Vampire Diaries: Claudia
Chapter One
It was 1491 in a small town in Bulgaria. I was young, alive with vigor, and a single woman in my early twenties; ripe for marriage. Hoping for a marriage with my beloved and cherished childhood friend: we grew up together, we played together, we did everything together; inseparable we were. Gabriel was my first and only love.
One chilled autumn afternoon, I wandered about the shallow creeks near my plantation home, until I saw Gabriel dashing across the hills we used to play on, calling my name with excitement. Beaming with immense joy, he told me he was to be married soon. My eyes widened in shock and delight, Could it be me? ,I thought.
No, it wasn't.
Gabriel told me it was a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, Evangeline, he told me her name was. My heart couldn't take so many emotions at once: jealousy, hate, envy, betrayal, hurt, and most of all disappointment. I felt as though they would burst out of my chest all at once. He hugged me tight in his muscular arms, laughing and radiating with pure bliss, spinning me around until I felt even more dizzy then I already was.
"I am so happy for you." I managed to choke out softly, grabbing his arm to steady myself from the overwhelming news. The next day, before I even knew it, I was having dinner with him and his new fiancé. Chatting lightly and getting to know one another, how I hated her and Gabriel together.
They looked perfect for each other.
I left early that afternoon, everything happened so fast it felt like a blur; I found my body moving by itself as I ended up on my front porch swing.
"Claudia?" A voice called to me. I looked up to find my mother staring at me, obviously worried over my filmy state. I smiled bitterly in response.
"I heard." My mother began, finding a seat next to me on the swing.
"Who doesn't know?" I asked with what seemed like venom staining my acidic words, my mother pursed her lips with frustration, not knowing what to say to me; comfort me? Scold me?
"I know you loved him, Claudia. And you two practically knew each other your whole lives, but there are plenty of other guys out there other then Gabriel."
"But mom, I only love Gabriel." I stated firmly, looking into her dark hazel eyes. The only trait I inherited from my beautiful mother, except my long, wavy hair was one of my own, a darker shade of blonde - an almost honey golden array that met my lower back in wavy curls.
"You don't know that!" My mother spat back, "how could you know that? You've never left the damn plantation before!" She laughed curtly, making me laugh along weakly with her hoarse cackle. She bent down to give me a quick kiss on the forehead, "feel better?"
"I don't know, maybe a piece of your delicious lemon pie might."
* . * . * . * . *. * . * . * . * . *. * . * . *
"Oh Claudia, you look beautiful!" My mother exclaimed, clasping her hands together with excitement, "I think you'll have all the eyes on you instead of on the bride!" She laughed while she straightened out the creases of my new, crisp white gown. I beamed joyfully, "Mother! Don't say that!" I laughed, the new dress my father bought was definitely a handsome one.
"It's a shame that Katerina isn't here, she would have been quite jealous of the occasion. How she dotes on these types of parties, instead she's gone off on some adventure to England. I do hope she's alright there." I said, feeling a little empty around without my little sisters' annoying banter, and her perpetual talk of herself.
"I wouldn't of let her come back to this house after what she has done: disgraced the entire family! First a baby out of wed-lock; now she's in England because of her foolish mistake!" My father came through, his expression foreboding and stern.
"Oh father, please reconsider, I need my sister back. Don't cast her out! Everybody makes mistakes, yes?" I said, while my fathers' eyes softened, but still bent on his declaration.
Katerina, please be safe there.
The wedding was indeed what you would call, "a white wedding". Everything was white; to the china plates, flowers, even the dresses! Making Gabriel's backyard a soft, wintery splendor of pure white snow and ivory cream. How I wished it was mine. The selfish child in me wanted it so badly it tingled throughout my whole body, wanting him, sharing this moment with him. But the adult that was visible said otherwise: it's time to move on, he has someone else. He would do better with her; be better. I smiled inwardly, feeling the strength I never knew I had in me to let go. The last time I will love you.
"Claudia Petrova?" I turned abruptly, spilling some of my drink onto the floor as I spun around to face the stranger. The man in front of me chuckled with amusement, "Would you like to dance with me?" He asked, his rough melodic voice coated with honey and sugar.
"You know my name, yet unfortunately I don't have the pleasure of knowing yours?"
"Ah, yes. My name is Elijah."
"Nice to meet you." I extended my hand, he took it in one swift motion and pulled me forward, sweeping me onto the dance floor. I let out a distressed laugh, surprised at how fast he was.
"So, Mr. Elijah was it? Did you move here recently, or are you a guest of Gabriel's?"
"Yes to the first, and yes to the second." He chuckled, revealing a brilliant set of white teeth, with astonishingly sharp cuspids. I could feel myself go pale as a cold shiver ran down my spine. His bright, gray eyes were ensnaring and dangerous, hiding a cynical plan behind them.
Elijah guided me with ease around the fine wood floorings, smiling as he hummed with comfort to the violins and pianos that played an almost eerie melody.
"How long have you known Gabriel?" Elijah asked, bringing his humming to a stop.
"All of my life." I said, trying not to sound to downcast at the mention of my current relationship with him, not satisfied enough with "just friends". I could feel hot tears threatening to spill out, but held them back with every ounce of energy I could muster. I let go of my partners' hand to excuse myself, trying to not let anybody see how utterly horrible I looked.
I thought I was over him! I thought I was stronger than this! I was suddenly filled with rage as I stormed out of the building and into the abandon rose gardens, leading their way to a gazebo of flourishing white roses snaking along the pillars. Nobody was in sight from where the mansion was, so I let the tears I held in so desperately stream from my face. Holding onto one of the pillars for support, I watched through my glassy vision, the twilight cascading behind the forest covered hills. The murky darkness finally consuming the skies, I watched emotionless as the stars appeared from the veil of sunlight that had just diminished.
"Beautiful night isn't it?"
I turned, surprised to find the man I danced with just earlier, "You," I paused, wiping the remaining tears from my cheeks, "what are you doing here?" But was more curious as to how he found me instead.
"I saw you practically running into the forest, so I followed you in case something happened." He smiled, sympathy emitting from his lazy grin.
"I'm fine. If you don't mind, I would like to be alone." I admitted weakly, not caring if I sounded rude or blunt in any way. He sauntered to one of the adjacent pillars beside me, leaning against it leisurely, folding his arms across his chest with ease, "so how long have you loved him?"
I gasped, startled by the abruptness of the man's question, "what do you mean?"
"You love him don't you, for how long?"
"I don't think that's any concern of yours," I said hotly, sudden anger washing over me, "and it's none of your business either. So if you would be so kind as to leave me be." I headed towards the mansion as a hand caught my arm, whirling me around to face Elijah with a wicked smirk spread across his devilishly handsome face. I couldn't find the will to speak as he trailed his thumb along my jaw line, caressing it gently, "I could help you, you know?"
"Wha-" I was cut off by Elijah's finger pressed against my lips, "You're so beautiful. It would be such a terrible waste to dispose of you so quickly, how about I take away your sufferings instead? Give you a better life, a life filled with infinite possibilities? And all the while, forgetting about the one man that has sent your heart into the depths of hell." He whispered while his cool breath spilled across my face, making my blood run cold with fear.
"I do not understand. And I don't want any part of it!" I pushed hard against his chest, not even making him budge an inch. He whirled me around smoothly, having my back pressed hard against him, as I faced the lustrous moon. "I am willing to give you anything you've ever wanted, yet you deny me?"
"Nothing in the world would ever make me satisfied, not even an egocentric lunatic like yourself." I struggled with as much effort as I could, until Elijah grabbed my hands into one of his, while he tilted my head to the side gingerly. My neck unveiled before his lips, with two sharp cuspids appearing monstrously from his mouth.
"It appears you don't have a choice anymore, because you see, I'm running out of options." A sharp pain seared into my neck, while a thick liquid trickled down to the side.
Then the world turned black.