Obviously, it is me who has written this story. But all right is reserved to L.J Smith.

Chapter one.


God, was Damon gonna hear it when we got back to Mystic Falls? There was not a tiny bit of me that wasn't angry at him still, for kidnapping me and use me as "company" all the way to Atlanta. And for what? Well, I didn't really know what he was doing here. You see, Damon is an expert on keeping things a secret and he has a really big patience. I've been trying to find out why we are here, but he just won't tell me.

At the same time though, it's kind of nice getting away from home, even if it meant spending time with Damon. Jeremy wasn't really my best friend at the time, neither was Jenna. And Stefan, well, we shouldn't even be discussing him. I can't believe that he didn't tell me I looked like her. I mean, isn't that kind of messed up that you're boyfriend had another girlfriend back in 1864 that look exactly like yourself? To me it does.

"Hey there" I jumped at the sound of Damon's voice. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" I could tell he was curious of my thoughts by the way his face looked. His left eyebrow was crooked in a weird way only he could crook it in, and of course there was that famous smirk. His eyes though, they were a lot harder to read. They were hard and cold, but in the same time very soft and warm. "Nothing really" I muttered and took a sip of my drink.

Btw, is it true what people say about guys and alcohol? Do they really get more handsome when you've been drinking? Cause oh boy does Damon look even hotter now than before. You might think I'm crazy to sit her and fantasize about my boyfriends brother, but if you had seen him and were in my shoes, you would most certainly do the same. It's like he has been pulled right out from a fairytale, add some darkness and a smirk, and there you have him.

"Elena, Elena, Elena" he said before leaning closer to me. I could feel my heart race a bit before he spoke again. "You shouldn't lie to me. I can read you like an open book." And there was the smirk, I was wondering when that would show up. "Now tell me" he ordered. My eyes was set on his lips as I wondered how it would feel to kiss them. I shook my head to that thought. No, Elena, stop that! I sighed. "Fine. But promise you won't laugh." I looked up, right into his eyes. "I promise. I'm a man of my words Elena." I took another sip of my drink before I continued. "What if Stefan are just using me as comfort for Katherine? What if he's with me only because I look like her and because it reminds him of their times together? What if our relationship isn't what I think it is?" Tears were burning to come out but I tried as hard as I could not to let them. I looked up at Damon to see if he had passed out when he didn't say something and saw that his face was full with concern, anger and.. Sadness?

"Um, Damon?" I had never seen him like this. He usually didn't show any emotion at all, except for anger sometimes. "Wait a minute", he raised his hand to the waitress to get us a couple of more drinks before he turned to me again. "Elena, first of all; Stefan's an idiot and if he would even consider thinking something like that I would rip his heart out myself. And even though I might be stupid as hell to say this and blow a few shots with you," He stopped for a second and send me another smirk. "I can't ignore the facts that Stefan loves you. And just to make things clear, that facts includes me to." Wait, did Damon just tell my that he loved me? Wow. Is it wrong of me to feel butterflies in my stomach? After all, he is my boyfriends brother. And I don't feel the same way about him, do I? "And second of all; I bet you're relationship is exactly the way you think it is. Sadly."

Now I was absolutely sure that there was sadness in his eyes. I was so busy trying to breathe normally, I hadn't even noticed that I was crying. "No Elena, don't cry. Please, don't cry." He lifted his hands and wiped away the tears with his thumb. I slowly embraced it and held it to my cheek for a while, inhaling the scent of his skin. God, he smells so good.

I think I´m going down a really complicated road here. Surely, there is something there between Damon and I. But I can't do this to Stefan, he has been nothing but kind to me. I can´t let him down now, nor leave him. I love him. He is kind, sweet, very good looking and caring. And then there is Damon. He is dark, dangerous and much more good looking for his own good. And I feel something for him too, I know it. Oh God Elena, you sure knows how to mess things up a little bit more don't you?

I let go of Damon's hand, "do you wanna get out of here?". I would most certainly regret asking this tomorrow, but for now, it felt like there was nothing else to worry about in the world than Damon and I. He gave me a slow nod and I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bar. Next stop: a hotel room.


Here I was, in Atlanta, with the most beautiful girl in the entire world. And she was sitting in front of me, crying after that little speech of mine. I sure did know how to upset a lady. "No Elena, don't cry. Please, don't cry" I begged her as I lifed up my hand to wipe the tears away. Slowly, she embraced my hand and held it to her cheek for a moment and it looked like she was inhaling my scent. A little smile exited my lips as I just sat there, watching her.

Damn Stefan, why was he always the center of attention? Both mother and father liked him better. Sure, I couldn't blame them. Stefan was like the perfect kid, he never did anything dangerous and wrong. Even Katherine liked him better, and now Elena. It's like I'm doomed to be alone after everything I've done.
I hoped with all my dead-unbeating-heart that Elena understood that I loved her. I mean, I had told her earlier tonight that I did. I just hope that she listened to me carefully and understood what I was saying, so she didn't just listen to the part where I was talking about Stefan.

Suddenly, she let go of my hand and just looked at me. "Do you wanna get out of here?" Wow, I never thought you'd ask I thought as I gave her a simple nod. In a few seconds, we were out of there. Maybe tonight is my lucky night after all.