A/N: This takes place during the Last Olympian during the throne room scene. Let's just pretend Ethan Nakamura is somewhere else and Grover is helping Thalia while she's stuck under the statue. This is my version of what should've happened.
Disclaimer: I do not, never have, and never will own Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
Percy POV:
Kronos was on the floor looking weak and helpless. I knew this was the decision the prophecy wanted me to make. Well, I pretty much knew which side I would fight for even before this. I advanced toward Kronos with Riptide in my pocket. Kronos looked up, and I gasped. He reminded me so much of the Luke I once knew. Then I pushed that thought out of my mind. Luke had been evil and crazy even before he became Kronos. I thought of the many who lost their lives, demigods, nature spirits, and mortals, because of Luke's terrible and selfish choices. This was no time for mercy. I prepared myself to execute Luke.
Suddenly there was a terrible feminine scream. Well, more so a yell than a scream. Anyway, there was a terrible feminine yell. It seemed to be saying, "Don't hurt him!" Before I could register what was going on, I was stabbed in the back, my Achilles spot.
There are no words to describe what I was going through. I felt like a thousand knives were stabbing me in the back while I was getting hit by a train full of Hyporbean (a/n: is that how you spell it?) giants while simultaneously holding up the sky. Yeah, yeah, call me melodramatic but one of my best friends just stabbed me in the back. Literally. Oh how did I know it was Annabeth? Who else could it be?
Currently said former best friend/ ex-crush/ traitor was now entering my vision. She was current fawning over Luke/Kronos: you know, making sure Kronos didn't burn him up or something. Well, at least that's what I think she was doing, I felt like shit and couldn't really see anything. It was getting too hard to keep my eyes open. "This is it," I thought, "I'm going to die." I began to close my eyes.
I swear, my eyes were closed for like two seconds when I felt a kick in my ribs. There they were, the dynamic fuck-offs: Luke/Kronos and Annabeth. She was eyeing me with a little bit of smugness and-was that regret? No, my eyes were probably playing tricks on me, showing me what I wanted to see. My vision was still blurry due to all of the pain I was currently feeling. "Hello Percy," she said. "Shut it bitch," I replied. Luke gave me another hard kick to the ribs. It felt like nothing compared to everything else. "Don't you dare call her that!" he yelled. "Or what?" I spat out, "Are you going to kill me? Guess what? I'm already as good as dead!" Annabeth winced as I said that and so saying that made me feel good, despite the tremendous effort it took me to say everything.
My back wasn't getting any better but I still had to say one more thing, "I don't know what you want from me now since I'm dying, but Annabeth, h-h-how much of it was a lie?" I didn't need to elaborate for her to know what I was talking about. Annabeth tensed, then knelt down beside me, looked me straight in the eye, and said softly, "All of it."
I shouldn't have felt surprised, I honestly shouldn't have, but all I could think about were all of the memories I had of her, all of the good times we shared, were worthless, meaningless, and nothing but lies. Playing hackey sack with an apple, when she told me that she would sacrifice herself to save my mom, when she told me she would fight with me because we were friends, kissing me under Mt. St. Helens, they were all nothing now. Finally I gained enough mental control to say, "I'm honestly not surprised. But hear this: One day, you will be defeated and you will pay for everything you've done." With that, I died.