A/N: Just in case people didn't see this for some reason... thanks to DarkRoadHina, PhoenixRage92, chococake99, Lithosphere, hiyomi, MikaUchiha666, SasoLOVE111, 10th Squad 3rd Seat, MiyukiNishio, 666AnimeFan666, Mairelle, leogirl321, TheFeyRa, MidoriPoet, Miyusan, HyperCricket, Kouyan, darkguardian1021, Oluhasuu and April Marciano for the reviewing!

Thanks to Hitsugaya's GreenEyes for beta-reading.

Chapter 25: Lovers

"I think that I've gotten a lot stronger!" Masami declared almost arrogantly.

"You have." Yamamoto laughed and patted her head. She could feel her insides warm at the small gesture. Up until now, he had seemed almost distant. She had confronted him before, but had never found out the answer why. Yamamoto and his surprisingly good avoiding skills had been too much for her.

Oh, well! she thought as the man continued to pat her head. It was a gesture that would have annoyed her any other time.

"Maybe the size of this," Bel admitted while holding the pad of his thumb and index together until there was space the size of the head of a pin between them.

"You're still weak," Squalo added. "Which means you were shitty weak before."

Hmph. Masami felt an angry tic in her jaw. She forced herself to calm down. This was supposed to be a fairly happy time. Yamamoto and herself were leaving for Namimori because of something 'that was really important', as Yamamoto had told her and it had only been enforced by the pleading look on his face for her to come with him.

"Anyway, since I may not see you guys again," Masami began. She stepped forward and smiled warmly before bowing. "I want to thank you for the help, Bel and Squalo."



She was starting to sweat. Why weren't they answering?

"Tch," Bel scoffed before turning back to the luxurious base.

"Don't die," Squalo grumbled.

"Come on, guys," Yamamoto piped in. "I know you don't want to seem like you care, but something more heartfelt would be appropriate, ne?"

Bel stiffened for a single, definite moment, but he didn't answer. Just kept on walking...

Squalo pinned the other swordsman with a hate-filled glare. "You go die."

Masami's mouth opened into a small 'o' before she felt herself laughing at their response.


"Oh, Namimori, how I missed you," Masami sang out cheerily when they had stepped out of the taxi near an alleyway in a nondescript neighbourhood. The driver had been looking at them strangely because of the sunglasses and caps they were wearing while it was night, but it couldn't be helped.

The eyes of the Millefiore were everywhere.

"Let's go," Yamamoto said. He took off his sunglasses and smiled at the girl with him. Despite the seriousness of the situation, she smiled back. As beautiful as what little of Italy she had seen while at the base and going to the airport, she was still giddy that she was back home.

She blinked, but not because the man with her was using his flames to open an invisible passage in the ground of the alley.

When had she started thinking of Namimori as 'home'?

"Come on, Masami," Yamamoto's voice coaxed. "I'll catch you." He had already jumped down into the hole, while she stood there staring dumbly.

"O-oh. Coming!" It was insanely bright in the hole. Masami squinted. She could see the dark outline of arms outstretched to catch her. His outline looked kind of small from here. Maybe she could use the ladder instead...

"Hurry up, idiot!" a squeaky voice exclaimed.

...Ah. That voice. It was nostalgic to hear it. It felt like she hadn't heard it for a long, long time.

Shutting her eyes and wishing for the best, Masami jumped. In hindsight, maybe she shouldn't have closed her eyes while jumping into a hole in a ground, but as per Yamamoto's promise, he caught her. She silently thanked him with a smile and stood up by herself as he let her go. Masami's eyes were only on the small baby smiling up at her.

Her voice cracked as she uttered a soft, "Reborn..."

Reborn's smile widened.

"Welcome to the Vongola family's underground base, Masami."

Yamamoto had gone out after the Vongola's head engineer, Giannini, had whispered with him and Reborn, who was clad in a ridiculous costume that supposedly protected him from anti-Trinisette waves in the air that were like poison to him. She had suspected he just liked wearing silly outfits. Masami had been purposely left out after Reborn used his favourite threat of shooting her if she tried to eavesdrop. So she had just stood there while Yamamoto speedily left the base with a concerned frown.

"...Reborn-san." She stopped walking. Reborn, who had been touring her around the base, turned. A questioning glance was all she needed as permission to voice her question.

"If you're here ten years into the future, then..." She had been thinking about this ever since they started the tour. "Does that mean the others are here too?"

"No... Not yet, at least," he admitted. "Oh, and it isn't ten years into the future, but exactly nine years and ten months as of now."

"Nine years and ten months..."

First, she had been sent two months before and then Reborn was sent? It didn't make sense. And on top of that, they weren't sent exactly ten years, but just two months short of that... Either the bazooka was malfunctioning badly or there was something else going on. Suppose that everyone was being sent now, then it would make sense that there was something going on. Well, except for the out-of-place fact that she had been sent much earlier than everyone else.

If she hadn't been sent two months earlier, then Masami would be thinking that there was some kind of conspiracy taking place.

Ugh, her head was hurting again.

"You think something's going on too."

Masami looked down to see Reborn staring at her seriously. She hesitantly nodded and a smirk appeared. Without a word, he leapt up to an astounding height onto her shoulder and tugged her hair. Not extremely hard, but almost playfully, like he was playing with a doll.

I mean an action figure, she thought dryly. There would be a snowball's chance in hell before she saw Reborn playing with a doll. The most "playing" she had seen him do was with Leon (who actually resembled a plushie rather than a doll or action figure). And that was only when he was threatening/harming his student.

"Don't tell the others. At least until it's been confirmed and we know everything."

"It is like you're already expecting them, Reborn-san... Is that why Yamamoto left?"

"I am... Just call it a feeling." He shook his head. "No, he's picking up an agent from an organization called the CEDEF that's helping the Vongola with the fight right now."

They had stopped in front of a high-tech looking...portal? It looked like the type of things from a sci-fi movie that people had to use an eye scanner, a hand scanner and a thumbprint scanner to deactivate. Beyond, she could see traditional Japanese decorum and shoji panels that substituted for walls.

"This is the end of the tour," Reborn declared.

"Huh?" Masami pointed to the hallway that was obviously there. "What about here?"

"Oh." He sounded as if he just remembered said hallway was there. "That's not really part of the Vongola base, but I suppose we should go in there since you'll be staying there if my gut feeling is right." He hopped off her shoulder and pulled out a walkie-talkie from... Well, she had no idea where it came from the skin-tight suit he was wearing.

"Hey, Giannini," he spoke into the radio. "Could you turn off the security on one of the entrances?" A pause. "Yeah, that one. No, I'm sure he won't be mad." Masami heard frantic shouting from the walkie-talkie, but couldn't make out the words. Who was this 'him' that would make Giannini scared? Not that the engineer seemed like the bravest person in the world, but still. She cringed when she saw Reborn's temperament darken.

"Just deactivate it."

The hazy green that had been blinding her immediately disappeared.

"...You're good at this threatening thing..." Masami said. She felt a little sorry for Giannini on being the receiving end of that.

"Of course. I am the greatest hitman in the world." He tipped his hat to hide his pleased smile.

He led her down the halls with a nonchalant air about him, despite the creepy atmosphere. Masami shivered. It wasn't only starting to get cold and dark, but it felt like this place hadn't been used in a long time. The air around her felt stale.

It felt abandoned.

"Here we are." He had led her to a room. She coughed as dust entered her mouth. And like the rest of this side of the base, she could obviously tell that this room hadn't been used for a while either.

"Where are we?" Masami asked as she groped around the walls for a light switch. Being Reborn, he found the switch before stubbing his toe on a stupid set of drawers. Her eyes squeezed shut as the lights flickered open. She rubbed her eyes and stood up, purposely putting her weight off her sore toe.

"Your new bedroom."

"Hm." She swiped a finger on the drawers near her. Other than plethora of dust, it was a nice bedroom. It was simple, which she liked. There was a queen size bed at the corner and straight across from it was a bathroom. A desk was beside the bathroom and there were a set of drawers and a closet. On a whim, she silently pulled open one of the drawers.



Masami pulled out a black, silk kimono and took a closer look at it. Upon inspecting it closer to confirm what she was suspecting, she dropped the clothing like it could give her the black plague.

"W-why are t-there m-m-m-" This was supposed to be her room?

"Spit it out."

"...men's clothes!" she croaked out. Why were there men's clothes in a room that Reborn said was hers?

"Weeell," he spoke slowly just to make sure she understood. Masami seemed kind of slow right now. Slower than Tsuna from the way her mouth was opening and closing as she tried to get more words out.

"When a man and a woman really like each other and do a few things with each other, they decide to live together." He shrugged. "That's just the way it goes, I suppose." Was she really naive enough to think that she wouldn't have a relationship with anyone by now? Or to be specific, Hibari. He had no idea how long it took, but the Cloud Guardian had finally gotten her. That was what he heard from the older Gokudera, anyway, when the silver-haired man had been briefing him.

"Don't patronise me," Masami quipped sharply before closing the drawers roughly. Denial was written all over her face, despite what he had just told her. Reborn sighed heavily as she went into the bathroom to see what it looked like.

Hibari must have been really determined to get her.

Masami flopped on the soft bed.

She had been left alone earlier by Reborn after Giannini had contacted him with the walkie-talkie. She had wanted to go with him when she saw him frantic. Well, as frantic as he could get. Reborn briskly gave her instructions to acquaint her with this area of the base and left before she could get a word in edge-wise.

Masami frowned.

He had also known she would try to follow him and had gotten Giannini to activate the force field again before she could get out.

Masami sat up to admire her handiwork. She had cleaned the room after exploring the rest of the creepy place. Not that the room was particularly dirty. Everything was in its proper place and there wasn't anything like mold growing in the bathroom. It was just that there was so much dust in here that she had a compelling urge to clean it, to freshen up the sad room a bit.

Masami snuggled into the sheets. After she had aired them out in the hall, they were officially dust-free and comfortable to lie in.

Now that she had nothing to do, her mind wandered to what lay in the drawers of the room. She shivered and tucked her underneath the sheets, but she still felt a chill. Like Reborn had said, she couldn't deny that she had... a close relationship with a man because along with the dark kimonos in the drawers and expensive suits hanging in the closet were well-made but plain women's' kimonos and flowing skirts and dresses that she would love if she had the opportunity to buy them.

Masami's eyes fluttered to a close. Between the jet lag, worrying about how the main headquarters had been destroyed (she had heard from Yamamoto), Tsuna's funeral that was only just taking place in three days because that was the only time that most of the Guardians could make it and having a familiar face from ten years before greet her, she was just plain tired.

No, she couldn't deny that she was in an intimate relationship with a man.

Masami's breaths slowed as she fell asleep.

But until someone shoved it right into her face, she could deny that she was in an intimate relationship with a certain young man with striking but beautiful silvery-blue eyes and dark raven hair.

As per his orders, Kusakabe didn't go into his room, but Hibari stiffened anyway. Unlike the rest of his side of the base, the room didn't feel empty. He searched around the room until his attention landed on the bed to a lump underneath the covers. A sound of disgruntlement escaped him when he saw her under the covers. No wonder the baby hadn't told him where she was.

Murderous wasn't enough of a word to describe how he felt right now.

Hibari frowned. She really was defenseless. Until barely an hour ago, this whole area had none of its security activated. She could have been kidnapped and no one would have realized. He watched her continue to sleep, dead to the chaos that was happening on the other side of the base. She looked like a small doll... His hands clenched into tights fists as he shook his mind free of any wayward thoughts.

He shouldn't be seeing her.

"Mmm..." she moaned out, pulling Hibari from his thoughts. He was caught off-guard and watched as her eyes opened. There was a five second lapse before she focused on him.


Masami sat up and rubbed her eyes, just in case the darn things were deceiving her. But no. There was the ten years later Hibari right in the flesh looking down at her with an unfathomable expression. She bit her lip. She really couldn't deny it anymore, could she? Not when Hibari Kyoya was right in front of her while she had been sleeping in a bedroom meant for two.

Still, it was awkward, but Masami was kind of impressed she was calm instead of freaking out. She hadn't expected herself to fall in love with Hibari of all people.

Maybe you're not freaking out because you aren't actually all that surprised, her subconscious said.

Oh, be quiet, you.

Masami tried to work up a smile, no matter how awkward, but he turned before she could do so.

"Go back to the other side of the base," he said with his back turned. He was making his way out of the room.

Her eyes widened. He was... he was kicking her out?

"Hibari!" Masami kicked off the sheets and practically sprinted to him. She pulled on his arm to stop him from leaving. He did stop, but she didn't expect him to flip her around and slam her into the short drawers near them. Her back arched awkwardly as he pushed her down until she was half-lying on the surface of the drawers. She gasped as the vice-grip around her forearms tightened. But the harsh glare directed at her made her stop breathing.

"Go. Back."


"I'm..." Masami looked away shyly. Ugh, she was about to say some really embarrassing things. "I'm immature in a lot of ways, but I'm not immature enough not to see what's right in front of me. Seeing as how we're very likely to be together and you're ordering me away must mean..." His grip loosened, maybe unconsciously. She didn't know.

"...there must be a reason you're pushing me away, right?"

Hibari didn't say a word, merely stared at her and she couldn't read him at all. It was five minutes in that she lost her nerve and was about to open her mouth to take back was she said. Then he smirked in an appreciative way that made her heart skip a beat.

And then he kissed her.

Everything —her body, her brain, her blood— froze as she felt his pliable lips kiss her hungrily. His tongue swept over her full, bottom lip, while he pressed up closer to her, until she could feel his hard chest against her soft torso. Her brain, previously mush, was now going haywire. They —well, she— had been talking and then she had accused him of something and then... And then what? Him biting the flesh of her bottom lip was distracting. Whether it was a good or bad distraction was up for debate. It wasn't painful, but... would it be strange to call the action sensual? She unconsciously let out a moan as she felt his hand go under her shirt to land on the smooth expanse of the small of her back, while his other hand had twisted into her long hair to prevent her from moving away. Her eyes fluttered close as she felt his tongue enter her mouth to do... she could feel her skin grow hot as he did interesting things with his tongue. Her only other kiss —ironically with the same man— hadn't been anything like this.

And just as suddenly as he initiated the kiss, he stopped and pulled away.

Masami's limbs felt like they had been turned to jelly. She fell to the ground, panting hard.

She was reacquainting herself to the fact that Hibari Kyoya didn't do things half-assed in anything. That much was being proven by how her lips were tingling from that passionate... action. She couldn't even make herself say the words in her head...

"I changed my mind," he said in monotone. Masami knew she should look up, but she couldn't. Much too embarrassing. But if she had, she would have seen the possessive way Hibari was looking down at her small frame.

She felt her face heat up with a blush as she felt her chin being lifted up by long, callused fingers.

"If you can handle that small display of my affections..." He ignored her small squeak of, "T-that was small?"

"...Then you can stay."

He smirked and Masami was brought back to what had happened a few moments ago. If that was small, then what would his other 'displays of affection' be like? She had... she had moaned too and had just let him do... do that.

She bit her bruised lips. He was waiting for an answer, but she could tell he wasn't pressuring her to say, 'yes'. How unexpectedly kind of him... Her mind was screaming at her to leave while she still had the chance, but then she looked into his eyes. She saw something in them that had made her stop him from leaving the room in the first place. She placed her hand against his cheek.

It felt cold.

Against her better judgment, she pulled herself up to look at him straight in the eye before whispering a small, "I'll stay."

And at the same time this was occurring, a certain busybody baby was asking a question that needed to be answered.

"Why did Hibari want Masami here?"

Kusakabe cringed at the incredibly awkward question. The Arcobaleno, Reborn, was staring up at him inquisitively. The man shifted uncomfortably. He hadn't expected the Arcobaleno to just walk all the way to Hibari's side of the base to find him and ask. He sighed inwardly at that thought. No, maybe he should have. Reborn could be incredibly nosy at times.

"He wanted to keep her close to keep her safe," Kusakabe finally answered. At least, that's what he was thinking. Who knows what went on in the mind of the chairman when it came to Masami.

"Hmm... you would think that he wouldn't want to see her after what happened. Or to be more accurate, would force himself not to see her..." he trailed off at Kusakabe's horrified face. "Yes, yes. I know what happened. The Gokudera from this time told me the general idea of what happened." Reborn smirked. "Which is why I left Masami in Hibari's room."

"Hm, I suppose Gokudera-san would know a bit of what happ-You did WHAT?"

Reborn, bored now, proceeded to walk back to the other side of the base.

"Reborn-san, please wait a moment!" Kusakabe exclaimed. "Why would you do something like that?"

"Eeh..." The baby shrugged. "I was bored. Had nothing to do. Whether he can resist the allure of Masami in his bed or not is interesting to find out. I think they're talking right now, right?" Kusakabe's frown was enough of an answer.

"...Why are you making it sound so... so... suggestive?" If he was following their conversation right, weren't they talking about Masami staying with his boss?

"What ever could you be talking about?" Reborn smiled. "I'm just an innocent baby that has no filthy innuendos in my innocent mind. I don't know about you though."

...Kusakabe looked incredibly pained, but did not say a word. There was no point in talking back to the Arcobaleno when it came to stuff like this.

Masami meekly followed Hibari to where he had been going to before she had grabbed him. He was going to be Tsuna's tutor. She laughed inwardly at the thought. When the word, 'tutor', came to her mind, she thought of a kind, understanding teacher that would gently guide their student to better themselves. But now that she thought of it... Reborn was none of those and still got the job done with Tsuna. With that logic, she guessed that meant that Hibari could be an incredibly awesome tutor.

Yeah. Right. They would see once this session went underway.

...Masami knew that all this gibberish in her head was just to distract her from something she did not want to think about. She gazed at Hibari's back with worry. Although she wouldn't admit it to anyone even under the threat of torture, she had wanted to stay with him. Perhaps what she saw in his eyes was what had convinced her. It was an emotion that just didn't suit Hibari at all that she could have imagined it for all she knew.


A/N: Thanks for reading and please review to tell me what you thought.

Does Squalo like Masami?
Nada on that LOL. It may have seemed like that in the old version of chapter 24, but I revised it. Hopefully, that means it doesn't look like that anymore. xD

In the sequel, would you continue from the manga or would it have its own plot?
If I did do a sequel, it would most likely have its own plot! I can't be too sure though, haha.

Has Possession ended?
It is a no on that. I was just asking if anyone wanted a sequel waaay ahead of time. (;