Rachel turned another pageof the book and continued reading


Hero with the hair of red
Face against your deepest dread
Finding Foe and Friend once dead
A gray-eyed daughter with heart of lead
The fate of many upon her head

2) Oracle as told to Julius Caesar

O, Caesar beware the Ides
The fate of Rome upon you Lies
A traitor turned friend turned traitor again
The noblest Roman in the end

3) Oracle, as noted by William Shakespeare

Through the forest you'll have gone,
But Athenian you'll found none,
On whose eyes I might approve
This flower's force in forest grove.
Night and silence—Who is here?
Weeds of Athens she doth wear;
There the maiden, sleeping sound,
On the dank and dirty ground.
Pretty soul, she durst not lie
Near this lack-love, this kill-courtesy.
Churl, upon they eyes I throw
All the power this charm doth owe.
When thou wak'st, let love forbid
Sleep his seat on they eyelid.

4) Oracle, as noted by George G. Byron

The suffering of mortality
seen in sad reality
Between the suffering and the will
Where torture cannot kill
The rock, the vulture, and the chain
One shall bear the mighty pain