Author's Note: This chapter is another stand alone, 'snapshot' chapter.
Chapter 6
Wada Calcium CD3
Sakura Age: 2.5 years old
"Kaiba that…"
Yuugi looked up from his newspaper. He blinked and watched Atemu slam a pile of mail on the table. At the top of the pile of was a half crimpled letter. "Is something wrong?"
"Yes, Kaiba. That…"
"Kaiba-jichan!" Sakura clapped her hands. Yuugi smiled sympathetically at Atemu and playfully tickled Sakura. The young toddler giggled. "See Kaiba-jichan?"
Atemu sighed; his anger suddenly mitigated. Sakura had developed Yuugi's uncanny ability of making him forget all horrible things in the world. "No."
Sakura pouted. She adored 'Uncle Kaiba' much to Atemu's annoyance and Yuugi's amusement. "Play?" Sakura lifted her arms signaling that she wanted to be removed from her high chair. Yuugi pointed at the bottom of her bowl, at the thin layer of rice. "Full, Papa," she whined.
Yuugi shook his head. "You don't want to make the rice sad now do you?"
"No," she said meekly.
"Then you should let them join each other in your stomach." Yuugi patted her belly.
Sakura laughed. "Okay Papa. I no make rice sad." She grinned and immediately dug into the rice. She finished in two big mouthfuls. Atemu shook his head. Yuugi had a way with Sakura. He was strict with her, but he always managed to disguise it. "Done Papa!" Sakura smiled happily. Yuugi nodded and gently lifted her from her seat. He set her down on the floor. She immediately scampered into the living room. They had partitioned a section of the living room off for Sakura. It was visible from both the kitchen and the game shop. The two proud fathers watched their daughter gather her toys and enter her world of imagination before returning to their earlier conversation.
Yuugi grabbed the crimpled letter. He noted the sender. "Kaiba Corp?"
Atemu nodded but didn't elaborate. He simply sat down and crossed his arms and legs. His annoyance returned.
"Tournament?" Yuugi guessed. Kaiba usually mailed Atemu's tournament visitations. It always annoyed Atemu. He felt Kaiba did so just to spite him for once being a three thousand year old pharaoh and by default was technologically challenged. Yuugi just laughed and suggested maybe Kaiba liked printing invitations on fancy paper.
Atemu just snorted. Yuugi flattened the paper. When Atemu still didn't respond, he sighed and proceeded to read the letter that had made his other so annoyed. His eyes widened as he read. When he finally finished, he looked up. "Calcium pills?"
"Wada calcium CD3 pills." Atemu looked more annoyed.
"Why does Kaiba-kun want you to promote calcium pills? And on TV," Yuugi added.
"To annoy me. He's probably annoyed he can't beat me in a duel after all these years." Atemu smirked. Yuugi sighed. After all these years, Atemu's ego had never decreased.
"Well, you are going to do it right?"
Atemu's eyes widened. He immediately composed himself and crossed his arms. "Now why would I do that?"
"Well, first you do owe Kaiba-kun a favor, and I thought you liked being on TV?"
"Not to promote old people's calcium pills! I am not doing a commercial for calcium pills."
Yuugi laughed.
"What's commerwial?" Sakura had walked over without them noticing. She tugged on Yuugi's pant leg. She was holding an overly large teddy bear. Yuugi reached down and picked her up. She giggled and settled into his lap.
"It's those ads on TV. Touchan is going to be on TV."
"TV!" Sakura's eyes widened. She immediately looked at Atemu.
"Would you like that Sakura?" Yuugi asked.
She immediately nodded. She clapped her hands. "TV!"
Yuugi smirked. Atemu sighed. In his head, he was already thinking about ways to get revenge on Kaiba. Nasty ideas were already forming.
The script came in the mail a day later. It was a short script with only a few lines.
Atemu squinted at the lines. A small frown slowly formed on his face.
"Hey," Yuugi mumbled into his love's ears. He wrapped his arms around Atemu's chest. The other immediately leaned back and gently grabbed Yuugi's arms. He hadn't notice Yuugi's approach.
"Sakura asleep?"
"Uh huh. She couldn't even stay awake to hear the end of the story."
"She's a little sleepy head."
"You always manage to tire her out during the day." Yuugi bent over and picked up the papers on the table. "Is that the script?"
"Unfortunately, it's horrendous."
Yuugi skimmed through the script. He chuckled. "It's very…" Yuugi bit his lips, unable to describe the script.
"Exactly, horrendous."
Atemu sighed. Yuugi dropped the script back on the table. He then tightened his grip around Atemu's neck. He gently nibbled at Atemu's ear. Atemu moaned. He drew Yuugi around. The young man sat on the other's lap. "You'll have to memorize it." Yuugi nodded at the script.
"Later," Atemu muttered.
Yuugi and Sakura accompanied Atemu to the TV studio. Sakura bounced in Yuugi's lap. She was particularly excited watching other people put make up on her father's face. "Paint! Paint!" Sakura babbled. She reached for a container of lip gloss. Yuugi immediately pulled her back afraid that Sakura would break something.
A nice makeup artist hovered over them. She had immediately taken to Sakura's bubbly nature. "Would you like me to paint your face?"
Sakura looked up. She beamed, but still turned around to face Yuugi. "Please, Papa." She asked eagerly.
"I…" Yuugi blushed a little embarrassed.
Young woman smiled. "It's okay. I have time."
He nodded. Sakura immediately let out a small 'yippee."
Much to Yuugi's surprise, the young lady really did 'paint' Sakura's face. She explained to Yuugi that her second job was face painting. She painted a pair of matching fluttering butterflies on Sakura's left cheek.
"Are you here to support your brother?"
"Err," Yuugi scratched the back of his neck, a little embarrassed. It was a nature question from strangers. He and Atemu still shared an uncanny appearance. Over the years, their resemblance had only increase especially when Yuugi's eyes lost his boyhood roundness.
"All done," the lady said to Sakura. She finished the last stroke.
"Pretty, Papa?" She turned her cheek, so Yuugi could see. Yuugi nodded. "Show Touchan?"
Yuugi nodded again. He noticed the smile on the lady's face strain a little. There was a small twitch on the corner of her lips. He wondered what thoughts were running through her head. Yuugi muttered a small 'arigotou' before picking up Sakura.
Atemu had already left to start filming. Yuugi eventually found the correct studio. It was a large studio with many camera men. Yuugi noticed that Kaiba had even sent some of near identical female workers. He assumed they were there to notify Kaiba that Atemu was here.
The studio was decorated in old 50's home kitchen décor. He wondered if it was to invoke nostalgia for the targeted audience.
Atemu was dressed in a kimono. He clashed horribly with it. Yuugi tried not to laugh. It was ironic. Atemu's true age was older than anyone in the audience, but appearance wise he looked more like a member of a modern rock band.
Everyone in the room was aware of the horrible wardrobe malfunction, but Kaiba had ordered them to use Atemu, and Kaiba's words were law. Only Sakura wasn't aware of the situation. She was currently focused on the half eaten chocolate cake that was on the table in the corner of the room. "Cake Papa." She tugged at Yuugi's shirt. Yuugi looked down. "Cake." She pointed at the corner.
"Shh, later" Yuugi placed a finger on his mouth. Sakura immediately stopped whining. She turned around a little dejected.
"It's okay," a voice spoke. Yuugi turned around. It was the makeup artist from earlier. She was holding a plate with a large piece of cake.
Yuugi blinked. He had not expected to see her again.
"It's okay." She handed the cake to Sakura. Sakura tilted her face upward, seeking permission from Yuugi to take the cake. Yuugi simply nodded, a little stunned. "I understand. My brother is also…" She trailed off. "I'm sorry."
Yuugi nodded.
"The commercial… it's quite." She glanced at the set.
"Yeah." Yuugi noticed the strained look on Atemu's face. It was clear that Atemu was also aware of the awkwardness of the situation.
"I wonder if anything can save it."
"Papa, uh oh."
Yuugi looked down. A pair of large eyes stared back at him. Yuugi immediately noticed the large chocolate cake mustache on the girl's cheeks. Yuugi sighed. "Time to find you a napkin." Yuugi shook his head.
"I can watch her."
"Thanks." Yuugi set Sakura on the ground. He rubbed Sakura's hair. "Stay here Sakura."
Sakura nodded.
She watched her Papa walk away. She looked up at the pretty lady that had painted her face. The young lady looked down at her, but moments later another strange man with a brushy mustache came to talk to her. She didn't like that. She suddenly noticed that man was giving her a kiss. She had only seen Papa and Touchan kiss. They kissed a lot. She liked that, but these two people kissing startled her. She didn't like that.
She suddenly wanted Papa, but Papa was finding her a napkin. She turned around and spotted Touchan.
She slipped away from the nice lady and the strange man. "Touchan." She called. Sakura toddled onto the TV set. The cameras were still rolling. Atemu's face softened. He was still holding the bottle of calcium pills. He bent down and opened his arms for the little girl. She immediately ran into his arm. "Kiss!" She stated. She pointed towards crowd. A horribly embarrassed Yuugi had just reentered. He was holding a napkin. Atemu grinned and kissed her on the cheeks. Sakura giggled happily.
And thus the commercial ran with the closing remark 'Wada Calcium CD3 promotes strong bones and strong kisses'.
It became the highest rated commercial that year.