What Happened to December?

Heroes of Olympus Fanfiction

©- Rick Riordan

Piper McLean sat in the Aphrodite Cabin, crying her heart out. The seven half-bloods of Rachel's prophecy had successfully defeated the giants, and Gaia had returned to her slumber. The world was in peace again.

Or so everyone else thought. Everything seemed to being going fairly well for everyone, except Piper. Percy and Annabeth had been reunited, Dakota and Gwendolyn had become a couple as did Leo and Thalia, and Hazel had become the new lieutenant of the Hunters of Diana. Piper usually would celebrate with all of her friends, but the daughter of Aphrodite was completely broken inside.

Jason Grace. The boy who captured her heart, then broke it within six months. The son of Jupiter toyed with Piper's feelings, then ditched her for Reyna Hassinger, daughter of Apollo. Reyna was his Annabeth, the girl who would never give up on him. The girl who searched aimlessly for him when he went missing. And Piper? She was just the obstacle put in the way of Jason and Reyna's destiny. The Fates were so, so cruel.

So here was Piper McLean, crying in the Aphrodite Cabin. It was cruel, pathetic even. The Fates toyed with an innocent daughter of Aphrodite. Maybe Drew was right. Piper thought bitterly. She was pathetic. A daughter of Aphrodite was the dumper, not the dumpee. She was supposed to break boys' heart, not the other way around. Piper was a daughter of Aphrodite, a charm-speaker, for crying out loud! She should be able to get to boy, Jason, she likes, no loves, to love her back.

But no. The Fates had to be so cruel in letting Jason choose Reyna, not Piper. True, Jason and Piper's relationship probably wouldn't have worked out anyway. He was Roman, she was Greek. The two didn't mix in the same way fire and ice didn't agree with each other. But what happened to true love conquers all?

Piper had been fooled. All those wonderful memories were fake. All the real memories were just a set up. Jason had played Piper's heart, then broken it. But, Piper couldn't help but think of all the good times together, real or fake. The meteor shower, their first quest, building the Argo II, their first real kiss, et cetera. She couldn't help but wonder, what happened to all those good times? What happened to all the love? What happened to December?