I don't own Oreimo ©

It has been a couple of days since Kirino's birthday. The two of them were always together. At home their parents would just leave them be, thinking that they were getting along finally after all these years. At school their friends didn't know a thing. Kirino's friends would continue to pester the teen-model about her having a boyfriend, (which was true) and Kyousuke's friends would think that he and Manami were dating, though Kirino hated that everyone at the high school would think that.

Kyousuke smiled as he walked out of the school with Manami. His childhood friend laughed as she begins to tell another tale of her grandfather scaring the children at the shop. The male teen also laughed as he began to grow more interested in the story. The girl with the glasses smiled and was about to continue, but stopped when she and Kyousuke saw Kirino in front of them.

Manami bows and greets the young girl, "Good afternoon, Kirino-san."

Kirino ignores the older one's greeting and says, "Oi Kyousuke, we have to go home now. Dad needs to talk with you and it's important."

Kyousuke frowned, if their Dad sent his sister to tell him that, then it must be really important. The blue-haired teen nodded and smiled sheepishly at his friend, "Sorry Manami. I guess we'll have to study together some other time."

"It's okay, Kyou-chan. Tomorrow is good time, yes?" She replied with tinted red cheeks.

Kyousuke nodded, "Hai. See ya later."

Kirino frowned and grabbed into her brother's hand. The boy turned back to his friend and smiled one last time with a slight wave. Though the middle-school girl growled in annoyance and tugged on Kyousuke's collar.

"A-ACK!" He exclaimed, "What you do that for?"

Once the two were out of sight from Manami, Kirino placed her fingers in between her Aniki's. The young girl glared at him and told him that he was flirting again. Kyousuke raised a brow and smiled a bit. He squeezed her hand and slightly laughed at this.

Kirino glared and jabbed the boy in the stomach with her elbow, "It's not funny! I'm serious. Stop fliritng around it's gross."

"Sorry!" Kyousuke mumbled and then asked, "So what does Dad want?"

The younger sibling looked away with a frustrated look, "You're so stupid. It's obvious that when I said that it meant that I as trying to get you away from that Neighbor-girl."

The boy sighed and said the girl's name, "Kirino..."

The said girl only grunted and released herself from her brother as they grew closer to the door. Kyousuke took grasp of the door knob and twisted it as it opens to reveal the inside of their home. He held the door for his dear sister and smiles as he watches her go inside still with a displeased look.

Kyousuke entered and closed the door. The two of them removed their shoes and announced to their parents that they're home. In the living room they could hear their parents conversing between themselves, though the elder brother could hear their mother saying welcome home. Kirino slid the door open, still with Kyousuke behind her, but the teen-model quickly slid the door back shut.

"Damnit Kirino." He mumbled in annoyance and opened the door for himself.

Kyousuke watched as his sister went up to their father and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and quick hug towards their mother. She then walked towards Kyousuke with a frown on her face. The boy then tensed, as she walked right past him. Kyousuke was a bit disappointed. He was expecting a hug or something from her.

He shrugged it off and greeted his folks as he walks towards the fridge. He pulls out a carton of juice and pours himself a glass. As he drinks his juice, he heard his mother telling him something.

"I heard some weird noises last night."

Kyousuke placed the glass in the sink and turned to her, "Like what?"

"Moaning." She stated.

The teen began to grow curious, "Where?"

"Kirino's room of course."

'Damn! Kirino needs to put on headphones when she plays eroge!' Kyousuke thought as he slowly grinds his teeth together, "Oh?"

His mother nodded and crossed her arms, "I bet she found porn."


She nodded and suddenly pointed at her son, "YOU! You keep using her laptop to look up porn and once you return it you don't clear the history thus leading your poor innocent sister to find the nasty things you look up!"


Kyousuke nervously glances at his father, who was still reading the paper. The old man only grunted in agreement to his wife. The teen's mom smirked when thinking that her theory was right, though she was wrong. Very wrong. Kyouske really wanted to claim his innocence on this one, but he knew he had to cover up for Kirino. Even if she's his sister and now his girlfriend.

The teen sighed and dragged his feet out of the living room, ignoring his mother's rambling and his father's grunts. He slides the door close and begins to walk up the stairs. He smiles as he reaches his door. The elder sibling opened the door and closed it as he tosses his school bag to the side. Then he turns around and slightly twitches.


The said girl frowned and lies on her brother's bed with arms and legs crossed as if she's expecting him to pamper her. Kyousuke ran his hand through his hair and groaned in irritation as he asks what the hell she's doing here in his room. Kirino just glared.

"You want something don't you?" He asked.

She nodded and said, "I want a kiss."

Kyousuke's exhausted expression soon turned gentle. He walks up to his sister and lowers his head to reach her lushes lips. He placed his upon hers and slowly pulls back with a satisfied smile. Kirino just stared back at him with tinted pink cheeks on her flawless face, though something made her blank expression turn back into a frown.

"MORON!" She shouted.

Kyousuke felt his collar being tugged by the girl as she brings him closer to her. Kirino growled and exclaimed, "THAT WAS THE WORST KISS EVER!"

"HOW IS THAT YOUR WORST KISS EVER?" Kyousuke shouted back.

Kirino then began to shake her elder brother, "YOU DIDN'T DO IT RIGHT!"

"W-what?" He replied as he was shaken.



The young girl stopped and shoved her brother aside as she makes her way towards the door. She opens it and walks out, but before she could even leave, she gave her boyfriend a small devious smile and said, "Figure it out, A-NI-KI."

My heart pounded when she stretched out my name like that. I slightly smiled back at her and watched her slam my door. I just stood there just staring at the door my sister used to escape from me. I scratched my stomach and sat down on my chair. I stared out the window trying to think. How the hell does she want her first kiss to be like? Romantic, emotional, or dramatic? My head was spinning with those themes.

I scratched my chin, trying to think of an idea. I closed my eyes and thought for a while, suddenly an idea popped up. My eyes slowly opened and a smile stretched across my face. I should take her to that festival tonight with Kuroneko and Saori! I took out my phone and gave them a quick text. I placed my phone back in my pocket and got out of my room. I walked towards Kirino's and gave it a soft knock.

My ears heard the door slowly creek and as it opened, it showed my sister glaring at me with her hand on the door knob and her other hand placed on her hip. Her expression showed the usual, 'what-the-hell-do-you-want-now?' I smiled and bent down a little to reach her level, trying to flirt around, but by the look of those blue eyes it showed that she doesn't have time for my foolishness. My smile soon turned into an awkward one and I stood up straight with a flushed look.


It sounded more like a statement then a question. It makes me want to frown, but I didn't. I kept that awkward smile. I then felt my pocket vibrating. I took my phone and flipped it and saw that both Saori and Kuroneko. Both said that they could go.

"Would you like to go to the festival with me today?" I asked with a genuine smile.

Her irritated look soon turned gentle. My heart began to pound again as I watched her light blue eyes glow with excitement. She then looked down and fidgeted as she replied, "D-Do you mean one tonight?"

I chuckled, "Yes of course. Since we don't have school and all..."

"Cool.." She barely whispered.

"Oh!" I almost forgotten, "Kuroneko and Saori are coming too!"

Her eyes suddenly turned hard. I slightly jumped as she slammed the door shut in front of my face. I sighed and was about to leave, but I stopped when I heard Kirino's voice from behind. My eyes widened when I heard her reply.

"I-I'm still going, y'know!" She exclaimed behind her door, "J-Just tell me when we're leaving, baka."

I sighed satisfyingly and walked back to my room. I entered the barren square room and slowly closed the door behind me. I took a deep breath, trying to register the information that just got to my head. She agreed to go, despite the fact that I invited Soari and Kuroneko. My expression turned sour as I realized my mistake. She reacted that way because I invited those two.

My shoulders shrugged as I plopped on my bed. There was nothing I could do now. It was just plain rude to give them a text saying that they couldn't come anymore. I sighed briefly and began to think about that kiss. Oh why does that girl need that kiss to be so perfect? It doesn't matter if the kiss wasn't as 'emotional' as she expected? Does she really want to remember that kiss forever? Such a waste of space in the mind.

My arm then began to move as I bent down and searched under my bed for a pair of DJ headphones. My mouth slowly formed a smile as I plugged it in my stereo. I turned the machine on, and moved the knob to the right and began to relax as the music engulfed the peaceful quiet room of mine. I laid down on the bed and hummed the song that was playing.

Though my eyes were fixed onto the ceiling. I really don't want to go through a lot of trouble just to give Kirino a kiss that is perfect. The one I gave her some minutes ago was fine enough, it was a small simple kiss that I enjoyed and I bet she was satisfied with it as well.

With the time I have been thinking it was already 6. I blinked for a while, I didn't know I was in the room for 2 hours. I shrugged it off and took off the headphones. I searched my closet for my blue kimono and in 2 mere seconds I found it. I sighed once again as I put on the absurd thing. Though I am proud of my Japanese heritage, I do really detest the kimono. I honestly find it uncomfortable. I got my phone out and texted Soari. She texted right back. I smiled when I read that she was there with Kuroneko. I placed the phone back in my pocket and got out of my room. I walked towards my sister's and softly knock on hers.

The door pulled back and there I saw my sister. She was all dressed up in her pink kimono with sakura petals as the designs. I couldn't help but smile as her face contained a flustered look of embarrassment. I hid my amused face, for I knew if she ever caught me with that look she would strangle the living life out of me. I stuck my arm out and gave her a little gesture. She could only glare lightly at me as she took my arm.

We both walked down the stairs and were greeted by our parents. Both of them seemed pleased that we were spending time with each other. We bid them farewell and walked out of the house with a small sign of relief. We weren't ready to tell them of our forbidden relationship. Our mother would maybe accept it, but as for dad...We would probably be dead.

I looked back at Kirino and saw she was looking the opposite direction. I raised my brow and commented on her looks, "You look lovely."

"Thanks.." She mumbled, "You too, I guess."

I smiled and we continued to walk with our arms linking together. Within a few minutes we made it to the festival. The lanterns were lit, the vendors by the stands were smiling and waving trying to get people to buy their foods and goods. Kirino and I walked passed one dango stand. She pulled on my sleeve and pointed at the treats. I smiled and the two of us walked towards the stand.

"Two please." I asked.

The old woman smiled and handed each of us dango. We bid her farewell and began to look for Kuroneko and Soari. I nibbled on my dango as I began to hear my sister speak to me.

"I-If..we tell Soari and Kuroneko about..us." She began, "Do you think they'll...stop talking to us?"

I stopped chewing on the dough and began to think. I really never thought about that before. I was oh so sure that they would accept us. I mean...They accepted Kirino about her weird eroge obsession, but that had something to do with anime.

I shrugged, "I think they would."

Her eyes widened when I said that, "R-Really, Kyousuke?"

I finished my snack and tossed the stick in a trash bin that was close by. I looked down at her with a smile, "Sure. They are our friends after all."

She smiled slightly and began to nibble on her untouched dango. We still held hand as we played games and such. An hour passed and we still didn't find Kuroneko and Soari. But as we were by this goldfish game, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and grinned when I saw Kuroneko and Soari waving at us. Both were wearing very lovely kimonos. Soari had a rose colored one multiply shades of red as the obi. Kuroneko had a dark purple with some light purple designs.

"HEY!" Soari exclaimed, "We've been looking for you two!"

I scratched my head and replied, "So were we! But we ended up playing the games. Sorry about that."

She began to wave her hand, "Oh~! That's quite alright."

I chuckled and asked, "What did you two do here?"

Soari was about to reply to my question, but she and I froze when we saw Kuroneko falling to the ground. I turned to my side and saw my sister dashing off. I watched her go with a confused look and then looked back at the goth who was getting up with the aid of the tall woman.

"Wh-What happened?" I blurted out.

Kuroneko dusted herself and said in a formal manner, "I simply commented on you and your sister's relationship."

Soari looked confused, "Eh?"

I blushed and told her, "K-Kirino and I...are dating..sort of."

The girl with the glasses stared at me for a while and suddenly her blank face turned into a smile. She giggled and patted me on the shoulder, telling me congratulations and such. I was so dumbstruck by her sudden reaction. I turned back to the goth girl and asked what she said to Kirino.

She could only shrug and look away as she replied, "I told her it was disgusting."

"What the hell!" I commented.

She stared at me coldly and replied, "Her obsession with that absurd Big Brother and Little Sister eroge games has led both of you to be in that kind of forbidden relationship. If you haven't discovered that obsession you two would probably be normal and would have never thought of being together. Not once."

I glared at her and said, "But you accepted her obsession! Why can't you accept us being together?"

Kuroneko just stared at me as she took a piece of hair and tucked it behind her ear, "I always knew that she loved you more than an older brother and I've been noticing that you have a little siscon side to you."

I flushed madly at that siscon comment, but I continued to listen to her rambles. Kuroneko then made a face that I thought she would have never made in her life. She looked truly disgusted.

"But I've never imagined for you two to end up together."

"You made that manga of me and Kirino!" I exclaimed, trying to reason with her. Trying to let her accept the fact that Kirino and I are together.

She smirked, "I only did that to irk the both of you. It seemed to work, but I guess the results backfired, huh?"

I could only face-palm myself. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to my side and saw Soari looking at me with a concerned face. She smiled awkwardly, trying to make me feel better. I could only chuckle. It looked kind of funny on her. She noticed this and began to laugh as well. Kuroneko looked to the side, looking bored as usual.

"Why don't you find her?" The tall woman said, "I think she needs someone."

I nodded and began to walk off. As I walked away, I heard a little bit of the conversation with Soari and Kuroneko.

"You like him too, don't you?" Soari murmured softly. I could sense a small smile creeping upon her face.

"You over exaggerate too much." The short one commented in a monotone voice.

I ran and ran as fast as I could. I couldn't believe she said that! I felt tears running down my face. I pushed and shoved people out of the way so I could go to the top of the hill that was near the lake. Once I was free from that crowd, I began to walk up the grassy hill. I sat on the top, looking at the shinning lake that had the reflexion of the moon on it. I sighed. Kuroneko said that my relationship with him is disgusting.

I sniffled and began to use my sleeves to wipe away my tears. I continued to sit there and think. I thought Kuroneko would take the news well, but she didn't! Wh-What if Soari says its gross too? That would freaking suck! I glared at my feet and began to pull the grass. I couldn't bare to see Soari's reaction...They'll both probably stop talking to me and Kyousuke and they'll kick me out of the anime club!

I gasped. I seriously don't want to be kicked out! Maybe I should break up with Kyousuke...


'Speak of the devil.' I thought and didn't bother to turn around. Kyousuke came running up the hill and greeted me with heavy panting. I tch'd at him. He must have been running all over the place. Kyousuke sat down besides me and stared at the lake. He hummed a lullaby that seemed too familiar. It must have been mom's since she use to sing it to us all the time when we were young. Once he was done, the atmosphere around us turned quiet.

"Are you okay?"

I glared at him, "Do I look okay to you?"

He only chuckled. I growled in annoyance and began to throw the grass, that I have pulled, at him. Even some of it got in his mouth! He made faces which amused me, but I didn't show it on my face. He began to wipe off the grass off his tongue and began to spit to the side.

"Kirino!" He complained, "That's gross!"

I gritted my teeth and questioned, "Is it me, our relationship, or the grass?"

Kyousuke seemed to glare at me for that question that I just asked. He rubbed his arm slightly as the cold wind greeted the both of us. My elder brother sighed heavily as he begins to ponder.

"I knew it." I blurted, "You do think that our relationship is disgusting.

He looked bewildered by my comment, "No way! I would never think that!"

"Why didn't you answer my freaking question then!" I exclaimed angrily.

Kyousuke blushed and replied, "I-I thought you were kidding!"

I sighed, "You're so stupid..."

Suddenly the two of us began to grow quiet again. I looked up at Kyousuke and found in staring at the sky. I sighed and asked, "Did you tell Soari about us..?"


I growled.

"Oh!" Kyousuke exclaimed, "Yeah I did. She..."

"Didn't take it well did she?" I finished lamely.

My Aniki shook his head. This made my hopes go up. Kyousuke smiled and finished his interrupted sentence, "Nah. She said congratulations to us."

My mouth that had form a thin line of sorrow now slowly turned into a slight smile of hope. Maybe I do have friends that would actually accept us. I looked down at our hands and began to lift my hand to grab hold of my brother's pinky finger. His face relaxed as he watches me grasp onto his finger. I looked up at him and caught him staring. I could only jump in surprise. I quickly looked the other way as I felt my face burning up from embarrassment.


We flinched as we heard explosions rising up into the sky. The two of us simultaneously looked up and stared in awe as we saw fireworks lighting the dark sky. I gasped a bit as I saw many colors raining down in the distance. I glanced to the side to see my brother's reaction. His was the same as mine. He kept his attention at the explosions as they kept on coming and coming. I then felt Kyousuke's hand squeezing mine.

He turned to look at me with a loving smile, "No matter what people say about us. I just want you to know is that even though it would seem that everyone is against us. Always remember that the most important thing is that we have each other. Even if they say its disgusting or weird or whatever. They're just jealous cause they don't have someone that they could love as much as we love each other."

My eyes widened as I heard my brother say this to me. My lower lip began to quiver from the little speech he just said to me. I embraced him and began to pound on his chest. I could hear the kid snickering at me for hitting him. I then felt a finger lifting my chin up. All I could see is Kyousuke's gentle face.

"You said you want a kiss to remember forever." He murmured as he leaned closer to me.

I began to close my eyes and whisper back, "Yeah..But you ruined it now because you mentioned it."

Kyousuke closed his eyes as he felt my lips pressing against his. My heart pounded as we had contact together. Our lips moved together as we poured each others emotions into it. Just from that one kiss, I could feel the love that he has is really true. It felt so weird, but I didn't care. After a minute, we pulled back. We stared at each other for a while as we tried to get the right amount of oxygen in our body.

"That wasn't the kiss I wanted." I grumbled like a spoiled brat, who didn't get the right toy for Christmas.

My Aniki laughed and pulled me to his side. We both laid down on the grass and continued to look at the fireworks. He wrapped his arm around me and began to rub my shoulder.

"I'll keep on trying til I give you the perfect kiss then." He said with a slight tease in his voice.

"You better, idiot."

Kyousuke sighed, "I promise."

We both laid there, looking at the fireworks up in the night sky. I smiled as I felt his warm body against mine. I then turned to look at him.

"Y'know.. Before you came up here, I was thinking of breaking up with you so Soari wouldn't kick me out of the anime club."


A/N: Aw jeez. Sorry it took a while. I was having a writers block. I kind of finished it at 1am and i reeeaaally wanted to update the story cause i updated my two other stories ^^"

umm so just excuse some maybe grammer mistakes and misspellings i guess. Unless they are totally major ones then you'll have to tell me so i can fix them lol

Hmmm i think this is the longest chapter i have ever written for any of my stories xD haaa. But this is different cause... its OreImo! Lol

For some reason i have this feeling that the characters are a bit OOC i don't know if they are, but my gut is telling me that they are. Idk man i must be like tired.

Anyway Enjoy~! Your day/night or whatever