Yeah, well, this'll be the last new story I'm starting for a while. And don't everybody start crying 'FeatherSprite! Get back to your other stories, dammit!'

I will. But first, this.

Because, honestly, these guys almost get NO love from the fandom. And I, being of un-sound mind, and having YouTube and the Internets, have come up with this twisted freakshow of a fanfic.


What am I forgetting? Oh, YEAH!

Warnings: Male/Male, cussing, badly translatedly spells, oh, and Reka. Because everybody loves Reka, that cute little psycho bitch of mine.



It was a quiet evening for the castle, Xanatos and Fox watching a movie in the library as the Gargoyles read the tens of thousands of books. Puck and Alex were practicing a levitation spell, while dropping random objects on the Gargoyles heads, who in turn ignored the two as best they could. Reka was leafing through the Grimorum, his green eyes scanning the symbols as his knowledge of magic turned the characters into English as he read. Reka was a Half-Fey, whom Puck had discovered after Oberon banished him. Reka had jumped at the chance to help someone else who could make statues come alive and somersault off buildings to scare people.

Elisa was busy at the office, interrogating several crooks she had caught the night before. When Reka asked why she let them have a night before she tore into them, he was surprised to recieve the answer he got.

"Oh, I know their guilty. And they know their guilty. I just like to have them squirm in that fact before I actually even lift a finger." Good Lord, Reka thought as he stared at her haughty expression. I feel like a house cat staring down a Bengal Tiger(1).

All in all, a peaceful night in September.


"WHATHEFUCK?" Reka screeched as he clutched the book to his chest. Alex cooed from Brooklyn's arms, the levitation spell having been broken when Puck's concentration broke as well. The baby landed in the Gargoyle's hands, while the Fey landed on the couch right next to Goliath, who gave the mystical creature an 'are-you-alright?' look.

Two very tall sprite-looking men stood in the middle of the room, their amethyst eyes scanning every inch until they found their target.

"By order of Lord Oberon, Avalon Fey Puck is to return to Avalon for the new Spring." Puck went pale as a sheet, and Reka rolled his wrist so that several books, including those in the Gargoyles hands, went flying and smacked the intruders in the face. Such spells were now second nature to the half-Fey, and he rolled his wrist again sending more books at them.

"I was banished." Puck said almost airly, and when Xanatos looked over to see the Fey, Puck's face had drained leaving him an ashen color that alarmed him. The Fey was was visible, Puck was scared, and that was NOT acceptable.

"Lord Oberon had decided to nullify that. You are to return to the castle immediately." One of the Sprites said standing up. He had long red-orange hair twisted into a braid that went to his waist, and a dark blue cloak about his shoulders. His companion was dressed in the same fashion, but with dirty blond hair.

Reka waved his hand again, and the window shot open, just as the blond went through it. He cussed under his breath as the Sprite reappeared next to his partner. He then threw a chair at them, but it vanished to reappear beside Reka.

"Why won't you DIE?" Reka screeched as he began flinging any object he could at the strangers. Meanwhile, Puck seemed frozen in place as Goliath tried to get the white-haired trickster to stand. Blue eyes stared into space, unmoving, and Goliath was fearful that this 'Spring' in Avalon was dangerous.

"I was banished." The sentence was repeated in that strange tone, and for a moment Goliath was worried that the Fey had been damaged. "Even if I wasn't, returning for Spring in Avalon is decidedly NOT what I want to do."

The two Sprites looked at each other. "Avalon Fey Puck, you have not been given a choice." Suddenly, two long iron chains shot from beneath the wo's claoks, wrapping about Puck, who cried in pain. That made the Gargoyle clan stand in unison, baring their fangs to the strangers. Reka also was up, pushing Alex into his mothers arms, and joining the stance of the clan.

"Unhand my master, unless you wish for death." He hissed, his eyes glowing a green so light it looked almost golden. The two were surprised for a moment, before identical grins sprouted on their faces.

"Nice try, halfling. You don't have enough energy to take us both on anymore." Hudson growled and heaved his axe dangerously. Bronx snarled made as though to dash at them. Xanatos, who stood in front of his child and wife, gave them an unreadable look.

"Why does Puck need to to go to Avalon? Surely it isn't important?" Puck gave Xanatos a grateful gaze, which ended when the chains came to life and hung him high into the air, making him cry out again as the iron icily burned his skin.

"Sadly enough, human, that is not the case. Fey Puck is important, especially to the Spring." Now Xanatos was doubly curious. He blinked and emboldened his stance.

"Explain." Puck looked at the speaker in alarm. He wouldn't...

"Very well, as you seem to be quite interested in this affair. You see, Puck is a bearer."


The clan and Xanatos family stood silent, this new information just a slight bit weird to them. Okay, Fox was half-Fey, their baby was being trained by a full Fey, and their house-mates were millenia-old Gargoyles. But this was icing on the cake.

" a bearer?" Reka said slowly, as though the words were a strange taste in his mouth. The red-head nodded, his expression confused. There was a beat of silence, before Reka spun and pointed at Puck.

"YOU ARE A WOMAN!" He screeched in laughter, his face scrunched in mirth. Puck felt a sweatdrop roll down the side of his head. He scowled at his apprentice.

"This is neither the TIME, NOR the place!" He hissed, and the brunette below sobered up almost instantly. Reka nodded, and made a small disc of green magic, which he tossed at the chains. The metal melted away, and Puck fell to the ground, only to be caught by Lexington, who pulled the rest of the chains off the Fey.

"Are you okay? Iron's bad for your kind, isn't it?" The green Gargoyle said worriedly. Puck shifted against the warm skin and scales.

"I'm fine. A bit weak, but I'll be alright." He stood, and pressed his back against Reka. They both summoned their energy into discs, which hung at their fingertips. They threw up the discs to form a barrier, which managed to block the sudden volley of fireballs tossed at them. They blocked it for a few seconds, but soon enough the barrier shattered like glass, throwing Reka against Angela, and Puck was flung back against a table.

"Unless you have already chosen here, you must return to Avalon. Oberon will see to it that you are given as a mate." Goliath snarled loudly, and his wings nearly dislocated from his shoulders from the strength they were waved in the air with.

"Given?" The other Gargoyles scowled in anger. "Puck is not a prize to be given. He will stay here." The blond snorted and eyed Goliath with distaste.

"You have no say in this, your kind chose humanity. Puck's decision is Lord Oberon's." Reka shot his teacher a frightened look. At this rate, Puck was to be given as a mate to some creep who'd use his ability, and hurt the Fey possibly. No...Reka shot up into the air, summoning most of his reserve energy and bringing it down on the two. They blocked it and Reka was shot from the air. He landed on Bronx, whose legs gave out from under him, and the two slumped on the floor.

I...I don't want to go to Avalon... The thought that appeared in the Fey's mind was startling, but he knew what would happen if he DID go back during this time. He had the make a plan, and quickly. After a few moments of pondering, Puck suddenly straightened, his face serious.

"But I have chosen here. So you may go." It was a bluff. A bluff that was seen through almost too quickly.

"Really? Then, what is your choice? We wish to verify it to Lord Oberon." Craaap...Puck let his eyes drift, until they settled on a certain Gargoyle who was guarding the Xanatos family, shooting a glare that could probably melt stone at the Sprites.

"Right here!" He flew to the spot beside the winged creature, who bore a look of shock. Reka turned and his jaw dropped. Was Puck really THAT desperate? Well, given that it was Puck after all...

"Twiddle-Dee, Twiddle-dum, my chosen is the Gargoyle known as Lexington."

(headdesk) Godammit PUCK! Why must you drag an innocent person into your schemes? Oh yeah, beacuse I wrote it...Haaaa...

Read and review, people, or angry Reka will bite you.