Author's note: This one is a work in progress guys, so please be patient. I'm still not sure exactly where its headed, but its been bugging me to get it down in print. So here we go...

Disclaimer: All characters etc. are property of Belisarius Productions. I don't own any of it

Chapter 1

McGee stretched, leaning back until his spine popped. It had been an exceptionally long day, involving yet another tough case. They'd finally cracked it, and had spent the evening writing up case files. He finished his report, printing off copies for Gibbs, the Director, and the case file. He was the last person left in the bullpen; Tony and Ziva had left a little while ago. It was a Friday night and they didn't have the weekend duty this week, so they'd rushed through their reports and escaped. They'd pay for that when Gibbs saw the files, but that wasn't his problem.

He wondered whether Abby was still downstairs in the lab and if she had plans for the weekend. Usually he'd see if she wanted to hang out at all, but he'd had to stop himself from doing that. The thought made him sad; he really did miss her.

The urge to see her was irresistible; the hold she had on his heart was as strong now as it was when they were dating 6 years ago, maybe even stronger despite his best efforts.

He sighed, giving in, and made his way to the elevator. He'd just drop in, say hi, and then he'd go home and write for a while. If he didn't finish his current manuscript soon he'd have his publisher on his back.

The lab was brightly lit but quiet when he entered. Abby was sitting at her desk, her head in both hands. She looked the picture of dejection. McGee's heart went out to her. Crossing the main lab, he stood in front of her

"Abs, what's wrong?" he asked

She looked up, her face clear of makeup. God, she was beautiful.

"Timmy. I thought you'd gone for the weekend"

"I was just leaving; thought I'd drop by and say hi" he forced the words to come out evenly while his heart contracted at her use of the pet name she had for him. No one else called him Timmy.

"Since when do you just drop by and hi any more, Timmy?" She tried to laugh, but it came out stilted

He shifted nervously. 'Yeah, it's been kinda busy Abs"

"Not that busy. And any way, when has being busy ever stopped you from coming down here before?" The question was unanswerable. She got up from her chair, moving around the desk towards him.

"Why are you avoiding me, Timmy? Have I done something wrong?"

He took a step back, away from her, shaking his head

"Timmy, I want an explanation. 3 weeks ago everything was fine, then you stopped coming down here, you found excuses to get Tony or Ziva get reports for Gibbs. What's going on?"

He tried to come up with the words to explain, same as he'd done a hundred times, but again the words failed him.

Suddenly he was furious. Furious at himself, for getting himself into this position, for not being able to let go; for hurting her.

The confusion in her big eyes was the last straw.

He snapped "I can't do this anymore" at her and stormed out of her lab.