2: Seto

"You want time off to do what?"

"No." Seto glowered at his least favorite employee. "There is no way in hell I'm going anywhere with you, much less into the damned Shadow Re- Yaaamiiii!"

The head of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was taller than he was, but Seto wasn't in the least intimidated as he let the dragon snuffle at his hair and rested his hand against its scaly snout. He turned his head to level a glare at Yami, though it was a lot less 'glare-y' than Seto would have liked it to be, since he was practically giddy with the knowledge that the creature towering over him was real, solid, alive and not merely a life-like hologram.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you could do this?"

He wasn't pouting (he wasn't, dammit). And he wasn't going to grin, no matter how much the sheer joy inside his brain - which was chanting dragon-dragon-dragon! - was trying to force its way out. Either expression would be giving the bastard far too much satisfaction.

Yami had the gall to roll his eyes. "I believe I may have mentioned something about Shadows, magic, and living Duel Monsters once or twice - or a few hundred times - over the course of our acquaintance, Kaiba."

Seto tried to glower - but the Blue-Eyes nudged its nose into his back, nearly knocking him over, and he had to bury his face against its hide in order to muffle the laughter that finally broke free of his restraint.

He barely heard Yami open a second portal.

"Giant, alien, transforming-"

Yami grabbed Seto's arm and pivoted him to face the Autobots, who were exiting what Seto was now forced to acknowledge as the engine section of a crashed spaceship buried in the side of an extinct volcano.

"-robots. Oh, hell." He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to stave off the headache he could feel blossoming behind his eyes like a nuclear flower.

Though, he had to admit, the 'transforming' thing was pretty damn awesome.

Hours later, in the middle of the night, he bolted upright in bed with visions of a new KC Toys line of transforming robots - and a videogame based on them, of course -dancing in his head. Later, he'd negotiate with the Autobots for the rights to use their likenesses (and maybe even their history), but for now...

He grabbed the electronic tablet he kept in the nightstand for just such midnight inspirations and began sketching the design for a jet that transformed into a dragon.

Alone in his bedroom, Seto didn't try to hide his grin.