Potter Laughter

"James, go and tidy your room." Ginny asked her thirteen year old son.

"I don't want to though." He replied, dropping his messy head onto the table top.

"Please James." She turned back to the stove where a stew was bubbling merrily.

"It's not even messy."

"Really? I could have sworn there were underpants on the floor."

"I'll do it after tea."

"What if I say you can't have any tea until your rooms tidy?" Ginny said, grinning at the cleverness of her plan. James couldn't go without a meal; he was like his uncle Ron in that respect.

James' head whipped up.

"You wouldn't want to starve your oldest and most handsome son would you?" He said, grinning his cheeky grin.

Ginny couldn't help smiling.


"Mum, I'm bored!" James cried . Fifteen minutes had passed since he was asked to tidy his room, but he was still sat at the table watching his mother cook.

"Well tidy your room then!" Ginny replied.

James just groaned.

"Dad's home."

"How do you ..." She heard the front door open, then close, as Harry made his way up the hall.

"My ears are well trained, Mum."

Ginny laughed.

"Hello Gin." Harry said, entering the kitchen and ruffling James' hair.

James just scowled.

Harry slipped his arm around Ginny's waste and kissed her. He'd missed her during his time at work, he always did.

"Alright, alright, I'm going to tidy it. No need to make me feel sick." James exclaimed, rushing out of the kitchen as fast as he was able.

Ginny laughed again, Harry joining in. Merlin, James made them laugh.