eddy. We're leaving!"
We started walking back home, and what she said makes me glad I didn't come out of the closet.
A/N On my DA account, this is chapters 1 and 2, because they were to short, in my opinion, to even be considered actual chapters. The reason they were so short is because the part in Edd's POV was typed on my Wii, and the part in Eddy's POV was on the cpu I wasn't supposed to be on, so...yeah. ^_^