A/N: Kerii-tan: Well hi guys I suck. *hit*
Lol, it's been more than a month since I've updated this. WELL THEN...
I hope you guys all like this chapter. I hope you read this too... Sorry if there's errors! xD
Enjoy! :D

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing!
Warning: Sexuality, smoking, language, blah blah blah.

Read~! :3

Chapter 2- Miki's POV

"You can't talk to her too much, Mikuo-kun." I told the tealette firmly as we both sat down in an exquisite room; fancy with cushioned chairs, a polished wood table, carved to perfection, all surrounded by intricate wallpaper and soft carpet, all colors of red, gold, and tan.

"Oh, I can't?"

"No, please don't."

"Has she still not…?"


"I see…" Mikuo sighed and covered his mouth in thought. He paused for a moment and looked up at me. "Is she okay?"

"Yes," I answered with a stern look as I folded my hands across my lap. "She'll be okay; it's just a matter of time…"

Rin's POV

With a heavy sigh, I entered the building once again, hugging my arms due to the cold. I looked around the narrow hallway and made my way past the red curtains.

Gumiya and Rinto were still at it, (God knows how,) and I sighed for the second time as I trudged over to the pair.

"Yo, Rin, you okay? You just ran off!" Gumiya pointed out and I rolled my eyes tiredly, plopping down on one of the love seats nearby Gumiya, slouching.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed some air." I mumbled with a sigh, and he nodded at me slowly.

Rinto raised his eyebrows up at me and grinned. "Are you sure you're okay? You look drained!"

I side glanced over at him, taking notice of his red barrettes messily attached to his bangs. He pinned his hair up like me, only he had no bow and his hair was shorter and spikier. In fact, I wasn't even wearing my bow right on the top of my head; instead, it was tied into the back of my hair. I reached up and started fiddling with the fabric and rubbing it in between my fingers.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I answered him quietly, laying back against the sofa. Rinto looked over at me and scrunched up his face.

"No you're not! Gumiya-kun, do somethin', will ya'?" he bent over towards Gumiya and pointed to me. "She's obviously bored!"

Gumiya rolled his eyes and placed his hand on his hip. He straightened the goggles on his head and groaned in irritation. "Well, so am I! You can do something about it too, though, Rinto-kun. And Rin, what do you want to do?" Gumiya faced me and I flinched, becoming aware of the annoyance in his tone.

"I don't know; I'm just tired, okay?" I replied in my defense, averting my eyes to the floor and crossing my arms.

I peeked up a little and saw Rinto giving Gumiya a weird, indescribable face expression-gesture-or-something. I narrowed my eyes at them as Gumiya grinned a little bit and had this weird look in his eyes that for some reason looked terribly familiar.

"What?" I asked, and he sighed, looking at me.

" Rin, dear, if you're so tired, allow me to take you to a bedroom, yes?" Gumiya held out his hand and smiled at me sweetly, but somehow I knew there was more behind it. Again, I narrowed my eyes at him but I placed my hand in his anyways.

"Lead the way."

" Here it is," Gumiya lead me to a room and pushed a curtain aside to reveal a bedroom covered in silk and elegant fabrics. In the middle was a bed, filling up the majority of the room. I gasped under my breath and swore quietly in astonishment as we walked inside the room. He closed the door and flipped a switch next to it which lit the room dimly, hardly bright enough to see well enough. It actually seemed a bit...

"Romantic, is it not?" Gumiya said behind me, and I turned, alarms going off in my head about this whole situation.

Something seemed off, definitely. The way Gumiya was smiling and talking, the way this room looks and the fact he even suggested "romantic"...

I am not in a good position right now.

"No." I answered quickly and tried to avoid his touch, but not too noticeably. Unfortunately, the damn guy only kept coming closer and pressuring me into the corner of the room. I glanced side to side and tried to plan an escape in my head, but for some reason, my brain wouldn't let me think, not anything but "you're stuck; you'll be stuck here forever; you are screwed".

Gumiya pinned my arms up against the wall and pressed me closer into the corner and suggested with a sly grin on his face, "Rin, if you don't want to do anything, why don't I try doing something for you?"

I struggled a bit, but I tried to keep my cool under level. There 's no use flipping out or overreacting; that'll only add more fuel to this fire. I grunted a bit as I attempted to move my wrists, but it was no use—he had me in his grasp, and well.

"Do I have to pay?" I asked coolly, trying to appear indifferent towards his seductive words and actions. Gumiya chuckled and shook his head, grinning to himself.

"How about your body? Does that work for you?" he asked, pressing even closer to me so that we were sharing the same breath and body heat. I felt my heart beat a little faster as the heat in my face rose, but my heart wasn't only racing for that reason—this was a bad situation for myself, and I won't afford to let Gumiya get the better of me.

"No, unfortunately, it does not." I answered as quickly and apathetically as I could possibly do, yet it didn't seem to faze him in the least.

"Well then, Rin," he lowered his voice to a whisper and brushed his lips against my ear. "That sucks for you."

Damn it—!

At that very moment, Gumiya's lips collided with mine as he pulled me into a fierce and harsh kiss; his hands now on my waist and no longer my wrists. I shut my eyes tight and tried to position my hands so that I could get away from this guy, but for some reason my hands wouldn't work properly—Gumiya had me completely in his grasp.

"Gumiya—" His name tumbled out of my mouth for a quick second once our lips parted, and he held my face, his lips mere centimeters from my own and he stared into my eyes lovingly.

"Rin, don't worry..." he murmured quietly and began kissing me again. I couldn't exactly process everything that was going on at the moment, but I knew that a part of me hated kissing. Especially like this. And soon enough, I found myself lying against the bed on my back, Gumiya on top of me, and the two of us breathing so hard we just stared at each other for what seemed like every second was stretched and dragged out even longer than they usually are and my head just couldn't process a thing and somehow Gumiya managed to unzip the thing in the back of my dress and what the hell does he even think he's doing, where is this going, how come I can't do anything about it, and why does this seem so familiar and—

" Gumiya-kuuuun~! Luki-kun wants you~"

Instantly my senses perked up once I heard that voice, and even Gumiya was startled, because I saw him flinch and nearly fall off of me. I took this situation as a chance and decided to get away, so I inched up and got myself far enough away from him.

"Damn it..." Gumiya muttered, rolling his eyes and grinding his teeth together. "Alright, alright, Rinto! Tell L uki that he's an asshole..."

I blinked at him as he got up and off the bed on his two feet and began walking towards the door. He turned around slowly and waved a hand at me. "Sorry, Rin, if that was a little surprising. You were practically asking for it."

I raised my eyebrows at him and was about to tell him I was certainly not asking for it, but he left too quickly. I saw Rinto stand in the doorway calling something out to Gumiya, and then he turned to me.

"You okay, Rin? You can come out of there now! You need to meet Len while you're at it!"

I stared at him from across the room in slight astonishment. Wasn't he the one who got Gumiya to do that to me in the first place? I honestly don't understand the two...

And who's this 'Len' ? There's more guys? Geez, I hope he isn't crazy like these two...

I hopped off the side of the bed, and stumbled a bit because my legs seemed to be a bit wobbly so I sat on the edge of the bed again just in the case I'd collapse on the floor. Rinto took notice of this and ran into the room, hurrying over to me.

"Rin, c'mon, I'll help you!" he offered his hand, and I shook my head.

"No, it's fine, Rinto-san, I'll walk myself." I refused and stood up, this time better than the last. Rinto gave me a worried look at first but then smiled and shrugged, heading out towards the door.

"Whatever you say, Rin. And you can call me 'Rinto', y'know."

I rolled my eyes and followed him out the door. "Sure, okay."

My God, it's the guy. It's the smoking guy! The smoking guy who somehow knew my name is Len! He works here too? W-well, then again, he WAS right outside the building, so I could have guessed, but... How does he know me, anyways?

I stared at him carefully from behind Rinto, who yeah, is younger than me, but is still taller.

The smoker guy—Len—noticed me obviously, and was surprised.

"Rin? What is she doing here?" He looked around anxiously at Miki and the teal-haired guy who's name I still don't know. Miki stared uncomfortably at Len and it really looked like she wanted him to shut up. The teal-haired guy just looked plain uncomfortable.

"I could say the same thing about you, Len! You were smoking out there!" I countered, without thinking, and Rinto held his hand up in front of my face, motioning me to stop.

"It's fine, Len always smokes when he feels depressed." he told me carefully and I nodded in understanding.

"I do not!" Len denied and Miki sighed, placing her hand against her forehead.

"Len, shut up. If you want to smoke, go into the room that it was meant for."

"I was just smoking outside though! What's the whole problem with that? !"

I took notice of Miki's unusual rudeness towards Len. I mean, they just met, didn't they? We've never come here before, anyways.

"Whatever, Len. On the a different note, do you know what happened to Miku?" Miki asked, obscurely changing the topic. The tealette immediately stiffened, but kept his gaze lowered to the floor, and Len's eyes flickered over to Miki with certain interest. Only me and Rinto stood there confused.

"...Miku-chan? I don't really know." Len answered finally with a sigh. "I know that two years ago there was that accident and—"

Suddenly, Miki slapped Len in the face. Yes, people, slapped.

"Ow!" Len shrieked, holding his cheek in pain. "Miki, why the hell did you slap me?"

"Because!" she said back and then began whispering something into his ear. I glanced at Rinto, and he shrugged, so we continued to watch the other two nodding and whispering back and forth. Len seemed to become more serious than angry, and Miki herself looked firm. Whatever they were whispering about, it was important.

"Geez. You could have just told me sooner..." Len muttered once they finished and he stuck his hands into his pant pockets.

"I could have told you a lot of things, Len. Now shut up and don't act stupid." Miki mumbled back and Len frowned, narrowing his eyes at the ground.

"God, you're acting just like how she was years ago..."

"Len...!" she whispered harshly, and he flinched.

"Sorry, sorry..."

I stared at Miki and Len in confusion. I don't know what they were talking about, but it seemed pretty secretive. But maybe not so much that they could talk about it in front of me and Rinto? Even still, I want to know why I can't be in on this.

Then, Len looked over at me and stared for a moment. He looked deep in thought, and it was a little creepy and uncomfortable so I decided to speak up.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Len jumped a little bit, acting slightly flustered, and Miki sighed, shaking her head.

"U-uh, sorry, Rin, it's just... Man, it's really nice to see you again, I guess, haha." Len scratched his head nervously as he laughed a bit, and I felt something on the inside of me. Something I couldn't place, but it was there, definitely.

Somehow, Len knew me before now.

Maybe he was part of the past I don't know about?


A/N: Kerii-tan: Well, I'm sure we all knew Len had something to do with it. He has a big part in this whole thing... Actually, everyone does, really.
And don't worry. That little scene with Gumiya and Rin was just a plot device~ lD Anyhow, I hate writing scenes like that... Too bad there's more
of them coming in HtGtLY... lllorz /lolwut spoiler.
So we all know who's involved in Rin's past, right? :D Now we just need to figure out what happened exactly~ (oh boy it's like a mystery hohoho)
And by the way, this might end up being REALLY short. I'll try to stretch it out if I need to. :D

Reviews please! :3