Edit: Hello, my lovely reader ;) I just want to encourage you to review and subscribe to me! I have some up and coming projects that you might want to check out! If you end up liking this story, you might want to add it to your favorites or/and put an alert on this story to tell you that I've updated! Looking at my story stats, I'm happy with the number of story and author alerts and favorites, so that's awesome. Anyway, let me know what you think! :) Looking back, I realize how DANG SHORT this is! Don't worry, they get longer LOL XD.

A/N: Hey, guys, so um, this is my first story :) If you like it, review, and tell me if it has any potential (at all?).

This story takes place in the book Brisingr.

I don't own the Inheritance Cycle.

The Review Revolution...

Even if the fic has 10002464 reviews already...

Even if the fic is older than time itself...

Even if it was abandoned a loooooooooooooooooooooong time ago...

Even if the author turned out to be a total psychopath...

Even if the OC is a Sue and the spelling would make a dictionary cry...

I, Seastar97, will review every fic I read. What goes around comes around, and more people will review my own fics. I have joined Review Revolution. Have You?

Chapter 1

Nasuada sat at her desk, shuffling through the endless piles of papers. Being the leader of the Varden seemed to consume her life; she just wanted relief.

As her eyes roved over a report, Jörmundur, Nasuada's father, Ajihad's most favored advisor, entered her tent in flurry of deep turquoise robes.

"Lady, King Orrin wishes to speak with you," he announced in his deep, booming voice.

Nasuada observed the blazing sun through the open back flap of her tent, thinking what a pity it would be to keep his majesty waiting in the heat. She allowed herself a slight smile.

"Is it urgent?"

"No," Jörmundur replied, "but—"

"Tell him it must wait. I am to meet with Arya very soon."

As Nasuada swept out of her tent, she nodded to Orrin and his guards. "Good day."

As she neared Arya's tent, Nasuada became aware of voices, rising and falling like the sound of waves crashing against a distant shore.

"She does not want her palm read!" She recognized Eragon's voice amid the camp's ever-present, rustling din. "You'll just say something to embarrass me, you will!"

"Embarrass you, Shadeslayer? I could never dream of doing such a thing." Angela winked at Arya, who was standing quietly to one side of her tent, an amused expression playing across her slanted features.

"Do you wish to have your palm read, Dröttningu?" Angela asked, now ignoring Eragon's look of outrage.

"Unfortunately not," Arya said, smiling broader. "I have an engagement with Nasuada, at present. Perhaps later?"

"Of course, Lady Arya."

As Angela departed, so stomped off Eragon, and the elf and human entered Arya's large tent.

"What is it you seek my counsel for, Arya Dröttningu?"

"It is his majesty King Orrin. He seems to have cut trade with Islanzadí and the elves."

"What is it you need form Surda?" Nasuada asked.

"Please excuse our covertness, but the elves are working on—something of a project. Copper is an important component."

Why would Orrin sever trade with the elves? Nasuada thought. She asked this of Arya.

"The reason eludes me," Arya admitted. "As much as it pains my mother and me, we must ask you to try to convince King Orrin to lift these barriers."

"If I had a chance, believe me, Arya, I would," Nasuada said wearily. "Orrin is stubborn as a bull when it comes to my advice."

"May I make a suggestion?" asked Arya.

"You may," Nasuada said, curious.

"Flattery. And please take into consideration that Islanzadí is willing to offer compensation for the Varden." And with that, Arya stood and started for the tent's flap.

Nasuada sat and chewed over her situation. She could help the elves—who, of course had not been helping the Varden. But what kind of compensation was their queen offering, was what she dwelled on. Finally, realizing she was in Arya's tent, she hurried back to her pavilion.

On her way, Nasuada stopped at her tent to change and refresh herself. She remembered Orrin mentioning in one of his tirades that he liked yellow. So she picked out a rich, silken dress so yellow, it put the canaries to shame.

"His majesty, King Orrin, still wishes to speak with you," one of Nasuada's guards whispered to her as she reentered her vermillion pavilion.

"Send him in," she said briskly, surprised by the king's consistency.

As Orrin strutted in and seated himself in the finest chair visible, he smiled at Nasuada's yellow frock.

"King Orrin." Nasuada addressed him evenly, yet grudgingly.

"Lady Nightstalker." He opened his mouth to speak.

I know, it's short, but I put my all into it! (If it really makes a difference)

REVIEW! PLEASE? I you think it's good, I'll put the next chapter on, if you don't, I'll keep writing it for myself (pitiful, I know).