Sorry for the gap. I was having Writer's block. Enjoy!

I is for Innocence

Yuki had always known that a majority of the female population were slightly naïve when it came to romance. But to what extent he could never guess.

He had believed Tohru to be the limit of innocence. That had been proven when Hatsuharu had dragged his class representative into the bathroom to prove his natural hair colour and Tohru had just watched the scene with a bemused expression. (^_^'')

However, he could feel his patience slipping slightly at this moment. Maybe innocence wasn't so precious after all…

Machi was next to him, her head on his shoulder. They were perfectly content and snuggled up under a blanket on his sofa. The fire in the hearth flickered merrily as they watched it. Yuki had, from quite a while now, been trying to get Machi's attention onto another track.

He had started with a kiss to her hair which had won an adoring smile from her. Next he had run his hand lightly up and down her arm. She had scooted closer to him and wrapped an arm around his waist. He had tried dancing his fingertips across her pretty cheeks. To which she had just wound her fingers through his and brought his hand onto her lap. He had been nuzzling her hair from a while, subtly brushing against her (much like a cat, he had realized, to his disgust) to which she had just pressed closer into him.

Sighing he felt the issue could no longer be kept aside. Firmly but gently he grasped Machi's chin between his fingers and met her eyes. A blush crept into her face but she didn't take her eyes off his.

"Machi, we've been in this position from over fifteen minutes now. Hasn't anything come to your mind?"

The blush deepened to a deep crimson.

"Ah…like what Yuki kun?" she asked embarrassedly and averting her eyes.

"Machi…you needn't be so shy. It's only me…"

Yuki lowered his mouth to kiss her. Not his normal kiss. It was much deeper and heady. His lips were soft, parted slightly and Machi felt her skin beginning to burn. Yuki nibbled her lip and then generously brushed his mouth over hers.

Machi's hands tightened on his shirt. When they broke apart, Yuki brought up a hand to his forehead that wasn't quite steady.

"Something like that," he said when he had managed to form proper words.

"Ah…Yuki kun? I was thinking…of it….but I didn't think you would like it…" Machi replied now looking positively like a tomato.

Yuki stared incredulously at her. Perhaps females weren't so innocent after all.

Hmmm…I didn't like this one that much either…go easy on me?

Review please!