Finally has a name! I was listening to "Bad Company" and inspiration struck, so now this is "Rebel Souls". Off topic a bit but, after years of owning the book and failing to pronounce Crowley's name right for some reason, I am proud to say that I won the round of correctly pronouncing Aziraphale's name! In your face, you two HAHA /endrant

"What the hell is going on here?"

Even under the tremendous amount of Grace, Dean was still able to make himself look somewhat threatening. If the one on the receiving end hadn't been an angel, Castiel was convinced it would have had Mr. Fell shaking in his boots.

Said angel looked sheepish as he wrung his hands together nervously. It had really only taken another moment or two to figure out the source of Dean's ailment, which caused Mr. Fell to contain the Grace that had been previously flowing throughout the shop.

"It would appear that you've have a… strong reaction to my Grace." Mr. Fell began slowly ("He's an angel? No fucking way." "Way..? I don't understand…" "Nevermind, Cas." Castiel would never get used to Dean and his strange wording.), "Used to see it often back when we were free to romp around on Earth without a thought. It was quite popular. No, really!" He insisted at the Winchester's looks of disbelief. He continued on, not realizing the looks where directed at him in general, not for his story.

"Aziraphale." The sound of the angel's name stopped him, "That story has nothing to do with Dean."

"Right. Sorry, dear. It's ah, a side effect."

"A freaking side effect? To what?" Dean demanded. Mr. Fell rubbed a hand over his face,

"How about we take this into the backroom, and I'll make us up some tea. " He offered, not waiting for an answer as he slipped away to the back room. The three remaining all exchanged looks before deciding to follow.

They arrived in the backroom in time to see Mr. Fell huff and place a phone on the rack. Castiel wondered if it was possible to angrily place something down, as the older angel seemed upset and distraught. The book keeper busied himself with making tea, while the Winchesters eyed the room. Dean had a tight grip on Sam's arm, as the younger brother seemed ready to launch out of his chair and read all the books (rare, one-of-a-kind books that Mr. Fell was obviously keeping for himself). Castiel tilted his head at the elder Winchester who sighed and rolled his eyes.

The Principality placed tea cups in front of everyone before sitting down himself. He released a breath and closed his eyes.

"It seems as though you are Grace-sensitive." Mr. Fell finally started as he opened his eyes to look at Dean.

"Grace-sensitive?" Sam leaned forward, and Mr. Fell leaned slightly more towards the taller man,

"Yes, yes. You see, it used to be a telling of a human who was too close to angels. A warning. Do you boys spend a lot of time around angels?"

"…Well, Cas here, and Balthi-freaking-zar." Dean snorted. Castiel nodded, his face solemn,

"In the past they have met with Zachariah, Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael and Anael." Castiel reported as the Winchesters ticked off names on their fingers, nodding to show their agreement, "And …Lucifer as well." Mr. Fell coughed into his cup, and stared wide eyed at the Winchesters and Castiel through his glasses.

"That many?" He wheezed, which confused Castiel greatly. Mr. Fell didn't need to breathe. So why was he doing so, and even consuming liquids and food? His Grace formed his body; he had no vessel, "Even Lucifer? He… he got out? But that would mean that –"Mr. Fell grew pale, and he lowered his tea cup to the table top as his hands began to shake.

"Yeah. Apocolypse." Dean snorted, not taking notice of the other angel's sudden discomfort.

"Basically, we're the supposed 'true vessels' of Michael and Lucifer –"

"Wanted us for our meat suits."

"-And were basically gonna fight to the death."

"But Lucy had to get out first, which was kind of our fault." Dean winced, "But we threw the devil back in the cage, along with Michael. Crisis averted." Mr. Fell calmed almost instantly at this news.

"But Heaven is in chaos," Castiel added, catching Mr. Fell's attention.

"My boy, I haven't been there in over a thousand years. I –"

"Raphael is trying to restart it." Sam blurted, "And the Weapons of Heaven have gone missing, Balthizar is selling them for souls."

"He was always the type." Mr. Fell agreed, crossing his arms, "You need a book you say?" The three nodded, "Very well. I think it's best if you leave now."

"Wait a minute-"

"But –"

"I will search for this book," He assured the brothers before turning to Castiel, "I would appreciate it if you keep this between us. I've been off the radar for years, no need to suddenly come back on. I'll find you when I've located this book." He promised, smiling gently as his eyes darted to the doorway of the store. The bell jingled and the angel stood abruptly, "I have a customer. Excuse me."

Castiel nodded as Mr. Fell left, finding that the tea cups had found themselves back into their places, washed out and cleaned. There hadn't even been a flair of anything. Castiel was impressed, but he sighed as he leaned forward to transport the Winchester brothers.

It wasn't until they were back at Bobby's with a surprised yelp from two of the five that Castiel realized that he hadn't really learned anything he'd wanted to.

Bobby wasted no time in calling them all "idjits". Castiel could not find it in himself to disagree.

"Are you crazy, angel? What if he'd been from Upstairs?"

"Nonsense, there were two humans with him."

"…Oh. Huh."

"Exactly. And that's not the worst of it."

"Not the worst? Aziraphale, the angels have found you. How can that not be the worst thing?"

"Heaven tried to jump start IT this time. While they still failed, Raphael is trying again."



"Oh, lay off." There was an amused snort, "So, we lasted two Apocalypses that weren't, and trying for a third?"

"It would seem so, unless we can find this book that will lead to the Weapons."

"…Right. I'll be off then."

"Alright. Take care, dear."

"Yeah… you too."

Castiel couldn't help but feel he missed something. The feeling got worse as he realized that he could no longer transport to the bookshop. Almost as if it had never existed.

Maybe, this had been a bad idea after all. But still, he was out of options. What other choices did he have?

A stray thought crossed his mind; If only Crowley were still alive. Sure, a deal would have to be made, but he'd been reasonable before… Castiel instantly brushed the thought aside. What a ridiculous notion. Crowley of the past might have done such a favour, but the demon he'd destroyed had changed into something different. Or perhaps, his true colors had shown. The angel thought of the few demons he knew of who had sworn they'd changed. As of recently, he could really only think of Ruby. And that had ended spectacularly, hadn't it? She'd been spoon-feeding the youngest Winchester since she met him, and hadn't been helping them, but helping the End. And then there was Crowley; the demon who'd wanted to help save the world because he liked it far too much, who then turned tail, became King and sought after Purgatory.

So no, not a good track record. But really, Castiel was curious on how the older angel would find such a treasure. Even as an angel, it would take a –

He was cut off from his thoughts as a loud ringing sounded. The angel snapped to attention and then huffed in amusement at the sound of someone falling, yelps and curses. Dean was on the floor, an angry expression on his face, while Sam was laughing at him. Obviously, he had gotten over the surprise faster. Bobby continued to hiss curses under his breath as he grabbed his phone and snapped I tot his ear (there it was again; could an action really be so angry?).

"Si –"

"Oh good, I got the right number this time," A voice, sounding relieved breathed in relief. How the hell –"You see, I was very afraid that I got the wrong number, and I've been trying for so long (another voice joins Mr. Fell's, this one is further away but Castiel can still make it out) For Go- for Sa…for someone's sake angel, get the damn brothers on the phone!"

Bobby stared at the phone in his hand as the two on the other line began to bicker back and forth until a loud "WE'RE CALLING TO SPEAK WITH SAM AND DEAN." And the Winchester's drew their attention to Bobby, finally.

"Put it on speaker," Sam told the old hunter. The man snorted before doing so, allowing the room to fill with the sounds of a scuffle, "Mr. Fell?" Sam asked, raising his voice. He grinned and looked at his smiling brother when the noise stopped.

"Ah, you must be…. Sam, then? I'm glad I found you, had to call three other numbers before getting the right one. Had a bit of difficulty with the phone but it all worked out well in the end!" Castiel could practically hear the other angel beaming through the phone.

"Have you found the book?" Dean asked, leaning in closer to the phone, eyebrows drawn.

"Ah. See, you should really see what I mean. It's easier to explain if you see it, my dear." He tittered off an address that left the voice other than Mr. Fell's sputtering the background, "You daft -! You can't just list of my address to some-" The voice stopped and muffling sounded before Mr. Fell's voice sounded cheerfully though the room once more, "You should come as soon as possible, dears. The wards around the flat can't stay down for long." And that was it. There was more muffled yelling before the call was dropped.

All four stared at the phone in Bobby's hand, unsure of what to make of the whole situation.

"…It would be productive to leave now," Castiel ended up being the one to break the silence, finding himself growing uncomfortable with the stillness that had settled over the humans he called his friends.

Sam nodded, standing, while Dean stood more slowly, not drawing his gaze away from the phone.

"Yeah., alright. Good idea, Cas. Let's go." Sam breathed. Castiel nodded and reached for the Winchester's foreheads. He adopted a now-familiar human expression as Dean yelled something trying to get away from the fingers reaching towards his forward, but not quite making it; rolling his eyes.

As they flitted away, Castiel heard the amused snort and the fond sound of "idjits" as they transported to the flat.