Suki/Ty Lee

rating: M

warning: drunken femmeslash

Suki was lonely to say the least. Sokka had been away on a hunting trip with his father for almost two weeks now and wasn't due back for another two. She missed him something awful, and had taken to crying in their bedroom at night, wishing he was next to her. She would be the first to admit that her behavior was silly. Sokka would be back soon and he wasn't in any danger. Yet she still couldn't help feeling this way.

Long walks on the beach, plays, swimming, and shopping trips hadn't helped any. Ember Island was usually a fun place, but Suki couldn't seem to get any enjoyment out of it without Sokka. They had moved there a few months ago after the end of the tumultuous hundred year war. It was a mutual decision to stay close to Aang in order to assist him with the Fire Nation Colonies, which had actually proved to be a lost cause recently. But they weren't ready to give up just yet.

The Kyoshi Warrior was a bit surprised to hear a knock on the front door at this hour. Typically she would have ignored whoever it was, but in this case she was hoping that it was a someone who wanted to visit with her. That would sure be nice. Suki put a robe over her nightgown to answer the door. She was even more surprised to see Ty Lee standing there with a big smile on her face.

The two girls were on friendly terms so to speak, but they were not actually friends. Suki had to admit that she had gained some respect for Ty Lee, even given their complicated history, once she joined the Kyoshi Warriors and made friends with the other girls. She had definitely changed for the better. Though Suki found it a chore to be around her most of the time. Ty Lee was loud and excitable, and they had next to nothing in common.

"Hi, Suki! How are you?" Ty Lee greeted the other girl annoyingly cheerfully, as she let herself in.

"I'm fine...come on in." Suki murmured, awkwardly.

"This is a nice place you've got here." Ty Lee declared.

"Um, thanks." she replied.

"Hm, but where's Sokka?" Ty Lee asked.

"He's actually away on a hunting trip." Suki replied, heading over toward their small but charming kitchen.

"Oh, you poor thing! You must be so lonely without him!" the acrobat exclaimed, trailing after her.

"I suppose." she agreed, poking around the cabinets.

Suki was truly uncomfortable with Ty Lee being here right now, but she didn't want to be rude. She supposed it wouldn't kill her to whip up some piping hot lemon tea and talk to her for a bit. She concluded that it may even make her feel better, if only a little.

"Please, have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Can I get you something to drink?" Suki offered, politely.

"What do you have?" Ty Lee asked, sitting down at the kitchen table.

" I have milk...Um, some orange juice...Or I could make hot tea if you want it...I could go for, what else..." she trailed on as she continued to survey the contents of the kitchen.

"Do you have anything stronger?" she responded, eagerly.

"You mean like...alcohol?" Suki asked to clarify.

"Yeah!" Ty Lee said, excitedly.

Alcohol...The thought had never even occurred to her! What a great way to take her mind of things and get herself in a better mood. Suki rarely drank, and never to excession. Though she knew that Sokka usually kept some handy around the house. He surely wouldn't mind if she and Ty Lee indulged. If he did mind, she would replace it. No harm done...

"I'm not sure. I can look. Sometimes Sokka buys liquor." Suki told her guest.

The first place she checked was one of Sokka's usual "hiding spots". In the small cupboard below the kitchen sink. Sure enough, there was a bottle of rice wine with only a swig missing. She supposed that would do, though she wanted to check to see what else there was.

"I did find some rice wine. I'm going to have a look around though. I'm pretty sure there's more somewhere. I'll be right back. In the meantime, help yourself." Suki said, setting the bottle and a small ceramic cup on the table in front of Ty Lee.

"Thanks! I love rice wine!" Ty Lee replied, enthusiastically as she poured herself some.

Suki then proceeded to check upstairs. She knew that Sokka usually kept some in the bedroom as well. After fumbling around in the dark closet, she retrieved a bottle of cinnamon whiskey. It was about halfway gone, but this was a non issue, as it was larger than standard size. Suki then made her way over to the bed and knelt down so she could reach under it to drag out a heavy, wooden chest. In the chest were some of Sokka's weapons and armor. Along with home made Water Tribe moonshine that he constantly bragged about crafting with his father and Bato. She supposed it wouldn't hurt to sample it.

"I've got cinnamon whiskey and some of Sokka's home made moonshine if you like that." offered Suki, presenting her finds to Ty Lee.

"Oh that's great! Thank you! I'm not picky." she blurted after finishing her second helping of rice wine.

Suki took a deep, relaxing breath and sat down next to the other girl. She went for the rice wine first, as it was the most mild. The burn was minimal as the liquid flowed down her throat, warm and tingling on its way down.

"It's really good, by the way." Ty Lee said, now helping herself to some whiskey.

"Thank you. And...I'm curious...what brought you here tonight?" she replied, pouring herself more rice wine after downing her first cup.

"Well I want be your friend, silly!" the always upbeat girl clarified.

"Um, okay." Suki muttered, awkwardly.

"Yeah, I know we had some, uh...issues in the past and everything. But I'd really like for us to be able to move on from that. I'm a Kyoshi warrior now, and since you're the leader, I think it would be totally awesome if we could be girlfriends!" Ty Lee explained, just before finishing off her whiskey.

"I guess that would be nice." she murmured in response.

"You know, we could hang out. And share secrets! Ooh and we could do sleepovers! And do each others' make-up! It'll be so much fun!" the former circus girl offered.

"Um...sure." Suki agreed, reluctantly.

"Well then, let the fun begin!" Ty Lee shouted, just before downing another drink.

Several hours and several drinks later, the pair of Ty Lee and Suki had made it upstairs to the master bedroom. They fell onto the plush bed, kissing with their bodies entwined. The alcohol had completely eroded away at Suki's inhibitions and her decision making abilities. She would never in a million years have pictured herself doing this. But perhaps she had been attracted to women all along...Hence why she had always faked her orgasms with Sokka and looked for any excuse she could to not have sex with him.

Right now, Sokka was the last thing on Suki's mind. She just flat out didn't care whether he would find out or not. If he did, she didn't care how he would feel about it. All other thoughts were washed away when Ty Lee began to take her clothes off, starting first with her tight, pink top. She wore nothing underneath it.

"Touch me." she urged with slur, taking Suki's hands and placing them on her chest.

Smooth, petite hands were quick and eager to knead Ty Lee's supple breasts. She uttered a breathy sigh, then leaned forward to continue kissing Suki. Her kiss was ardent yet sloppy. Their tongues battled for dominance, as Ty Lee deftly untied the other girl's robe. With gentle urging from Suki, the usually agile acrobat clumsily brought herself to an upright position.

Suki quickly did away with her robe and short, white night gown, revealing her naked body which Ty Lee eyed hungrily. She took one of Suki's hardened nipples into her hot mouth and sucked promptly, earning soft moans. Ty Lee lightly trailed the tips of her fingers down Suki's bare stomach, feeling her shake with anticipation as she approached the area that wanted her attention most.

"Oh yessss!" Suki exclaimed in drunken bliss, as the other girl's digits fervently rubbed her clit.

Ty Lee smirked inwardly. Her conclusion had been right after all. Suki was indeed a lesbian. Although in her experience, anybody was a lesbian once they'd had enough to drink. She removed her hand suddenly, pleased to hear Suki pant with disappointment.

"Please...d-don't ssssstop now." Suki pleaded, before attempting to convince her with a kiss.

For some reason unknown to her, Ty Lee always enjoyed the taste of strong liquor in a woman's mouth. She gently urged Suki, who then pushed her legs apart, allowing the other girl to mount her. Their nether regions pressed together, and Ty Lee began to grind her hips, skillfully stimulating herself and Suki at the same time. Their combined fluids made this extremely pleasurable with very little friction. Ty Lee increased her pace, as Suki's tongue darted out to tease her nipples.

"I want to try something." Ty Lee panted.

"Wh-what is...what i-is it?" Suki replied, exasperated and obviously drunk.

"I'd love to show you." she whispered, changing positions.

With more difficulty than usual, due to the amount of alcohol she had consumed, Ty Lee turned around, her bottom and her crotch hovering just above Suki's face, so that they could easily pleasure each other. Suki blushed. She had never done anything quite like this with Sokka, or anyone for that matter, and she did admit to herself that the view was lovely. Curious, the Kyoshi warrior gave the girl's ass a hard smack, making her cry out in surprise. Ty Lee responded by dropping her head between Suki's legs.

A loud moan escaped Suki's lips when she felt a hot tongue on her clit, the swift and steady motions driving her crazy. She inhaled the sweet smell of Ty Lee's arousal, then her own tongue wandered upwards in search of that same bundle of nerves that was being stimulated on her. Gingerly, she swiped it over Ty Lee's entrance first, causing the acrobat to shudder in anticipation.

Suki began to move her tongue in circles on that sweet spot up above, imitating what the other girl was doing to her. She was a quick learner it seemed, much to Ty Lee's satisfaction. She couldn't help but to push her hips downward, pressing her groin to Suki's face, though she didn't seem to mind.

Gladly, she continued her ministrations as Ty Lee slipped two fingers inside her. Suki's smooth inner walls tightened and contracted. Mimicking Ty Lee once more, she too pushed her fingers into the girl's dripping wet sex, causing her to cry out.

Due to the fact that Ty Lee had more experience in this area, she was able to bring Suki to her climax first. The orgasm surged throughout her body, red hot and intense. She screamed and screamed, shaking all the while. Sokka had never been able to do anything like this to her. It was nothing short of amazing.

"Th-thank you." Suki whispered, weakly.

Surprisingly, Suki was quick to return the favor once she had recovered her strength and regained control. She beckoned Ty Lee to lie back. Though it took a while, she was able to help the other girl find her resolve through determination and a quick tongue. Ty Lee was surprised at this. For her very first time with girl, she didn't do bad at all. She made a mental note to visit Suki more often, as she would only get better with practice.

Author's note:I apologize, I'm so backed up on requests! Upcoming chapters are as follows: Hahn/Yue, Ursa/Azula, Zuko/Toph, Sokka/Azula, Zuko/Sokka, Jet/Ty Lee, Hakoda/Ozai, Zuko/Ty Lee, Suki/Toph, Mai/Ty Lee, Ty Lee/Katara, June/Ty Lee, and Aang/Onji. Thanks for the requests and keep them coming! Please remember, ONE REQUEST AT A TIME. I'm sorry, but I will not be doing multiple chapters in an update all for one person. I want to give everybody a fair chance to get their requests in. You can always request another after some more chapters go up, so please, one at a time.

Now again, I want to take the time to reply personally to some reviews. If your request(s) has not been written yet, or you do not see it in the line up, please read my replies below, as there is a reason.

Guest (April 12, 2014): I apologize, but I will not be writing threesomes in this. I've had a story taken down by the admins for that in the past.

JC: Please request one paring at a time. Thank you.

Guest (April 13, 2014): The Zuko/Katara pairing in chapter 4 took place in the time of episode 316, The Southern Raiders.

Guest (April 20, 2014): That's not really what this story is about. These are mostly lemon/smut one-shots, though some do contain a bit of romance. These will not be romance/drama type one-shots, I apologize. In any case, I have already written Sokka/Suki here, and I would really like to shy away from repeating pairings for while.

THREEEWAYYYYYYYY: I apologize, but there will not be threesomes in this story, as I've had some work removed from fanfiction for this in the past. I cannot afford another infraction.

Seviteal: Thank you so much for the positive feedback, but I would really prefer not to do repeat parings at this time. I can do a different request for you though.

pumpkinpatchgirl: I'm still here & there will be more updates! Thank you for the compliment, but please only request one pairing at a time.

Fanfiction19: You can think chapter 23 is "disturbing" if you want. Warnings were given. It was a request that I followed through with. If you don't like incest pairings or non-con, I encourage you not to read such material. Though I will still write June/Ty Lee for you.

ACE: There will, in fact, be a follow up of chapter 26, in which Katara is given to Ty Lee as a reward for being a loyal friend. Hope you enjoy!

nightmaster000: I would be happy to write more Aang pairings, just request one at a time please.