Okay, this chapter is not an author note or anything, its an actual chapter.

But this is the end!

Its kind of like an epilogue, but not as good.

"Dimitri you have to go!" I heard Adrian exclaim outside my door. The reason I was pretty much ignoring him was because I didn't want to go. I was still angry with Adrian, he could have done something, tried to save her, but he didn't. Ms. Karp could have done something too, but she was in shock. "Is it even possible to be brought back twice?" Adrian had asked me. But I didn't care if it were possible or not, they had to do something, but they didn't. "Dimitri, you need to come." Adrian said more quietly and calmly. I opened my door and let him in.

When he saw me his eyes widened. I hadn't shaved in about a week and a half. My hair was greasy from not washing it. I was a wreck.

But really, who am I living for?

"Dimitri, I know you're going through a hard time, so am I, you know I loved Rose too." If he loved her so much why didn't he save her? I thought.

"No, I'm not going." I said and he just sighed and looked around my room. It was such a mess; there was plates with food on them from people who'd bring me food, and dirty laundry on the floor


"Imagine what people will think if you didn't show up." He said after the long moment of silence.

"I don't care what people think. Just leave me alone." I said.

"Rose would never want you to do this"

"Well I wouldn't be in like this if it weren't for you! You could have saved her! But you're just some alcoholic who does nothing with their life. So just leave me alone!" I snapped. He looked surprised by my outburst. He shook his head and left. I couldn't believe I had done that! I had finally been able to control myself, but now without my Roza . . .

Now there was only one way to repay both him . . . and Rose. I showered, shaved, did everything to look like myself. Even though I was everything, but myself right now.

I had let Rose leave, I made so many stupid mistakes, and I regretted every single one of them. In her letter she said she forgave me and that she still loved me, but I had never told her how I felt.

I went to Adrian's room and knocked on his door. He didn't seem surprised when he saw me. I checked my watch and saw we had a few minutes.

When we walked into the church, I was surprised to see so many people. I was even more surprised when I saw my family there. Maybe my grandmother had seen everything. I looked forward and saw it. It was her coffin. I felt worse then I already was feeling. This just proved she really was gone. Well it was pretty hard to believe someone wasn't dead when you were at their funeral. I felt my eyes start to burn and my throat started to hurt and feel dry. My whole body was on fire, and not in the good way. I had started letting the tears fall when people started making speeches. I was surprised to see Guardian Alto at the pulpit.

The ceremony had gone very slowly; it was just so painful being there. They had asked me if I wanted to make a speech, everybody already probably knew about us, but I declined. We all walked to the Court cemetery, I couldn't help them carry the coffin, it was too much knowing she was inside.

As they lowered the coffin in the hole, I heard people sobbing. I turned around and saw both Abe Mazur and Janine Hathaway crying. I had thought I was the only one suffering and no one understood me, but I was wrong. Almost everyone here was feeling the same way as me.

As I turned back to Rose's coffin, I saw Queen Tatiana. I hadn't seen her in the ceremony, she wasn't crying but did look sad. They had finished covering Rose's coffin. Everything happened so fast. Rose barely had a chance to live, she had finally matured, I couldn't believe she died at the age of eighteen.

She was dead, and in the inside, so was I.

This story shows, never fight over a guy!

I know this story went really down hill, and i'm really sorry!

I made so many stupid chooses and stuff.

My brother practically co-wrote this story, a lot of the ideas were his, like the fight scenes!

So thanks Abel!

And of course I want to thank my beta 'xxElenaGilbertxx.'

Who is a really good author by the way, I really enjoy reading her story "The King And I."

Again, thank you very much!

And for all you reviewers, I really am thankful for the reviews!

This story wouldn't have gotten very far without you guys!

You guys made me sooo happy!

By the way, I'm thinking of making another story like this!

But Lissa's not going to be evil like in this story.

Well not as much ;)

I was dared to do this, so don't think I'm vain or anything.

"Love me

Hate me

Say what you want about

But all the boys

and all the girls

are begging to read my story!"

If you're a Britney Spears fan, you'll no what song that's coping.

I'm not a fan of hers by the way! :)

Again thank you!
