A/N: Hi :) I was re-reading this the other day and I was shocked at how impossible it was to read with all the no line breaks, and errors etc. I still don't think it's very well written (my second fanfic) but I didn't want to delete it, so I decided just to stick with fixing up the line breaks. Hope it's easier to read now :)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, except OC Flint :)

Happy Reading XD Love, Poppy.

Blaine was so nervous. He dressed with particular care this morning, gelling his hair to perfection, donning his black coat and warblers scarf with particular care. He knew he shouldn't be nervous. It was just shopping with Kurt and Mercedes. He liked hanging out with Kurt and Mercedes. The part he was nervous about would come some time today, Blaine wasn't sure when. He just had to get Kurt alone and tell him.

Kurt and Mercedes arrived outside his house, promptly at ten as promised. Mercedes beeped the horn of Kurt's dad's SUV that his dad had lent him. Blaine's heart caught in his throat when he stepped out of the door and saw Kurt hanging his head out of the car window calling his name.

"Blaine! Hurry up or we'll miss all the good sales!" Kurt cried as if missing the sales would be the most devastating thing in the world. He was so adorable.

Soon enough they were (Finally as Mercedes put it) on their way. And when they reached the Gap Mall (Because they would have missed the Macy's sale) Mercedes had to go to the ladies room so Blaine and Kurt were waiting out front for her. It was the only chance he was going to get. Here goes nothing…

"Kurt…" Blaine began carefully.

"Yeah?" Kurt asked. "What's wrong?" Kurt noticed his expression with worry. "You don't think we'll have missed the sales here too do you? Oh no…" Kurt moaned slumping against the shop window. No, Blaine couldn't say it now. Just as well he didn't because Mercedes came out just then.

"What's the matter?" she asked Kurt.

"Blaine thinks we've missed the sales!" Kurt cried.

"Why don't we wait and see," Blaine said patiently.


His next opportunity came when Mercedes was trying on a gorgeous red dress that she was going to wear to a party that night. While she was in the dressing room Blaine once more turned to Kurt. He opened his mouth to spit it out but then Mercedes emerged from behind the curtain wearing the dress.

"Its gooooorgeous" Kurt cooed.

"You like it?" Mercedes asked twirling so the dress spun around her knees. Kurt gave her a thumbs up in approval.


Kurt got so excited over the little things.

Mercedes went up to the counter giving Blaine another chance but Kurt spoke before Blaine had a chance

"Are you alright? I know you don't really like the Gap," Kurt asked sounding genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine," Blaine insisted.

When Mercedes returned they made their way to the eatery. Mercedes sent Kurt to order there sushi.

"Blaine are you okay? You've been acting weird all day…"

So Mercedes noticed too. Blaine wondered whether he should tell her. He decided against it. She would have no hesitation in telling Kurt, and Blaine wanted to be the one to do that…

"I'm fine. Just a little tired that's all," Blaine lied

Then Kurt was back with the sushi. While they ate Mercedes and Kurt were talking about some New Directions gossip. Blaine liked hearing about Kurt's friends even though he had never met them.

"Wait, let me get this straight." Blaine said getting confused. "Quinn is the same girl who was dating Finn but slept with Puck and got pregnant and told everyone that the baby was Finn's And then Finn found out and dumped her right?"

"That's her," Mercedes consented.

"So afterwards Finn started seeing Rachel but then he dumped her and she started seeing someone else but he wanted to get back with her and she said no. So then Finn slept with Santana and later Rachel and the other guy broke up and Finn and Rachel started dating but then she found out that Finn slept with Santana but Finn told her he was a virgin. And Santana is pretty mean to her right?"

"To everyone," Mercedes corrected.

"So to get back at Finn she made out with Puck and told Finn and he broke up with her. But then at the football game that I went to he kissed Quinn. So after everything Quinn did to him he can forgive her but not Rachel? I know he's your step brother but he seems like kind of a jerk."

"No I agree with you. Rachel's kind of my friend now," Kurt agreed.

After lunch Mercedes realized that she left her wallet back at the shops so she went back to look for it. Blaine and Kurt were alone again. After this they were going home. If he didn't say it now he probably never would.

"Kurt I have something to tell you," Blaine began.

"What is it? Is this sweater not my color?" he asked worriedly referring to the bright orange sweater he bought. Blaine was pretty sure Kurt was the only one who would ever look good in that sweater.

"Its not the sweater."

"Than what is it?" Kurt wondered.

"Kurt… I love you."