It was a cold winters night, and all you could hear was the sound of snowflakes falling in the December air.

"I can't see anything Nico." I told him while shivering. "Look closer Thalia, if you try hard enough you can just make out a safe shelter. If we hurry we can make it before the blizzard hits." Nico said with a little difficulty. I nodded and huddled closer to him, even though it was against huntress code, I didn't care. "Lets just hurry so we don't freeze to death." I said trough numb lips.

He nodded somewhat stiffly. We trudged on through the thick blanket of snow. We walked in silence for a while, when Nico broke the silence. "Thals? If i were to say I could shadow travel us to camp half-blood when it gets darker, would you let me?" He asked timidly, afraid that I might freak out.

"Whatever it takes to get us the hell out of here. " I told him seriously. I looked over at him to catch him starring at me. For whatever reason, it made me blush. 'Im in deep shit now.' I thought to myself realizing I just broke my oath. "Nico, I just broke my oath and I'm scared of facing Artemis." I told him honestly. Hey, if i'm gonna get kicked out of the hunters for blushing and start falling for him, might as well do it with a bang. He looked at me questioningly. I sighed and explained. "I accepted help from you without hesitation, and i blushed when I caught you starring." I told him. What can I say, why bother with being honest when your not honest all the time? He started blushing like mad.

"Hey atleast now your nose won't fall off from frost bite." I said trying to make it a joke so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. He started laughing, thank the Gods. "So Artemis is really gonna be mad at you?" I nodded. "Well I'll blame it on Aphrodite. Its rightfully her fault anyways." I mumbled under my breath, but him being the son of Hades, he heard me. His eyes widened. "So your saying shes having us fall for each other?" His question took me off gaurd. I thought it was one sided. I looked at him questioningly, but didn't say anything.

"No its not one sided. I was starting to think the same till you said that." He said. It sounded extremly sincere. I snuggled into him and grabbed his hand. Might as well be bold in a tough situation. I could almost hear him smile, but he surprised me by leaning down and kissing the top of my head. I looked ahead and the safe shelter was even 50 yards away. I grinned. "Race ya there?" I said with a mischevious smile on my face. He grinned and took off. I had a head start. He beat me. I ran up to him panting. "No fair you cheated!" I said pouting. He smiled and put his hands on both sides of my face and kissed me. It was a short chaste kiss, but it was sweet and enough to take my breath away. He pulled back breathing hard. "I think i love you." I blurted out like the blabber mouth I am. He just smirked. "Well I think I love you too." he said stepping into the safe shelter.

I followed him in and started to make a fire. "Nico, go over to that trunk and pull out some blankets and pillows." I told him. Oh did I forget to mention; Me, Luke, and Annabeth built these safe shelters when we were traveling. He nodded and headed over to get them. How am I supposed to stay here and feel safe with Artemis out there waiting to turn me into an animal at first chance. I guess I was just sittin there starring into the fire cause Nico asked me what was wrong. "Im scared. I broke my oath by falling in love with you and shes gonna turn me into an animal at the first chance she gets." I told him and by the end I was crying, something I never . Nico gathered me up in his arms telling me he wouldn't let her do that to me and that everything was gonna be fine. Well as fine as anything can be for a demigod. "Thalia, I love you and if you think Aphrodite is gonna let Artemis ruin her fun, you must not know Aphrodite very well." I had to laugh at that. "I don't know how you do it but you can make me laugh even at the worst and most impossible times!" He just smiled and pulled me closer to him, wrapping a blanket around . Thinking of that word, US, it actually sounds possible when I say it in my head. "Lets go to sleep and save going back for another day." I told Nico, half asleep and happy. He nodded as if to say 'agreed'. With that we fell asleep peacefully in each others arms.