Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize. In addition, there is no disrespect to RCA they just happen to be caught up in my fic.

Warning: See Chapter 1

A/N: Sorry for the lateness. I scrapped the chapter I had written because it didn't fit what I've sketched out for this fic. All is good. Comments are good too. If you're on twitter you can follow me (at symbol) sissouthernink. It was too long with the numbers. I will try my best to follow back. :)

Chapter 2: The Change

Once Simon was back in L.A., he set up the meeting with RCA and told them what Erica told him to say. He was very surprised when it worked. He looked down at the letter that he'd received and was pleased by the fact that no one suspected his duplicity. Maybe he was so duplicitous already that it didn't really matter. Too bad that Adam had to find out the way that he did. But what else could Simon do? It was a bad situation he just would rather that Adam not know that he was a participant. A reluctant one, but a participant nonetheless.

Once Erica received the letter, she called Adam to let him know. She had to gear herself to deliver him some bad news.

"So how's it looking?"

"Not good. They have listed the value of everything they have for you and it's far under value. My buying you out of your contract will seem like going to a sale at Wal-Mart."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that your body of work for RCA should be worth more than $30 million."

"Is that what they say I'm worth?" He asked excitedly.

"No." Erica could hear the shock and disappointment in the breath he released.

"What? Then what is my value?"

"Ten point five million." His silence was scary. "That's the catalogue, masters and all the albums."

"Erica, are you serious? I'm only worth ten point five million to them?"

"It's chump change. I got twelve as a bonus on the reality show I was on that started this company."

"All the money I've made for them and that's what my value is? Fucking ridiculous."

"Yeah. Disheartening I know. That's why I feed my artists' creativity. Happy artists create dollars."


"Don't loose heart my dear; I've got this. This is my on duty week with the kids so I can't go right away, but I have already made an appointment for Monday. It won't be long before you'll be a part of the 522 Productions Family."

"I still can't believe you're going to pull this off."

"Just watch me."

Monday morning found Erica Wilson-Harper in a conference room at RCA records waiting on their executives. She was more than prepared. She had the newest edition of Billboard Magazine there to gloat about her successes if she needed it. And the question she wanted answered the most was why they really were rejecting Adam's album. They knew Adam was out and proud to be gay. Saying that he was a novelty was just insane. RCA was about to let one of their top record sellers go. Oh well, finder's keeper's loser's weepers. She knew a moneymaker when she heard it and this album they were passing on was going to make big money.

"Well, Mrs. Wilson-Harper what can we do for you today?"

"I would like to buy one of your artists out of their contract and I'm prepared to transfer funds today." The executives laughed. The mostly white males didn't think highly of this Southern Black Woman sitting in front of them. She knew that from how they rejected the music she created with Adam.

"What makes you think we have an artist that we can let go? All of our artists are happy."

"Are you sure?" They seemed to look at each other in confusion. They didn't know how she knew. "I have it on good authority that Adam Lambert is not happy. You've rejected his last submission for the label and I hear he's been label shopping."

"That's just a rumor. Beside's Simon is taking care of that."

"Is he? By telling Adam what he's worth so he can stay?" The executives looked uneasy. "See what you don't know that is that I was willing to let Adam record those songs and release the album under a pseudonym. It's a great album, even if my songs weren't on there. It would have been a great seller, limited edition, a rare find in about five years. And you wouldn't have seen a dime. Then I got to thinking, what if I could get Adam out of his contract? Then he could record it as Adam Lambert, make twice as much and you still wouldn't see a dime."

"You don't have enough money for that."

"Don't I?" She asked.

"I doubt you do." One exec replied.

"Still underestimating me huh? Well, I happen to have a quote that you sent to Simon-" Erica reached into her folder and pulled out the quote from the company letterhead. "And I also have a quote from an outside appraiser who appraised the following items much higher in value. But since you valued everything you own by Adam Lambert to be ten point five million, I'm prepared to go a few dollars more and pay you fourteen million."


"Yes, it's nowhere near what my appraiser submitted but if what you are willing to sell it for is ten point five, then I'm willing to pay fourteen." They looked at each other.

"We need to discuss this. Could you please-"

"Yes, I'll gladly wait outside." Erica stepped outside the office and sat politely as other execs were called to the boardroom. No doubt, they were trying to find out who her appraiser was. They would never find that out. It was a secret and if she ever told, she'd have to kill someone.

A little over and hour had passed and no one had come out of the office. I love moments like these, she thought as she smirked. At this point, she imagined that they were trying to weigh their options and beginning to feel that they were selling themselves short. While she was celebrating her victory in her mind, she received a text from one of her California lawyers telling her that he was on his way up. Wyatt stepped off the elevator with all the necessary paperwork to write up the deal. He was the epitome of cool.

"What is up with the smile?"

"I think I just bought my company an awesome Christmas present."

"They still thinking about it?"

"Been in for over an hour."

"An hour huh? You must have put that magic on them."

"Nah, I just made them an offer they really couldn't refuse."

"You ready for this?"

"Always ready." Ten minutes later, someone came out and welcomed her back in. Everyone sat around the table and she introduced Wyatt.

"You brought your lawyer?"

"Of course. I am serious people. Did you think I wasn't?"

"Well-"One exec replied stammering.

"Are we ready to write the contract?" She asked.

"I guess we should get started then."

The group spent the next forty-five minutes hashing out the details with RCA not realizing the gravity of this contract. Before everything was completely finished, Erica had one request.

"I want to know why you really rejected the submission. You know how Adam is, why shy away from him now?" They looked at each other bashfully but agreed that she could know. After all, she paid for it.

"Well, we might as well tell you. The world was going to find out in a year or so after the debut, but have found another gay artist that we want to support and we don't want competing gay artists on our label." Erica was appalled. How dare they?

"First of all, that is the most asinine excuse I've ever heard. Everyone on the label competes with everyone else. Then the label competes with other labels; that's the nature of the business. You know this. You're saying that you don't want competing gay artists on one label. How do you know that's not the case right now?"


"Not all artists are comfortable being out. I currently have ten gay artists on my label. Only six are out to their fans. Everyone on your label could be gay and you wouldn't even know it! But you know what, it's all good. I would love to have Adam Lambert be my eleventh gay artist on my label. Let's get this deal finished."

It was a week later when Adam Lambert arrived back at the 522 Productions offices. He was anxious to find out what had gone on. Erica asked him bring some clothes to the office but didn't say why. He was hoping it would be for his introduction to the label shoot, but he didn't want to get too excited just in case RCA said no. Trevor showed him into her office where he waited for her. A few minutes later, she joined him.

"Hello Adam." They greeted each other with a hug and kisses on the cheek.

"Hey honey how are you?"

"I'm so excited about everything going on around me. How about you?"

"I'm good, anxious but good."

"Come sit and let me put you out of your misery." They sat at the conference table and as she gathered some papers together, Adam decided to ask about the clothes.

"What's the purpose of the wardrobe you had me bring?"

"The jeans and your choice of white shirt? All the artists on this label are photographed in that to show family unity."

"So that means…" She pushed the papers in front of Adam.

"It means that if you sign this contract that you will be a member of the 522 Production Family."

"Oh. My. God. You actually pulled it off."

"I told you I would. They never knew what hit them."

"Well, did you at least find out why they rejected the album?"

"They have a new up and coming gay artist that they want to nurture and they don't want competing gay artists on the same label."

"That sounds like pure bullshit."

"I agree, and I told them so. At any rate, they are four million to the good for their initial investment in you." Adam picked up the papers and began reading through them.

"So what's my requirement?"

"One plus one then an option."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. I don't believe in signing artists to long drawn out contracts. The point being that by the time you've done the first album, you pretty much know if you want to stay. We do a second album for good measure and if you don't want to stay, you activate your option to leave. If you're happy, your option is to stay."

"And what will I sign then?"

"We'll talk about it when we get there." Adam read through each page carefully before he signed then came to the last page.

"What's this?"

"Oh that. The first one is a hush clause. RCA agreed to officially drop you from their roster on a certain date. I did that so they wouldn't say they dropped you before we're ready to say we signed you. So even though you're signing with us today you can't talk about it for thirty days."


"So no tweeting or facebooking about it. You can say big things are coming and you can give out the date but that's it. We've got something huge planned and you're going to be a part of it."

"Am I allowed to ask?"

"Of course. We have nine, you make it ten, new artists to join the family. But we aren't telling anybody about them until that date there. We are going to take over BET's 106 and Park for a week. Each day we will introduce two new 'family members'. It's so hush-hush only five people at BET know what's going on. I think you'll be Wednesday along with Slim Powell and the Beats."

"I'm not really a 106 and Park demographic, am I?"

"You'd be surprised who's listening to what these days. It'll be fine."

"And what is this morality clause?"

"Well, you know we're a clean label- so no glorifying of drugs, alcohol, sex, no profanity, no bashing of any kind."


"Don't be misled, all of our artists have artistic reign, but I will let you know when your toes are on the line."

"Cool." Adam signed the last pages and handed them back to Erica.

"Great. Charlie will be here as soon as he gets out of court and you will have your copy by the time you leave later today."

"Good. Now what?" she held up a finger to pause him and called Trevor.

"Can you call the team in? Thanks." She turned to Adam. "Your 522 Team will be here in a just a moment."

"My Team."

"Yes, RCA made it clear that Simon and who they assigned to you were not coming with you. Therefore you have new management team." They heard a knock at the door. "Come in." Adam saw five faces that looked a little familiar but he wasn't sure.

"Hey everybody." He said.

"Adam let me introduce you to your new team. This is John Vick, your manger."

"It's a great honor to be working with you." John said.

"Same here."

"This is your booking agent, Lyric Scott."

"Beautiful name."

"Thanks, welcome aboard."

"Your music manager, David Balfour."

"Cool, I've heard of you. Looking forward to working with you."

"Same here." David replied.

"This is Terra Chang, Promotions Manager."

"Nice to finally meet you."

"And last but not least Noelle Thomas-Pen, your accountant."

"Nice to meet you Adam."

"This is cool."

"They all answer to John and he answers to me. We'll figure out some retreat time for your personal team and them so they can become as one over you."

"Cool." Adam said.

"And right now," Lyric said looking at her watch, "we have you scheduled for some time in front of the camera. You've got your clothes?"

"Right here." He said pointing to his small suitcase.

"Good. Follow me and we'll get started." He turned to Erica.

"Ok, so I guess I'll see you later then?"

"I will be up to check on you in a bit."

As Lyric and Adam rode the elevator up to the photography studios, she discussed what the next few days would be like. He would be doing photo shoots for a couple of days, interviews that would appear on the website and Dave would be working with him on what they would do for the 106 and Park reveal.

"Busy little bees aren't we?"

"Yes and with Christmas in two weeks, Erica wants as much done as possible so we all can take a decent break with our families. The pictures and interviews will be ready probably by next week. Ted and his crew will activate them as you guys are announced on the show so the fans will have instant access."

"Wow, that's quick."

"Yeah, they're adding extra stuff to the servers so it won't crash. They're going to test it by sending out a special Christmas message on Twitter and Facebook."

"How will that work?"

"Our research shows that the most a link is viewed is right when it's tweeted. Nobody knows who's doing the Christmas message it'll just say 'click here for a special Christmas message'. We're banking on all the fans viewing and retweeting."

"Who do you think will be doing the message?"

"This year she'll probably do it herself. She's had someone else do it every year before."

They stepped off the elevator on a floor Adam hadn't been on before. He could hear music blaring from everywhere. There were six studios fanning from the long hallway and people moving from place to place. Adam followed her to the first studio on the left.

"Hey Kai, I'm here with Adam."

"Hi Adam welcome to the label." Kai replied as she shook his hand.

"Thanks. I'm all ready to get glammed up."

"Oh, I didn't know I was shooting you today." Lyric looked at her sheet.

"Yeah, my sheet says it's you."

"Ugh, did Silas forget to get the memo to you again? I'm shooting Jack Sheets and the Duvets album cover. If Silas keeps this up, he'll be fired. I think you're across the hall with Ben."

"Ok, we'll try there." Adam waved good-bye to Kai and followed Lyric across the hall. What they saw excited Adam so much that he just knew they were in the right place.

"Wow, this is going to be a great shoot. Erica knows just what I like to see, half-naked men!" Adam said referring to the five shirtless men who were now being placed to the photographer's specifications. One guy seemed to catch Adam's smile and threw one back at him.

"Ben, are you doing Adam's shoot?" Lyric asked.

"No that I know of. I'm shooting the Natural man pictures for the book. Try Kai."

"She told us to come here." Lyric checked the sheet Ben's assistant had. "Well, just great you're not even on this list."

"Let me go and find out for you." The assistant said.

"Thanks." Lyric replied. She turned to Adam. "Since we're here I might as well introduce you to your label mates. Ben can we step in your shot for a sec to make introductions?"

"Go ahead, I gotta adjust the lights." Lyric motioned for Adam to follow her.

"Hey guys, I have a new label mate for you to meet." The five men came closer to her. "Adam, this is our male R&B group Southern Gentlemen, fellas meet our newest family member, Adam Lambert."

"You mean they're not eye candy for my photo shoot? Damn!" He asked pouting then they all laughed. "Just kidding. Really, I didn't recognize some of you…and with your shirts off."

"Welcome aboard. I'm Louis Ramón." The Latino said shaking his hand. "Everyone calls me Lou."

"Thanks Lou."

"I'm Howard Bell." He was the only white person in the group.

"I'm Sam Huang." The only Asian. They shook hands. "Despite popular opinion I was born and raised here in Memphis."

"I can hear it in the accent. Great to meet you." Adam replied.

"I'm Ricky Jones."

"Yea, I remember your voice from the reality show. The only bass who tried out for the group."

"You got it." Ricky replied.

"And last but not least…" Adam said turning to the man who smiled at him a few minutes earlier.

"I'm Sebastian James Kyle III. The guys call me Bas, everyone else calls me James." When they shook, it was as if they had both been moving on carpet; there was a natural electric shock. But they were standing on a wooden floor. Their hands seemed to linger after they shook and Adam could feel himself blush, but he wasn't sure why.

"What should I call you then?" Adam said in a flirty voice.

"Whatever you're comfortable with." James replied smiling and making Adam blush even more, as if that were possible.

"Ok, James it is then." Just then, Ben's assistant came back in.

"Ok Lyric, you guys are in Studio F with Gene."

"Thank you so much Kim." Lyric replied.

"Alright fellas, lights are adjusted. Let's get started." Ben said.

"Maybe I'll see you around." James said.

"Maybe." Adam replied as he reluctantly released James's hand. Lyric tugged Adam's shirt.

"We're at the end of the hall." Adam took the handle of his suitcase and followed Lyric down the hall, trying to get a last glance at James.

After meeting Gene, the stylist set about getting Adam's hair and make-up done. While she was working, Adam couldn't help but think about the gorgeous man he'd just met. He guessed they were both about the same height- 6 ft1. James looked him straight in the eye; most guys he was interested in were shorter than he was. They were also, what you would call pretty boys. These guys were somewhat feminine, diva-ish, wearing makeup and glitter like Adam. James was not feminine at all.

His skin color reminded Adam of toffee candy- smooth and a beautiful tan. James's muscles we hard like hard toffee and defined as if he had been chiseled from the finest marble or most precious wood. He had the most beautiful hazel green eyes and brightest smile Adam had ever seen. When the stylist had Adam close his eyes to apply the eyeliner, he imagined what kissing James's full lips would be like. He smirked and blushed again.

Erica came up and checked on him as promised. Gene had taken the white shirt and blue jeans shots, some of him in leather and lace and the stylist was changing Adam's hair and makeup for the others. She glanced over the previous shots.

"Very nice. I like these." She clicked the screen and made some notes for the one she wanted to show up on his artist profile first.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" She asked as she scrolled through some of the other shots.

"The other artists were so damn fine!"

"You didn't know that? Wait, who did you meet?"

"No I didn't know and I met Southern Gentlemen. Oh. My. God. James is so damn sexy. It could have just been me but it seemed like there was a shock when we shook hands. And we lingered a bit. I don't usually go for straight guys like that but wow…" Erica laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, honey your gaydar really is off. James is as gay as you are."

"Shut up!" He replied as she nodded. "Are you serious?"

"Yes. You didn't get that from him?"

"James no; Lou yea."

"Lou? No Lou isn't gay."

"Then my gaydar needs adjusting. James really is gay?"

"Yea. He's out to the group, his family and friends but not his fans. That's his choice and I will abide by his wishes until he's ready. He came to me when he wanted to come out to the fellas. For a while there I didn't think they were gonna make it. The therapist was a huge help. They wouldn't be together if he hadn't been there."

"Wow. So why is he hiding it? Wouldn't he feel much freer?"

"He wants to eventually. He wanted to wait because in the black community and his family being from the islands, there is an air of homophobia. And he had a fear that if on their first album that people knew he was gay, no one would buy the album or support their music."

"And he thinks something is going to change?"

"By the time he decides to come out, it might."

"He's just so fine. And he's not the type of guy I usually go for. He's not a pretty boy and all that. He's so masculine and I don't know what else to say."

"Maybe I can arrange a date for you guys."

"Oh, I couldn't; I'd be too nervous."

"Adam Lambert nervous? The same Adam Lambert who kissed a guy on stage during his first official TV performance Adam Lambert?"

"Yes, me. I don't know. As forward and fearless as I am about a lot of things, serious stuff like this scares me a little."

"Oh please. Stop being silly! I'm sure James would love to at least show you around town."

"Not that I just want to change the subject, but what was their photo shoot about?"

"Oh we are shooting a coffee table book of sorts based on the men associated on 522 Productions. My husband is even in there as the First Man of 522. The pictures are based on The Business man that wears a suit. The Gentleman in eveningwear. The Athletic Man in sports wear. The Casual Man in jeans and a t-shirt and the Natural Man in some kind of underwear or au natural."

"Can I be in the book?"

"Sure. Ben might be able to shoot a few of you today when Gene finishes."


It was a few hours later and James had wandered into Studio F after his dance rehearsal. He still had his workout clothes on and hadn't taken a shower yet. He was coming up to see how much longer Adam might be. Erica made the suggestion to him that Adam needed someone to show him around town. He was going to ask Adam if he was interested in dinner and a ride around the city.

Ben was taking a few Natural Man pictures of Adam. He had Adam in a bed of burgundy sheets that just made his Goth-style pale skin even more beautiful to James. He could tell that Adam had been working out; he had some nice defined muscles. They weren't as defined as James's but they were nice to look at. He was shocked at how warm his face was and how giddy he felt when he saw Adam. Before he could say anything to Adam, Ben had seen him out of the corner of his eye.


"Yo Ben, what's up?"

"I could use your muscles in a few shots with Adam here." Adam's eyebrows rose in surprise at the suggestion.

"My muscles?"

"Yeah. See how Adam is laying there in the bed? I think if you were next to him, not showing your face just your muscles against his skin that it would be a good look." James thought a minute. "Come on, no one will know it's you. And it's a body shot anyway." James shrugged his shoulders and said ok. Adam's nerves dropped and started swimming in his stomach at the thought that James would be half-naked next to him.

Ben set up the shot so that James was laying face down into the pillow, his back to the camera and his right arm around Adam's waist. The sheet was up around his waist, showing his left leg presenting after sex rumpled sheets. The other side of the sheet was draped over Adam's right leg with the edge barely covering his groin area; he was spread eagle and his right leg was between James's legs. Adam was propped against the pillows, facing the camera with his right arm resting on James's back. While Ben was adjusting the light, James took the opportunity to ask Adam out.

"I'm sorry I smell. We had a dance rehearsal after our shoot earlier. I wasn't expecting to be a part of your shoot."

"It's ok. I wasn't expecting to see you either."

"I was really coming up to see if you had any dinner plans. It was pointed out to me that you haven't had the chance to take a ride around the city yet. So I was going to ask you to dinner and show you around, since this will be your recording home for a while."

"Are you only asking me out because Erica suggested it?"

"No. I think we caught each other's eyes when we met earlier. Something was in the air when we shook. I think we owe it to each other to see what that was."

"Glad I wasn't the only one who felt that."

"See, we're on the same page already."

"What did you have in mind? I don't know any Memphis restaurants. And I need to stay away from the paparazzi. I'm supposed to keep this record deal quiet until the 106 and Park reveal."

"Oh, I have plenty of awesome places we could eat without being seen. I use them all the time."

"I'll let you pick then, since you're the expert. What time did you have in mind?"

"Well, I need to shower."

"Yeah you do. Don't get me wrong it's quite manly and a little intoxicating but-"

"I need a shower. Are you going back to your hotel after this?"

"I guess I could. Then I could change clothes."

"I'll pick you up around seven?"

"Ok, we'll exchange numbers when we're done. And I'll tell you where I'm staying."
