Captain Komisky POV


Summer of 2010.
Captain Kim Komisky Walked in to her new office. She had just been transferred to the W.P.D (Woodlands Police Department).

Truth be told, Captain was very excited about starting the undercover student narc Program here in The Woodlands Texas. With all the crime going on in the local high school, they sure needed it. Captain just was not so excited about leaving the Fair field Division, or about leaving Cabel and Janie.

Captain sighed and set down the boxes she had been carrying on the desktop. There were already files on her desk. Well what could they have for me to do already, she thought sourly. She was not supposed to start work until next Tuesday.

Her sour face dissolved as she read over the files.

Police files. Classified

Woodlands Police department

Woodlands High School Possible Narcs (all on watch)

Kenize Maloney -Shoulder length brown hair. Blonde highlights. Straight hair. Bright Green eyes. Very tan from playing field hockey in the sun. 14 years old. 4 feet 11 inches. Glasses. Braces. Computer hacker (on watch does not Know). Likes anime. Has a French accent when speaking French and a thick country accents when speaking English. 9th grade. (French decedent)

Nicole Scott - Very long Blake hair. Thick, straight hair. Has straight across bangs. Dark brown eyes. Kind of Cr me skinned, can get tan in summer. 14 years. 5 feet 5 inches. Braces. Loves anime. Originally from Arkansas. Still has a slight accent. 9th grade. (Asian decedent)

Destiny Rose - Very long light brown hair. Wavy and very poufy. Rich brown eyes. Kind of pale, vary rarely gets tan in summer but that is because she likes to stay inside. 14 years. 5 feet 3 inches. Likes Anime. Moves around a lot. No noticeable accent. 9th grade. (American decedent)

Josh Bradley -Longer white-Blonde hair. Longer style hair for a male. Light blue almost grey eyes. Pale with a fair amount of freckles mostly across his cheeks and nose. 14 years old. 5 feet 7 inches. Braces. Glasses. Lived in Texas all his life. Texas accent. 9th grade. (American decedent)

Blake O'shea - Brown hair. Buzz cut for Rotc. Hazel eyes, tending to be a little more green the most hazel colors. Tan. 15 years. 5 feet 10 inches. Loves being outside. Very quiet. Has lived in The Woodlands all his life. Slight Texas accent. 10th grade. (American decedent)

All the grades Listed above the grades they will be going into when school starts.


Kenzie, Nicole, Destiny, and Josh are great friends. They have known each other since 7th grade when they had the same exact schedule.

Kenzie has a recurred as a hacker.

Josh has been lead a stray for awhile and could be future trouble Nicole and Destiny don't have any criminal records

Blake does not know the other three nor has he ever seen them. Has no criminal record, is already a student narc with us.

Captain closed the files with a sly smile. "Well, this is going to be fun." With that, she picked up her files. She turned on her heel and left her office.

A/N I think this will be the only chapter in Captains point of view.

A/n ok to clear any confusion before it begins one of the people in the file is a Dream Catcher, I have not figured out whom yet. When I said American/ Asian/ French decent, it is meant to tell you what they look like without seeming racist cause I am not. Nicole is Asian and Kenzie is French. That is all it means