Still Moments

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh. Never have, never will.

Title: Trust

Characters: Joey, Mai

Episode: Lights, Camera, Duel

Notes: Ehh...This is my fist YGO story. Basically, I'm taking moments from episodes and...capturing them. I guess. Sort of like a snapshot.

Word Count: 295

My finger were slipping off the metal pole that had saved me from falling straight to the ground. My body shook under the pressure and my eyes were wide in fear as I realized how high up I was. I could feel a gentle breeze against my skin and my heart thumped hard against my chest; like it would explode any moment now. This was just great. Sure, I wouldn't be getting married, but now I would be flattened if I fell! And I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold on...
Though, my attention was diverted onto a young, blond figure below me. He was holding his arms up towards me; his face scrunched up in concentration. With his eyes wide, full of nothing but genuine worry; he called up towards me.

"Hey Mai! C'mon, let go!...I'll catch you, I swear!"

I had to make my decision quickly. Should I trust him and let go? He said he would catch me...No. I was too high up, he would miss! And then my body would hit the ground in a sickening thud, with blood forming a puddle around my body. The smell would heavily coat the air and my vision would probably go dark. Then, my heart rate would fade, beating slower as each moment passed by; eventually coming to a halt...

But - there was something else in his voice, other than crazed concern. Something that caused a calm wave to wash upon me. Taking that soothing moment, I used that comfort to replace the dread in my eyes with trust.

The sunset beat down on my face and my teeth gritted tightly against each other. I nodded and slowly let go; falling through the air, screaming - and into Joey's awaiting arms.

Short, I know. The lenght will vary, depending on what I decide to describe.

Thanks for reading.
