Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Star Saga
Chapter Two
Present and Future

All she wanted was a normal life where she could enjoy its wonders and happiness but it was impossible now. Yuza was not aware that at some point in her life, she would become a non-existent being, a person with no beginning and end or rather someone who has left the borders of reality. The citizens of Neo Domino City have heard of the cases of Psychic duelists like the Black Rose Witch and the Arcadia Movement but the fifteen-year-old girl's situation was different in many ways. She was forever chained in the cruel shackles of time for she had transcended it herself and that era which she travelled might change with just a single flick. In other words, she had become a being with nowhere to return to. The only thing she could look back at was her memory.

"Where...am I?" wondered Yuza, her body drifting in the boundless space of her mind. For some reason, every ounce of the memories of her childhood to the day of the destruction flashed right before her.

Growing up without a father was really painful for her, especially whenever she saw children playing with their families in the park her mother always took her to. She would always unconsciously shed a tear and her companions would comfort her but it had no effect. Almost every day in her life seemed blank and lifeless. It felt as though there was a hole in her heart that couldn't be patched no matter how many years it took. This situation gave her a cold and uncaring persona until four years into her childhood, she met someone who changed her life. At that time, little Yuza was playing in the park when her ball rolled into the road. As innocent as she was back then, she chased for it only to find out that there was a truck speeding towards her direction. She thought that it was the end until...

"Are you alright, little Yuza?" asked the voice of a carefree teenager. Yuza saw that a D-Wheel of deep blue color was able to block it. "Be careful next time, Mister."

The teenager got off the D-Wheel and took off his helmet. From the looks of it, he was about sixteen to eighteen years of age but for some reason unknown to Yuza, the maturity in his facial features was not prevalent. It was probably because he smiled often, believing that a person should treasure his own happiness. He looked easy-going and clumsy but he gave off a soothing aura of someone who had learned so much in life. His turquoise-colored hair was spiked with a band equipped around his head, and his outfit was composed of a plain shirt, and pants and a jacket that matched the color of his D-Wheel.

"Little Yuza, listen," he said, patting the girl's head. "He always told me that wherever we are, our bonds are connected. Don't cry now, Little Yuza. Someday, you will find your father and live the life you always wanted." Yuza nodded and they both went to the little child's home with his D-Wheel.

That was the first time she smiled.

And that was also the first time that it occured. On the night of that same fateful day, a strange mark in the shape of a lion was embedded onto her right arm. The little child was crying for what seemed like eternity as the pain gradually grew until her mother came by her side and equipped her with a necklace bearing the shape of the Infinity symbol. In a sudden, the glowing of the mark stopped but the mark itself remained permanent. Her mother didn't act troubled, as though she already saw this coming. Up to this day, Yuza didn't know anything about her having the mark of a lion mainly because it didn't resurface again three days after the incident.

"I had a strange mark?" wondered the present Yuza who was drifting in her memories, in disbelief of what she just witnessed. "Is that why there was this yellow light when I battled that machine?"

And then flashed the last of her memories of her era, the attack of the Machine Emperors. This fragment of her memory was the most excruciating, seeing the people be taken away and her home be destroyed in just a single flick. For a normal person of any age, it was the most horrific thing to see. With that in mind, a thought got her into thinking, time might be changed with just a single flick. Surely, if someone were to change the course of events in the past, that would mean there would also be a drastic change in the future. This thought triggered her to think that if she could just change the past and make it so that her father wouldn't die, everything in the future will be all right.

"There is no need for that," said a familiar deep voice, the same voice that spoke to her in the place of white light. "The shell is no more."

To Yuza's surprise, the memories of that horrific incident started to fade away as though they were pages in a diary that were being burnt to ashes. And there she saw the recreated memory: she was walking peacefully in the street of an unknown city until the darkness swallowed the world once again and everything fell back the way it was. Why was it that the world has fallen to darkness when the tides of time was finally changed? Is destruction really inevitable?

"What is the meaning of this?" exclaimed Yuza, somehow angered. "Everything was changed as you said but why did darkness still exist?"

"Young lady, where there is light, there is darkness. Once a curtain ascends, another descends," explained the voice in an enigmatic way. "Now, have you made your decision? Will you change the tides of time with me?"

"I refuse!" her eyes and spirit unwavering, Yuza cried. "I will change everything in my own way!"

"I see," said the voice rather calmly. "If that is what you believe, I will not force you. But everything is just foolish and pointless. Young lady, what if I tell you that the darkness you saw in that recreated memory is the paradox of time that you will cause?"

"What? But that can't be...I can't..."

Everything was swallowed into darkness until Yuza opened her eyes to find herself lying on a bed inside a small, dim-lighted tent. She woke up trembling and shaking from the fear of the recreated memory. It seemed more horrific than the apocalypse caused by the Machine Emperors. Was the voice speaking of the truth? Am I really the cause of the paradox in the future? These thoughts circled through the young girl's mind. Troubled, she went outside for some fresh air and saw Regulus reading some kind of burned paper. She also noticed that they were in the middle of a desert but it was surprisingly cold as it was said that the sun never rose in the Star Dimension. It was only the magnificent color of crimson that inhabited that starry sky.

"Regulus, I have something to ask of you," said Yuza, nervous.

"Yuza, before anything else, there is a place that you need to go," replied Regulus. "He will tell you everything and answer all of your questions. He is the only one who knows about the future."


Can Yuza find out anything about the paradox?

A year had already passed ever since the Signers decided to part ways, with Yusei being the only one left in Neo Domino City. That was also the day the Crimson Dragon took their marks back. A lot of things happened since then. After many times of trying, Jack finally earned the title of the World King while Crow was in a team of professional duelists overseas. Rua and Ruka were living happily with their parents as they attended Duel school and Aki was still studying her way through the complex field of medicine.

"What? King Arrivies at Neo Domino!" exclaimed Carly, looking at her monitor as she read the headline. "Jack is back?"

At the airport, as expected, the media flocked around the World King who was, in some reports, visting an old friend. When Jack got on his D-Wheel, he quickly grabbed the opportunity, escaping the hundreds of microphones pointing towards him. He went back because there was something that he needed to do, now that he is the real King. It was to beat his old friend who was also the only one who had beaten him in a duel. Fudo Yusei. Once he arrived at Poppo Time, the people noticed him and they asked him for autographs which he reluctantly gave.

"Excuse me," said Jack, asking one of the ladies who was about nineteen years of age, wearing casual clothes in brown color. "Is there someone by the name of Fudo Yusei here?"

"Oh, Yusei-kun?" confirmed the lady but she didn't sound happy for a reason. "It's already been six months since...he went away."

"I see. Thank you," said the King. Jack thought that if Yusei wasn't here, he would be at Satellite and that was his only option. It was probable that Yusei stayed with Martha or Rally and the others during the time he was alone at Neo Domino. Quickly, Jack got on his D-Wheel and went to Martha's place where he also met Rally and the rest of their friends.

"Jack, it's been quite some time," said Martha. "How are you doing? Wait, I'll get some-"

"Martha, there's just one thing I wanted to ask of you," said Jack, interrupting her. "Where is Yusei?" Yusei's name made a large impact to everyone in the house, even the kids and Dr. Schmitt. They were all silent as if they were frozen to death until Martha spoke and gave Jack a letter.

"Why is everybody acting wierd? What is the meaning of this?" his hands were trembling as he opened the letter. He noticed that there were red stains on it, as thought it was blood.


I'm sorry but I might not be around by the time you read this. I'll be waiting for the time you become King and return to Neo Domino City. Please give Aki the card I have left with Martha and give everyone my best wishes.


"Here," said Martha, handing over a white-framed card.

"Stardust Dragon?" wondered Jack, perplexed on seeing the magnificent dragon's card. "Martha, does this mean that Yusei is..."

"Yes, Yusei is..."

What happened to Yusei?

Chapter 3 Preview

Regulus: There is someone who wants to meet you, Yuza.

?: So we meet again.

Yuza: Who are you? Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Star Saga, Time Travel

?: There is still time, young lady.

Author's notes: Hi, everyone! I'm back! Chapter 2 was redone so that it would be accurate with the shows events. And, the Yuza arc will continue until chapter 4! Thanks for reading and please review!