Lux ponit tenebras quiesceret ad ludum
cum ultimo conspiciebantur star caeca caelum
exaudi vocem meam tenebris istud ens moriatur
pro tempore primo solis radius
Sit primum novam vitam
Nova sed corpus eodem spiritu viguit

Life at the host club was interesting enough. What with all the crazy things that seem to happen ever other week. Well what do you expect to happen when you have a idiotic king, shadow king mother, devilish twins, a strong but oddly silent giant, a sweet obsessed midget, and a blunt girl all in the same club.

It had been over three weeks since the last crazy event had happened and Haruhi was on edge. She had been with the host club long enough to know that incidents happen just when things were starting to go back to normal. Haruhi could feel it in her bones. Something was about to happen.

Honey walked down the halls of Ouran Academy singing a happy tune. His cousin Takashi had told him to go on to the host club while he finished Kendo. With him he held his beloved bunny Usa –chan. As Honey sung he would toss usa-chan up and down. On accident honey threw usa-chan too hard. Instead of landing safely in his arms his bunny flew right into the face of a member of the black magic club.

"What the-!"

Genji Tomako was his name. Unfortunately for Honey Genji was know for his short temper and his curses.

"Sorry Gen-chan." Honey said to his classmate.

"What the heck Haninozuka. Why did you chuck your freaken a rabbit at me." Genji yelled.


Honey stopped talking when he saw Genji pick up Usa-Chan by the ears. Genji closed his eyes a mutter word in a language honey didn't understand.

"Lux ponit tenebras quiesceret ad ludum
cum ultimo conspiciebantur star caeca caelum
exaudi vocem meam tenebris istud ens moriatur
pro tempore primo solis radius
Sit primum novam vitam
Nova sed corpus eodem spiritu viguit."

Then it happened. It happened so fast honey wasn't sure if he saw right. For a quick second Usa-chan glowed. When Genji was done he took Usa-chan and threw it against the wall. Honey quickly scrambled for his toy.

"There," Genji sneered. "Now I cursed your stupid bunny."

"Cursed?" honey asked whimpering.

"Yah cursed." Genji laughed evilly.

Anger began to bubble up in Honey. His dark side was about to make an appearance.

"What did you do to Usa-chan." Honey demanded in an ice like tone that sent chills up Genji's spine. When Genji looked in his eyes he saw nothing but pure hatred. Quickly breaking eye contact Genji began to sweat and edge his way down the hall.

"Well I haven't translated it all but I've got the first three lines done. I needed a test subject and a bunny is the closest thing to a rodent." Genji said a bit of his confidence coming back to him.

"What did you say?" At Honey's tone all Genji's remaining confidence disappeared and he paled.

"I-I, w-well. When light lays to rest and shadows come to play.

When the last star could be seen in the black sky.

Shadows hear my cry take this being and let it die."

As Honey let the words repeat through his head Genji took this time to make his escape. Honey was left alone in the hall way with a supposedly cursed bunny. Honey's anger quickly turned to worry for his poor Usa-chan.

'and let it die.'

Honey looked at his bunny. 'Was this curse real? Is Usa-chan going to die?' He wondered. Tears began to appear in honey's eyes. He decided to ask the man who knew everything for help. Honey quickly began running down the hall and burst into music room 3.

"Kyo! Gen-chan cursed Usa-chan."

At the word cursed Tamaki was sent into frenzy.

"Cursed? We're all going to die! Haruhi give papa a good bye hug."

After they got Tamaki settled down and Mori in the music room honey told his story.

"Tomako Genji. Age 18, class 3-A, mother is a famous singer with her own perfume line, father own chain of hotels, arrogant, self centered, a fiery temper with bright orange hair to match, a part of the black magic club and know threw out the school for cursing anyone who gets him mad. Basically a idiot with orange hair." Kyoya said snapping his note book closed.

"Is Usa-chan going to die?" honey whimpered.

"Don't worry Honey. Genji curses everything and nothing ever happens." The twin said in unison.

"Also sempi curses aren't real." Haruhi said handing Honey a piece of cake. Mori placed a hand of his shoulder.

"Yah." He agreed as comfort. Honey smiled and took a big bite of cake acting like nothing happened at all. But on the inside he still had his doubts.

It was night and honey was ready for bed. He had decided to watch Usa-chan all night to make sure it would be all right. He stayed up late into the night staring at his beloved stuffed animal. He only stopped to go to the bathroom and eat a few cakes. A little after midnight he couldn't take it anymore and fell asleep unaware of what was happening right beside him.

Honey had slept just enough that when he woke up that he was in an okay mood. With his eyes still closed he felt around his bed for Usa-chan. But what he felt was not the soft fluffy fabric he had come to known. No it wasn't fluffy it was warm, smooth, and breathing? When honey opened his eyes he did not see his pink bunny. Snuggled into the blanket right where Usa-chan should be he saw a small girl with soft pink hair.

When light lays to rest and shadows come to play

When the last star could be seen in the black sky

Shadows hear my cry take this being and let it die

Instead by time the sun's first ray

Let a new life begin

In a new body but with same spirit

Let it thrive