i could burn the memories for you

only for you.


She grows up suffocated by cheating fathers and talented mothers and she feels like nothing (nada, diddlysquat, squilch) compared to their glamorous lives, — she feels like her last name (god, she can't even say it) doesn't fit her with her stuck-in-between hair and sea glass eyes — and ruby and pearl do nothing to her pride, because Soul is overwhelming, in that barely-there-way, and so she breaks quicker, screams earlier, and argues sooner. And he argues back, because she's no princess, — and she knows that all too well; the plainest of the plain, they say — and Soul's no prince, and her life is an anti-fairytale; haven't you noticed? And it's a little joke between everyone else; bets and passed money on the next Maka Chop and when they're finally going to crack and admit they're in love, already! But no, they're partners and partners only.

"Nothing more," she says to curious eyes, flushing. "We're just partners."

And whenever she's acknowledged, it's suitable that it's with a partner (always with a partner, always with Soul), and not just her alone, because really, she couldn't face that. But sometimes she wonders about Soul; sometimes she deludes herself into thinking that there's something more.

(Of course, it's only a delusion to her, not anyone and everyone else.)

So it's stays that little joke behind backs, it stays the partners-only-no-more answer, and she keeps her eyes shut.

Shut tight.

a/n;; I've just started Soul Eater, and I'm in a sort of frazzled, overwhelmed state of mind, in which I'm going through all the crack!couples and all the actual possibilities, and also enjoying the anime (I'm pathetic, I'm watching it.), but if anyone is just reading this and hasn't actually read/watched Soul Eater, I highly recommend it. It's hilarious and interesting and attention-keeping and slightly gory all at once, and the graphics aren't half bad. But this is kinda rough. Feel free to point out any mistakes or parts you like, etc. etc.

p/s;; if any of you grammar freaks (I'm one too, so I can say that. Ahaha.) find anything, point it out, no problem, but just be forewarned; this is my writing style and I'm not focusing on run-ons or anything of the sort. I know they're there.

disclaimer;; Little late, but hells no.